--- /dev/null
+; Simple GPIO Interface Manifest
+; Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
+; Copyright 2014 Linaro Ltd.
+; Provided under the three clause BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
+version-major = 0
+version-minor = 1
+vendor-string-id = 1
+product-string-id = 2
+; Interface vendor string (id can't be 0)
+[string-descriptor "1"]
+id = 1
+string = Project Ara
+; Interface product string (id can't be 0)
+[string-descriptor "2"]
+id = 2
+string = Simple SDIO Interface
+; Control cport and bundle are optional.
+; - Control cport's id must be 2 and its bundle number must be 0.
+; - No other bundle or control cport may use these values.
+; - Class and protocol of bundle and cport must be marked as 0x00.
+;Control protocol on CPort 2
+[cport-descriptor "2"]
+bundle = 0
+id = 2
+protocol = 0x00
+;Control protocol Bundle 0
+[bundle-descriptor "0"]
+class = 0
+id = 0
+; GPIO protocol on CPort 1
+[cport-descriptor "1"]
+bundle = 1
+id = 1
+protocol = 0x07
+; Bundle 1
+[bundle-descriptor "1"]
+class = 7
+id = 1