* @param object data
addObject: function(data) {
- var $listItem = $('<li><img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.user' + ((data.type == 'group') ? 's' : '')) + '" alt="" class="icon16" /> <span>' + data.label + '</span></li>').appendTo(this._containerElements.aclList);
- $listItem.data('objectID', data.objectID).data('type', data.type).click($.proxy(this._click, this));
- $('<img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.delete') + '" alt="" title="' + WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.button.delete') + '" class="icon16 jsTooltip" />').click($.proxy(this._removeItem, this)).appendTo($listItem);
+ var $listItem = this._createListItem(data.objectID, data.label, data.type);
// toggle element
+ /**
+ * Creates a list item with the given data and returns it.
+ *
+ * @param integer objectID
+ * @param string label
+ * @param string type
+ * @return jQuery
+ */
+ _createListItem: function(objectID, label, type) {
+ var $listItem = $('<li><img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.user' + ((type == 'group') ? 's' : '')) + '" alt="" class="icon16" /> <span>' + label + '</span></li>').appendTo(this._containerElements.aclList);
+ $listItem.data('objectID', objectID).data('type', type).click($.proxy(this._click, this));
+ $('<img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.delete') + '" alt="" title="' + WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.button.delete') + '" class="icon16 jsTooltip" />').click($.proxy(this._removeItem, this)).appendTo($listItem);
+ return $listItem;
+ },
* Removes an item from list.
// add list items
for (var $typeID in data.returnValues[type].label) {
- var $listItem = $('<li><img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.user' + ((data.type == 'group') ? 's' : '')) + '" alt="" class="icon16" /> <span>' + data.returnValues[type].label[$typeID] + '</span></li>').appendTo(this._containerElements.aclList);
- $listItem.data('objectID', $typeID).data('type', type).click($.proxy(this._click, this));
- $('<img src="' + WCF.Icon.get('wcf.icon.delete') + '" alt="" title="' + WCF.Language.get('wcf.global.button.delete') + '" class="icon16 jsTooltip" />').click($.proxy(this._removeItem, this)).appendTo($listItem);
+ this._createListItem($typeID, data.returnValues[type].label[$typeID], type);