--- /dev/null
+# Migrating from WoltLab Suite 6.0 - Templates
+### Shared Templates
+Shared templates, applicable both in the frontend and the backend, are now standardized to begin with the
+prefix `shared_`.
+This naming convention enhances clarity and organization within the template system. All templates intended for shared
+use must adhere to this naming convention.
+It is important to note that these shared templates must reside within the template directory in the frontend. Whether
+they are located in the WCF template directory or in your own application's template directory.
+To facilitate migration, below is a table outlining the renaming of templates from their old names to their
+new `shared_` prefixed names:
+| Old Template | New Template |
+| `__wysiwygPreviewFormButton` | `shared_wysiwygPreviewFormButton` |
+| `__formButton` | `shared_formButton` |
+| `__wysiwygSmileyFormContainer` | `shared_wysiwygSmileyFormContainer` |
+| `__wysiwygTabMenuFormContainer` | `shared_wysiwygTabMenuFormContainer` |
+| `__formContainer` | `shared_formContainer` |
+| `__rowFormContainer` | `shared_rowFormContainer` |
+| `__rowFormFieldContainer` | `shared_rowFormFieldContainer` |
+| `__suffixFormFieldContainer` | `shared_suffixFormFieldContainer` |
+| `__tabFormContainer` | `shared_tabFormContainer` |
+| `__tabMenuFormContainer` | `shared_tabMenuFormContainer` |
+| `__tabTabMenuFormContainer` | `shared_tabTabMenuFormContainer` |
+| `__simpleAclFormField` | `shared_simpleAclFormField` |
+| `__aclFormField` | `shared_aclFormField` |
+| `__bbcodeAttributesFormField` | `shared_bbcodeAttributesFormField` |
+| `__emptyFormFieldDependency` | `shared_emptyFormFieldDependency` |
+| `__isNotClickedFormFieldDependency` | `shared_isNotClickedFormFieldDependency` |
+| `__nonEmptyFormFieldDependency` | `shared_nonEmptyFormFieldDependency` |
+| `__valueFormFieldDependency` | `shared_valueFormFieldDependency` |
+| `__valueIntervalFormFieldDependency` | `shared_valueIntervalFormFieldDependency` |
+| `__labelFormField` | `shared_labelFormField` |
+| `__contentLanguageFormField` | `shared_contentLanguageFormField` |
+| `__singleMediaSelectionFormField` | `shared_singleMediaSelectionFormField` |
+| `__pollOptionsFormField` | `shared_pollOptionsFormField` |
+| `__tagFormField` | `shared_tagFormField` |
+| `__userFormField` | `shared_userFormField` |
+| `__usernameFormField` | `shared_usernameFormField` |
+| `__userPasswordFormField` | `shared_userPasswordFormField` |
+| `__formFieldError` | `shared_formFieldError` |
+| `__wysiwygAttachmentFormField` | `shared_wysiwygAttachmentFormField` |
+| `__wysiwygFormField` | `shared_wysiwygFormField` |
+| `__numericFormField` | `shared_numericFormField` |
+| `__booleanFormField` | `shared_booleanFormField` |
+| `__buttonFormField` | `shared_buttonFormField` |
+| `__captchaFormField` | `shared_captchaFormField` |
+| `__checkboxFormField` | `shared_checkboxFormField` |
+| `__colorFormField` | `shared_colorFormField` |
+| `__dateFormField` | `shared_dateFormField` |
+| `__emailFormField` | `shared_emailFormField` |
+| `__hiddenFormField` | `shared_hiddenFormField` |
+| `__iconFormField` | `shared_iconFormField` |
+| `__itemListFormField` | `shared_itemListFormField` |
+| `__multilineTextFormField` | `shared_multilineTextFormField` |
+| `__multipleSelectionFormField` | `shared_multipleSelectionFormField` |
+| `__passwordFormField` | `shared_passwordFormField` |
+| `__radioButtonFormField` | `shared_radioButtonFormField` |
+| `__ratingFormField` | `shared_ratingFormField` |
+| `__selectFormField` | `shared_selectFormField` |
+| `__sourceCodeFormField` | `shared_sourceCodeFormField` |
+| `__uploadFormField` | `shared_uploadFormField` |
+| `__wysiwygSmileyFormNode` | `shared_wysiwygSmileyFormNode` |
