* PackageInstallationDispatcher object
- * @var \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher
+ * @var PackageInstallationDispatcher
public $installation = null;
* PackageInstallationQueue object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueue
+ * @var PackageInstallationQueue
public $queue = null;
* worker object
- * @var \wcf\system\worker\IWorker
+ * @var IWorker
protected $worker = null;
* bulk processable object type
- * @var \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @var ObjectType
public $objectType = null;
* edited ad object
- * @var \wcf\data\ad\Ad
+ * @var Ad
public $adObject = null;
* viewable application object
- * @var \wcf\data\application\ViewableApplication
+ * @var ViewableApplication
public $application = null;
* bbcode object
- * @var \wcf\data\bbcode\BBCode
+ * @var BBCode
public $bbcode = null;
* edited media provider object
- * @var \wcf\data\bbcode\media\provider\BBCodeMediaProvider
+ * @var BBCodeMediaProvider
public $mediaProvider = null;
* edited captcha question
- * @var \wcf\data\captcha\question\CaptchaQuestion
+ * @var CaptchaQuestion
public $captchaQuestion = null;
* cronjob object
- * @var \wcf\data\cronjob\Cronjob
+ * @var Cronjob
public $cronjob = null;
* label group list object
- * @var \wcf\data\label\group\LabelGroupList
+ * @var LabelGroupList
public $labelGroupList = null;
* label group object
- * @var \wcf\data\label\group\LabelGroup
+ * @var LabelGroup
public $group = null;
* language object
- * @var \wcf\data\language\Language
+ * @var Language
public $language = null;
* source language object
- * @var \wcf\data\language\Language
+ * @var Language
public $sourceLanguage = null;
* language editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\language\LanguageEditor
+ * @var LanguageEditor
public $language = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* edited notice object
- * @var \wcf\data\notice\Notice
+ * @var Notice
public $notice = null;
class OptionForm extends AbstractOptionListForm {
* category option
- * @var \wcf\data\option\category\OptionCategory
+ * @var OptionCategory
public $category = null;
* package installation/update queue
- * @var \wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueue
+ * @var PackageInstallationQueue
public $queue = null;
* active package update server
- * @var \wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServer
+ * @var PackageUpdateServer
public $updateServer = null;
* Saves i18n values.
- * @param \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription $subscription
- * @param string $columnName
+ * @param PaidSubscription $subscription
+ * @param string $columnName
public function saveI18nValue(PaidSubscription $subscription, $columnName) {
if (!I18nHandler::getInstance()->isPlainValue($columnName)) {
* edited subscription object
- * @var \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription
+ * @var PaidSubscription
public $subscription = null;
* subscription object
- * @var \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription
+ * @var PaidSubscription
public $subscription = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* node tree with available smiley categories
- * @var \wcf\data\category\CategoryNodeTree
+ * @var CategoryNodeTree
public $categoryNodeTree = null;
* smiley object
- * @var \wcf\data\smiley\Smiley
+ * @var Smiley
public $smiley = null;
* style object
- * @var \wcf\data\style\Style
+ * @var Style
public $style = null;
* style object
- * @var \wcf\data\style\Style
+ * @var Style
public $style = null;
* style editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\style\StyleEditor
+ * @var StyleEditor
public $style = null;
* tag object
- * @var \wcf\data\tag\Tag
+ * @var Tag
public $tagObj = null;
* copied template object
- * @var \wcf\data\template\Template
+ * @var Template
public $copiedTemplate = null;
* template object
- * @var \wcf\data\template\Template
+ * @var Template
public $template = null;
* template group object
- * @var \wcf\data\template\group\TemplateGroup
+ * @var TemplateGroup
public $templateGroup = null;
* user editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\UserEditor
+ * @var UserEditor
public $user = null;
* user avatar object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\avatar\UserAvatar
+ * @var UserAvatar
public $userAvatar = null;
class UserGroupAssignmentEditForm extends UserGroupAssignmentAddForm {
* edited automatic user group assignment
- * @var \wcf\data\user\group\assignment\UserGroupAssignment
+ * @var UserGroupAssignment
public $assignment = null;
* user group option object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\group\option\UserGroupOption
+ * @var UserGroupOption
public $userGroupOption = null;
* Validates object options and permissions.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $object
+ * @param DatabaseObject $object
* @return boolean
* @deprecated 3.0
* list of users
- * @var \wcf\data\user\UserList
+ * @var UserList
public $userList = null;
* category object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\option\category\UserOptionCategory
+ * @var UserOptionCategory
public $category = null;
* user option object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\option\UserOption
+ * @var UserOption
public $userOption = null;
* user option handler
- * @var \wcf\system\option\user\UserOptionHandler
+ * @var UserOptionHandler
public $optionHandler = null;
* rank object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\rank\UserRank
+ * @var UserRank
public $rank = null;
* list with searched users
- * @var \wcf\data\user\UserList
+ * @var UserList
public $userList = null;
* session log object
- * @var \wcf\data\acp\session\log\ACPSessionLog
+ * @var ACPSessionLog
public $sessionLog = null;
* list of applications
- * @var \wcf\data\application\ViewableApplicationList
+ * @var ViewableApplicationList
public $applicationList = null;
* package installation dispatcher object
- * @var \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher
+ * @var PackageInstallationDispatcher
public $packageInstallationDispatcher = null;
* package installation queue object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueue
+ * @var PackageInstallationQueue
public $queue = null;
* package object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @var Package
public $package = null;
* active category
- * @var \wcf\data\category\Category
+ * @var Category
public $category = null;
* object action
- * @var \wcf\data\IDatabaseObjectAction
+ * @var IDatabaseObjectAction
protected $objectAction = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* user notification object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\notification\UserNotification
+ * @var UserNotification
public $notification = null;
* notification event
- * @var \wcf\data\user\notification\event\UserNotificationEvent
+ * @var UserNotificationEvent
public $event = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* Creates new database object.
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @return DatabaseObject
public function create() {
return call_user_func([$this->className, 'create'], $this->parameters['data']);
* decorated object
- * @var \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @var DatabaseObject
protected $object = null;
* Returns the decorated object
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @return DatabaseObject
public function getDecoratedObject() {
return $this->object;
* sql conditions
- * @var \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
+ * @var PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
protected $conditionBuilder = null;
* Returns the condition builder object.
- * @return \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
+ * @return PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
public function getConditionBuilder() {
return $this->conditionBuilder;
* Returns an attachment handler object.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $container
+ * @param DatabaseObject $container
public function getAttachmentHandler(DatabaseObject $container);
* Creates a new instance of a database object processor.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $object
+ * @param DatabaseObject $object
public function __construct(DatabaseObject $object);
* Creates a new object.
- * @param array $parameters
- * @return \wcf\data\IStorableObject
+ * @param array $parameters
+ * @return IStorableObject
public static function create(array $parameters = []);
* Updates this object.
- * @param array $parameters
+ * @param array $parameters
public function update(array $parameters = []);
* Updates the counters of this object.
- * @param array $counters
+ * @param array $counters
public function updateCounters(array $counters = []);
* Deletes all objects with the given ids and returns the number of deleted
* objects.
- * @param array $objectIDs
+ * @param array $objectIDs
* @return integer
public static function deleteAll(array $objectIDs = []);
* Returns a list of options by object type id.
* @param integer $objectTypeID
- * @return \wcf\data\acl\option\ACLOptionList
+ * @return ACLOptionList
public static function getOptions($objectTypeID) {
$optionList = new ACLOptionList();
* Reads attributes by assigned bbcode.
- * @param \wcf\data\bbcode\BBCode $bbcode
+ * @param BBCode $bbcode
* @return BBCodeAttribute[]
public static function getAttributesByBBCode(BBCode $bbcode) {
* box controller
- * @var \wcf\system\box\IBoxController
+ * @var IBoxController
protected $controller;
* comment object
- * @var \wcf\data\comment\Comment
+ * @var Comment
public $comment = null;
* Callback for uasort() to sort label groups by show order and (if equal) group id.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $groupA
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $groupB
+ * @param DatabaseObject $groupA
+ * @param DatabaseObject $groupB
* @return integer
public static function sortLabelGroups(DatabaseObject $groupA, DatabaseObject $groupB) {
* instance of LanguageEditor
- * @var \wcf\data\language\LanguageEditor
+ * @var LanguageEditor
private $editor = null;
* language editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\language\LanguageEditor
+ * @var LanguageEditor
protected $languageEditor = null;
* Returns true if the active user can access the given likeable object.
- * @param \wcf\data\like\object\ILikeObject $object
+ * @param ILikeObject $object
* @return boolean
public function checkPermissions(ILikeObject $object);
* like object type provider object
- * @var \wcf\data\like\ILikeObjectTypeProvider
+ * @var ILikeObjectTypeProvider
public $objectTypeProvider = null;
* moderation queue editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueueEditor
+ * @var ModerationQueueEditor
public $moderationQueueEditor = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* moderation queue editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueueEditor
+ * @var ModerationQueueEditor
public $queue = null;
* moderation queue editor object
- * @var \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueueEditor
+ * @var ModerationQueueEditor
public $queue = null;
* Returns an object by its ID.
* @param integer $objectID
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @return DatabaseObject
public function getObjectByID($objectID);
* object type definition exists.
* @param integer $definitionID
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\definition\ObjectTypeDefinition
+ * @return ObjectTypeDefinition
public function getDefinition($definitionID) {
if (isset($this->definitions[$definitionID])) {
* such object type definition exists.
* @param string $definitionName
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\definition\ObjectTypeDefinition
+ * @return ObjectTypeDefinition
public function getDefinitionByName($definitionName) {
if (isset($this->definitionsByName[$definitionName])) {
* exists.
* @param integer $objectTypeID
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @return ObjectType
public function getObjectType($objectTypeID) {
if (isset($this->objectTypes[$objectTypeID])) {
* @param string $definitionName
* @param string $objectTypeName
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @return ObjectType
public function getObjectTypeByName($definitionName, $objectTypeName) {
if (isset($this->groupedObjectTypes[$definitionName]) && isset($this->groupedObjectTypes[$definitionName][$objectTypeName])) {
* Returns a specific package.
* @param integer $packageID
- * @return \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @return Package
public function getPackage($packageID) {
if (isset($this->packages['packages'][$packageID])) {
* Returns a specific package.
* @param string $package
- * @return \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @return Package
public function getPackageByIdentifier($package) {
$packageID = $this->getPackageID($package);
* queue of the canceled installation
- * @var \wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueueEditor
+ * @var PackageInstallationQueueEditor
protected $queue = null;
* package the prepared queue belongs to
- * @var \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @var Package
protected $package = null;
* search object
- * @var \wcf\data\search\Search
+ * @var Search
protected $search = null;
class PaidSubscriptionTransactionLog extends DatabaseObject {
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
protected $user = null;
* paid subscription object
- * @var \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription
+ * @var PaidSubscription
protected $subscription = null;
* Returns the user of this transaction.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @return User
public function getUser() {
if ($this->user === null) {
* Returns the paid subscription of this transaction.
- * @return \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription
+ * @return PaidSubscription
public function getSubscription() {
if ($this->subscription === null) {
class PaidSubscriptionUser extends DatabaseObject {
* paid subscription object
- * @var \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription
+ * @var PaidSubscription
protected $subscription = null;
* Sets the paid subscription object.
- * @param \wcf\data\paid\subscription\PaidSubscription $subscription
+ * @param PaidSubscription $subscription
public function setSubscription(PaidSubscription $subscription) {
$this->subscription = $subscription;
* related object
- * @var \wcf\data\IPollObject
+ * @var IPollObject
protected $relatedObject = null;
* Sets related object for this poll.
- * @param \wcf\data\IPollObject $object
+ * @param IPollObject $object
public function setRelatedObject(IPollObject $object) {
$this->relatedObject = $object;
* Returns related object.
- * @return \wcf\data\IPollObject
+ * @return IPollObject
public function getRelatedObject() {
return $this->relatedObject;
* poll object
- * @var \wcf\data\poll\Poll
+ * @var Poll
protected $poll = null;
* Returns relative amount of votes for this option.
- * @param \wcf\data\poll\Poll
+ * @param Poll
* @return integer
public function getRelativeVotes(Poll $poll) {
* active smiley category
- * @var \wcf\data\smiley\category\SmileyCategory
+ * @var SmileyCategory
public $smileyCategory = null;
* tag for which other tags will be used as synonyms
- * @var \wcf\data\tag\TagEditor
+ * @var TagEditor
public $tagEditor = null;
* Returns the user option handler object.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
- * @param boolean $editMode
- * @return \wcf\system\option\user\UserOptionHandler
+ * @param User $user
+ * @param boolean $editMode
+ * @return UserOptionHandler
protected function getOptionHandler(User $user, $editMode = true) {
$optionHandler = new UserOptionHandler(false, '', 'profile');
class UserAvatarAction extends AbstractDatabaseObjectAction {
* currently edited avatar
- * @var \wcf\data\user\avatar\UserAvatarEditor
+ * @var UserAvatarEditor
public $avatar = null;
* @param integer $userID
* @param integer $followUserID
- * @return \wcf\data\user\follow\UserFollow
+ * @return UserFollow
public static function getFollow($userID, $followUserID) {
$sql = "SELECT followID
* editor object for the copied user group
- * @var \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroupEditor
+ * @var UserGroupEditor
public $groupEditor = null;
* Returns the user group the automatic assignment belongs to.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup
+ * @return UserGroup
public function getUserGroup() {
return UserGroup::getGroupByID($this->groupID);
* Returns a UserIgnore object for given ignored user id.
* @param integer $ignoreUserID
- * @return \wcf\data\user\ignore\UserIgnore
+ * @return UserIgnore
public static function getIgnore($ignoreUserID) {
$sql = "SELECT *
* @param integer $packageID
* @param integer $eventID
* @param integer $objectID
- * @return \wcf\data\user\notification\UserNotification
+ * @return UserNotification
public static function getNotification($packageID, $eventID, $objectID) {
$sql = "SELECT *
* @param integer $objectTypeID
* @param integer $userID
* @param integer $objectID
- * @return \wcf\data\user\object\watch\UserObjectWatch
+ * @return UserObjectWatch
public static function getUserObjectWatch($objectTypeID, $userID, $objectID) {
$sql = "SELECT *
* user object watch object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\object\watch\UserObjectWatch
+ * @var UserObjectWatch
protected $userObjectWatch = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* Sets target user object.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
+ * @param User $user
public function setUser(User $user) {
$this->user = $user;
* Returns an instance of UserOptionCategory by name.
* @param string $categoryName
- * @return \wcf\data\user\option\category\UserOptionCategory
+ * @return UserOptionCategory
public static function getCategoryByName($categoryName) {
$sql = "SELECT *
* menu item
- * @var \wcf\data\user\profile\menu\item\UserProfileMenuItem
+ * @var UserProfileMenuItem
protected $menuItem = null;
* User object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user;
* User object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user;
* User object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* user option handler
- * @var \wcf\system\option\user\UserOptionHandler
+ * @var UserOptionHandler
public $optionHandler = null;
* attachment object
- * @var \wcf\data\attachment\Attachment
+ * @var Attachment
public $attachment = null;
* file reader object
- * @var \wcf\util\FileReader
+ * @var FileReader
public $fileReader = null;
* user search
- * @var \wcf\data\search\Search
+ * @var Search
public $search = null;
* DatabaseObjectList object
- * @var \wcf\data\DatabaseObjectList
+ * @var DatabaseObjectList
public $objectList = null;
* list of user subscriptions
- * @var \wcf\data\paid\subscription\user\PaidSubscriptionUserList
+ * @var PaidSubscriptionUserList
public $userSubscriptionList = [];
* search object
- * @var \wcf\data\search\Search
+ * @var Search
public $search = null;
* tag object
- * @var \wcf\data\tag\Tag
+ * @var Tag
public $tag = null;
* object type object
- * @var \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @var ObjectType
public $objectType = null;
* tag cloud
- * @var \wcf\system\tagging\TypedTagCloud
+ * @var TypedTagCloud
public $tagCloud = null;
* follower list
- * @var \wcf\data\user\follow\UserFollowerList
+ * @var UserFollowerList
public $followerList;
* following list
- * @var \wcf\data\user\follow\UserFollowingList
+ * @var UserFollowingList
public $followingList;
* visitor list
- * @var \wcf\data\user\profile\visitor\UserProfileVisitorList
+ * @var UserProfileVisitorList
public $visitorList;
class CLIWCF extends WCF {
* instance of ConsoleReader
- * @var \phpline\console\ConsoleReader
+ * @var ConsoleReader
protected static $consoleReader = null;
* Returns ConsoleReader.
- * @return \phpline\console\ConsoleReader
+ * @return ConsoleReader
public static function getReader() {
return self::$consoleReader;
* database object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\Database
+ * @var MySQLDatabase
protected static $dbObj = null;
* session object
- * @var \wcf\system\session\SessionHandler
+ * @var SessionHandler
protected static $sessionObj = null;
* template object
- * @var \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine
+ * @var TemplateEngine
protected static $tplObj = null;
* Returns the session object.
- * @return \wcf\system\session\SessionHandler
+ * @return SessionHandler
public static final function getSession() {
return self::$sessionObj;
* Returns the template object.
- * @return \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine
+ * @return TemplateEngine
public static final function getTPL() {
return self::$tplObj;
* Returns the corresponding application object. Does not support the 'wcf' pseudo application.
- * @param \wcf\data\application\Application $application
- * @return \wcf\system\application\IApplication
+ * @param Application $application
+ * @return IApplication
public static function getApplicationObject(Application $application) {
if (isset(self::$applicationObjects[$application->packageID])) {
* Returns style handler.
- * @return \wcf\system\style\StyleHandler
+ * @return StyleHandler
public function getStyleHandler() {
return StyleHandler::getInstance();
* Replaces values for given type and object.
- * @param \wcf\data\acl\option\ACLOptionList $optionList
- * @param string $type
- * @param integer $objectID
+ * @param ACLOptionList $optionList
+ * @param string $type
+ * @param integer $objectID
protected function replaceValues(ACLOptionList $optionList, $type, $objectID) {
$options = $optionList->getObjects();
* Fetches ACL option values by type.
- * @param \wcf\data\acl\option\ACLOptionList $optionList
- * @param string $type
- * @param array $objectIDs
- * @param array $data
- * @param boolean $settingsView
+ * @param ACLOptionList $optionList
+ * @param string $type
+ * @param array $objectIDs
+ * @param array $data
+ * @param boolean $settingsView
protected function getValues(ACLOptionList $optionList, $type, array $objectIDs, array &$data, $settingsView) {
$data[$type] = [];
* @param integer $objectTypeID
* @param string $categoryName
- * @return \wcf\data\acl\option\ACLOptionList
+ * @return ACLOptionList
public function getOptions($objectTypeID, $categoryName = '') {
$optionList = new ACLOptionList();
* Removes ACL values from database.
- * @param integer $objectTypeID
- * @param integer[] $objectIDs
- * @param \wcf\data\acl\option\category\ACLOptionCategory $category
+ * @param integer $objectTypeID
+ * @param integer[] $objectIDs
+ * @param ACLOptionCategory $category
public function removeValues($objectTypeID, array $objectIDs, ACLOptionCategory $category = null) {
$optionList = $this->getOptions($objectTypeID, $category);
* object type
- * @var \wcf\system\attachment\IAttachmentObjectType
+ * @var IAttachmentObjectType
protected $processor = null;
* list of attachments
- * @var \wcf\data\attachment\AttachmentList
+ * @var AttachmentList
protected $attachmentList = null;
* Returns a list of attachments.
- * @return \wcf\data\attachment\AttachmentList
+ * @return AttachmentList
public function getAttachmentList() {
if ($this->attachmentList === null) {
* Returns the object type processor.
- * @return \wcf\system\attachment\IAttachmentObjectType
+ * @return IAttachmentObjectType
public function getProcessor() {
return $this->processor;
* don't want to miss the automated error handling mechanism of the
* queue.
- * @param \wcf\system\background\job\AbstractBackgroundJob $job The job to perform.
+ * @param AbstractBackgroundJob $job The job to perform.
public function performJob(AbstractBackgroundJob $job) {
$user = WCF::getUser();
class EmailDeliveryBackgroundJob extends AbstractBackgroundJob {
* email to send
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Email
+ * @var Email
protected $email;
* sender mailbox
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @var Mailbox
protected $envelopeFrom;
* recipient mailbox
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @var Mailbox
protected $envelopeTo;
* Creates the job using the given the email and the destination mailbox.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Email $email
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeFrom
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeTo
+ * @param Email $email
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeFrom
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeTo
* @see \wcf\system\email\transport\EmailTransport
public function __construct(Email $email, Mailbox $envelopeFrom, Mailbox $envelopeTo) {
class AttachmentBBCode extends AbstractBBCode {
* list of attachments
- * @var \wcf\data\attachment\GroupedAttachmentList
+ * @var GroupedAttachmentList
* @deprecated
protected static $attachmentList = null;
* Sets the attachment list.
