-"use strict";
* Simple API to store and invoke multiple callbacks per identifier.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/CallbackList
define(['Dictionary'], function(Dictionary) {
+ "use strict";
* @constructor
return CallbackList;
\ No newline at end of file
-"use strict";
* Provides the basic core functionality.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/Core
define(['jQuery'], function($) {
+ "use strict";
* @constructor
-"use strict";
* Provides helper functions to traverse the DOM.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/DOM/Traverse
define(['DOM/Util'], function(DOMUtil) {
+ "use strict";
/** @const */ var NONE = 0;
/** @const */ var SELECTOR = 1;
/** @const */ var CLASS_NAME = 2;
return new DOMTraverse();
\ No newline at end of file
-"use strict";
* Provides helper functions to work with DOM nodes.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/DOM/Util
define(function() {
+ "use strict";
var _matchesSelectorFunction = '';
var _possibleFunctions = ['matches', 'webkitMatchesSelector', 'mozMatchesSelector', 'msMatchesSelector'];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-"use strict";
* Transforms <time> elements to display the elapsed time relative to the current time.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/Date/Time/Relative
define(function() {
+ "use strict";
var _elements = null;
var _offset = null;
-"use strict";
* Dictionary implemention relying on an object or if supported on a Map to hold key => value data.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/Dictionary
define(function() {
+ "use strict";
var _hasMap = window.hasOwnProperty('Map');
return Dictionary;
\ No newline at end of file
-"use strict";
* Versatile event system similar to the WCF-PHP counter part.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/Event/Handler
define(['Dictionary'], function(Dictionary) {
+ "use strict";
var _listeners = new Dictionary();
return new EventHandler();
\ No newline at end of file
-"use strict";
* Utility class to align elements relatively to another.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/UI/Alignment
define(['Core', 'DOM/Util'], function(Core, DOMUtil) {
+ "use strict";
* @constructor
-"use strict";
* Simple Dropdown
[ 'CallbackList', 'Dictionary', 'UI/Alignment', 'DOM/Traverse', 'DOM/Util'],
function(CallbackList, Dictionary, uiAlignment, DOMTraverse, DOMUtil)
+ "use strict";
var _availableDropdowns = null;
var _callbacks = null;
var _dropdowns = null;
return new SimpleDropdown();
\ No newline at end of file
-"use strict";
* Modifies the interface to provide a better usability for mobile devices.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/UI/Mobile
define(['jQuery', 'enquire', 'DOM/Traverse'], function($, enquire, DOMTraverse) {
+ "use strict";
var _buttonGroupNavigations = null;
var _enabled = false;
var _main = null;
-"use strict";
* Common interface for tab menu access.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/UI/TabMenu
define(['Dictionary', 'DOM/Util', './TabMenu/Simple'], function(Dictionary, DOMUtil, SimpleTabMenu) {
+ "use strict";
var _tabMenus = new Dictionary();
-"use strict";
* Simple tab menu implementation with a straight-forward logic.
* @module WoltLab/WCF/UI/TabMenu/Simple
define(['jQuery', 'Dictionary', 'DOM/Util', 'EventHandler'], function($, Dictionary, DOMUtil, EventHandler) {
+ "use strict";
* @param {string} containerId container id
* @param {Element} container container element