+| `__form` | `shared_form` |
+| `__formContainerChildren` | `shared_formContainerChildren` |
+| `__formContainerDependencies` | `shared_formContainerDependencies` |
+| `__formField` | `shared_formField` |
+| `__formFieldDependencies` | `shared_formFieldDependencies` |
+| `__formFieldDescription` | `shared_formFieldDescription` |
+| `__formFieldErrors` | `shared_formFieldErrors` |
+| `__formFieldDataHandler` | `shared_formFieldDataHandler` |
+| `__singleSelectionFormField` | `shared_singleSelectionFormField` |
+| `__mediaSetCategoryDialog` | `shared_mediaSetCategoryDialog` |
+| `__messageQuoteManager` | `shared_messageQuoteManager` |
+| `__topReaction` | `shared_topReaction` |
+| `__wysiwygCmsToolbar` | `shared_wysiwygCmsToolbar` |
+| `aclPermissionJavaScript` | `shared_aclPermissionJavaScript` |
+| `aclSimple` | `shared_aclSimple` |
+| `articleAddDialog` | `shared_articleAddDialog` |
+| `benchmark` | `shared_benchmark` |
+| `booleanOptionType` | `shared_booleanOptionType` |
+| `booleanSearchableOptionType` | `shared_booleanSearchableOptionType` |
+| `captcha` | `shared_captcha` |
+| `categoryOptionList` | `shared_categoryOptionList` |
+| `checkboxesOptionType` | `shared_checkboxesOptionType` |
+| `checkboxesSearchableOptionType` | `shared_checkboxesSearchableOptionType` |
+| `codeMetaCode` | `shared_codeMetaCode` |
+| `codemirror` | `shared_codemirror` |
+| `colorPickerJavaScript` | `shared_colorPickerJavaScript` |
+| `fontAwesomeJavaScript` | `shared_fontAwesomeJavaScript` |
+| `formError` | `shared_formError` |
+| `formNotice` | `shared_formNotice` |
+| `formSuccess` | `shared_formSuccess` |
+| `languageChooser` | `shared_languageChooser` |
+| `lineBreakSeparatedTextOptionType` | `shared_lineBreakSeparatedTextOptionType` |
+| `mediaManager` | `shared_mediaManager` |
+| `messageFormAttachments` | `shared_messageFormAttachments` |
+| `messageTableOfContents` | `shared_messageTableOfContents` |
+| `multipleLanguageInputJavascript` | `shared_multipleLanguageInputJavascript` |
+| `passwordStrengthLanguage` | `shared_passwordStrengthLanguage` |
+| `quoteMetaCode` | `shared_quoteMetaCode` |
+| `radioButtonSearchableOptionType` | `shared_radioButtonSearchableOptionType` |
+| `recaptcha` | `shared_recaptcha` |
+| `scrollablePageCheckboxList` | `shared_scrollablePageCheckboxList` |
+| `sitemapEnd` | `shared_sitemapEnd` |
+| `sitemapEntry` | `shared_sitemapEntry` |
+| `sitemapIndex` | `shared_sitemapIndex` |
+| `sitemapStart` | `shared_sitemapStart` |
+| `trophyImage` | `shared_trophyImage` |
+| `unfurlUrl` | `shared_unfurlUrl` |
+| `uploadFieldComponent` | `shared_uploadFieldComponent` |
+| `userBBCodeTag` | `shared_bbcode_user` |
+| `userConditions` | `shared_userConditions` |
+| `userOptionsCondition` | `shared_userOptionsCondition` |
+| `worker` | `shared_worker` |
+| `wysiwyg` | `shared_wysiwyg` |
+| `groupBBCodeTag` | `shared_bbcode_group` |
+| `__videoAttachmentBBCode` | `shared_bbcode_attach_video` |
+| `__audioAttachmentBBCode` | `shared_bbcode_attach_audio` |
+| `mediaBBCodeTag` | `shared_bbcode_wsm` |
+| `articleBBCodeTag` | `shared_bbcode_wsa` |
+| `__multiPageCondition` | `shared_multiPageCondition` |
+#### Migration
+We provide a helper script that automates the task of updating the template includes. The script will search
+for `{include file='old_template_name'}` and replace it with `{include file='shared_new_template_name'}`.
+The helper script is part of WoltLab Suite Core and can be found in the repository
+at `extra/migrate-shared-template.php`. The script must be executed from CLI and requires PHP 8.1.
+$> php extra/migrate-shared-template.php /path/to/the/target/directory/
+The script will recursively search the specified target directory for files with the `tpl` extension.