- * @param \wcf\data\attachment\GroupedAttachmentList $attachmentList
+ * @param GroupedAttachmentList $attachmentList
* @deprecated
public static function setAttachmentList(GroupedAttachmentList $attachmentList) {
* Returns the parsed bbcode tag.
- * @param array $openingTag
- * @param string $content
- * @param array $closingTag
- * @param \wcf\system\bbcode\BBCodeParser $parser
+ * @param array $openingTag
+ * @param string $content
+ * @param array $closingTag
+ * @param BBCodeParser $parser
* @return string
public function getParsedTag(array $openingTag, $content, array $closingTag, BBCodeParser $parser);
* regular expression to extract comments
- * @var \wcf\system\Regex
+ * @var Regex
public $cacheCommentsRegEx = null;
* regular expression to find quote marks
- * @var \wcf\system\Regex
+ * @var Regex
public $quotesRegEx = null;
* Returns a Breadcrumb object.
- * @return \wcf\system\breadcrumb\Breadcrumb
+ * @return Breadcrumb
public function getBreadcrumb();
* Executes the bulk processing action on all objects in the given object
* list.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObjectList $objectList
+ * @param DatabaseObjectList $objectList
public function executeAction(DatabaseObjectList $objectList);
* Returns an object list which will be populated with conditions to read
* the processed objects.
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObjectList
+ * @return DatabaseObjectList
public function getObjectList();
* Execute the action for the given user.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\UserEditor $user
+ * @param UserEditor $user
abstract protected function executeUserAction(UserEditor $user);
* Flush cache for given resource.
- * @param \wcf\system\cache\builder\ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
- * @param array $parameters
+ * @param ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
+ * @param array $parameters
public function flush(ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder, array $parameters) {
$this->getCacheSource()->flush($this->getCacheName($cacheBuilder, $parameters), empty($parameters));
* Returns cached value for given resource, false if no cache exists.
- * @param \wcf\system\cache\builder\ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
- * @param array $parameters
+ * @param ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
+ * @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function get(ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder, array $parameters) {
* Caches a value for given resource,
- * @param \wcf\system\cache\builder\ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
- * @param array $parameters
- * @param array $data
+ * @param ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
+ * @param array $parameters
+ * @param array $data
public function set(ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder, array $parameters, array $data) {
$this->getCacheSource()->set($this->getCacheName($cacheBuilder, $parameters), $data, $cacheBuilder->getMaxLifetime());
* Builds cache name.
- * @param \wcf\system\cache\builder\ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
- * @param array $parameters
+ * @param ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder
+ * @param array $parameters
* @return string
protected function getCacheName(ICacheBuilder $cacheBuilder, array $parameters = []) {
* Compares the weight between two tags.
- * @param \wcf\data\tag\TagCloudTag $tagA
- * @param \wcf\data\tag\TagCloudTag $tagB
+ * @param TagCloudTag $tagA
+ * @param TagCloudTag $tagB
* @return integer
protected static function compareTags($tagA, $tagB) {
* Returns an object of the requested group option type.
* @param string $type
- * @return \wcf\system\option\user\group\IUserGroupOptionType
+ * @return IUserGroupOptionType
* @throws SystemException
protected function getTypeObject($type) {
class DiskCacheSource implements ICacheSource {
* up-to-date directory util object for the cache folder
- * @var \wcf\util\DirectoryUtil
+ * @var DirectoryUtil
protected $directoryUtil = null;
* Returns an up-to-date directory util object for the cache folder.
- * @return \wcf\util\DirectoryUtil
+ * @return DirectoryUtil
protected function getDirectoryUtil() {
if ($this->directoryUtil === null) {
* Is called right after the given category is deleted.
- * @param \wcf\data\category\CategoryEditor $categoryEditor
+ * @param CategoryEditor $categoryEditor
public function afterDeletion(CategoryEditor $categoryEditor);
* Returns a command by the given line.
* @param string $line
- * @return \wcf\system\cli\command\ICLICommand
+ * @return ICLICommand
* @throws IllegalLinkException
public static function getCommand($line) {
* Returns true if the current user may edit given comment.
- * @param \wcf\data\comment\Comment $comment
+ * @param Comment $comment
* @return boolean
public function canEditComment(Comment $comment);
* Returns true if the current user may edit given response.
- * @param \wcf\data\comment\response\CommentResponse $response
+ * @param CommentResponse $response
* @return boolean
public function canEditResponse(CommentResponse $response);
* Returns true if the current user may delete given comment.
- * @param \wcf\data\comment\Comment $comment
+ * @param Comment $comment
* @return boolean
public function canDeleteComment(Comment $comment);
* Returns true if the current user may delete given response.
- * @param \wcf\data\comment\response\CommentResponse $response
+ * @param CommentResponse $response
public function canDeleteResponse(CommentResponse $response);
* Executes the cronjob.
- * @param \wcf\data\cronjob\Cronjob $cronjob
+ * @param Cronjob $cronjob
public function execute(Cronjob $cronjob);
* database editor object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\editor\DatabaseEditor
+ * @var DatabaseEditor
protected $editor = null;
* Returns a database editor object.
- * @return \wcf\system\database\editor\DatabaseEditor
+ * @return DatabaseEditor
public function getEditor() {
if ($this->editor === null) {
* database object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\Database
+ * @var Database
protected $db = null;
* prepared statement object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\statement\PreparedStatement
+ * @var PreparedStatement
protected $preparedStatement = null;
* Creates a new DatabaseException.
- * @param string $message error message
- * @param \wcf\system\database\Database $db affected db object
- * @param \wcf\system\database\statement\PreparedStatement $preparedStatement affected prepared statement
- * @param string $sqlQuery SQL query if prepare() failed
+ * @param string $message error message
+ * @param Database $db affected db object
+ * @param PreparedStatement $preparedStatement affected prepared statement
+ * @param string $sqlQuery SQL query if prepare() failed
public function __construct($message, Database $db, PreparedStatement $preparedStatement = null, $sqlQuery = null) {
$this->db = $db;
abstract class DatabaseEditor {
* database object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\Database
+ * @var Database
protected $dbObj = null;
* Creates a new DatabaseEditor object.
- * @param \wcf\system\database\Database $dbObj
+ * @param Database $dbObj
public function __construct(Database $dbObj) {
$this->dbObj = $dbObj;
* Fetches the next row from a result set in a database object.
* @param string $className
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @return DatabaseObject
public function fetchObject($className) {
$row = $this->fetchArray();
class Email {
* From header
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @var Mailbox
protected $sender = null;
* Reply-To header
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @var Mailbox
protected $replyTo = null;
* Sets the email's 'From'.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $sender
+ * @param Mailbox $sender
public function setSender(Mailbox $sender = null) {
$this->sender = $sender;
* Returns the email's 'From'.
* If no header is set yet the MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS will automatically be set.
- * @return \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @return Mailbox
public function getSender() {
if ($this->sender === null) {
* Returns the email's 'Reply-To'.
* If no header is set yet the MAIL_ADMIN_ADDRESS will automatically be set.
- * @return \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @return Mailbox
public function getReplyTo() {
if ($this->replyTo === null) {
* Removes a recipient from this email.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $recipient
+ * @param Mailbox $recipient
public function removeRecipient(Mailbox $recipient) {
* Returns the language the recipient of this mailbox wants.
* This is used for localization of the email template.
- * @return \wcf\data\language\Language
+ * @return Language
public function getLanguage() {
return $this->language;
class SimpleEmail {
* the underlying email object
- * @var Email
+ * @var Email
private $email = null;
* the text/plain version of the message body
- * @var \wcf\system\email\mime\PlainTextMimePart
+ * @var PlainTextMimePart
private $textPlain = null;
* the text/html version of the message body
- * @var \wcf\system\email\mime\HtmlTextMimePart
+ * @var HtmlTextMimePart
private $textHtml = null;
class UserMailbox extends Mailbox {
* User object belonging to this Mailbox
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
protected $user = null;
* Creates a new Mailbox.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user User object belonging to this Mailbox
+ * @param User $user User object belonging to this Mailbox
public function __construct(User $user) {
parent::__construct($user->email, $user->username, $user->getLanguage());
* