<!-- Convert likes to reactions. -->
<instruction type="script" flushCache="false">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.2_reactionUpdate.php</instruction>
+ <!-- Delete all likeable recent activity events, because they don't have the reactionType stored. -->
+ <instruction type="script" flushCache="false">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.2_deleteRecentActivity.php</instruction>
<instruction type="sql">update_5.2.sql</instruction>
<instruction type="option" />
<instruction type="style" run="standalone">defaultStyle.tar</instruction>
+ <!-- @TODO Add script to delete the likeable recent activities. -->
<instructions type="update" fromversion="5.2.0 Beta 4">
<instruction type="acpTemplate">acptemplates_update.tar</instruction>
<instruction type="file">files_update.tar</instruction>
--- /dev/null
+ * This script deletes all recent activity events for likes. Running this script is necessary after an update to version 5.2,
+ * because with this version the reaction system was introduced and the events there were changed so that they contain the
+ * reaction type, which is not present in previous fired events. Older events will otherwise throw an error.
+ *
+ * @author Joshua Ruesweg
+ * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @package WoltLabSuite\Core
+ */
+$definitionList = new \wcf\data\object\type\definition\ObjectTypeDefinitionList();
+$definitionList->getConditionBuilder()->add('definitionName = ?', ['com.woltlab.wcf.user.recentActivityEvent']);
+$definition = $definitionList->current();
+$recentActivityList = new \wcf\data\user\activity\event\UserActivityEventList();
+$recentActivityList->getConditionBuilder()->add("objectTypeID IN (SELECT objectTypeID FROM wcf". WCF_N ."_object_type WHERE objectType LIKE '%likeable%' AND definitionID = ?)", [$definition->definitionID]);
+if (count($recentActivityList->getObjectIDs())) {
+ \wcf\data\user\activity\event\UserActivityEventEditor::deleteAll($recentActivityList->getObjectIDs());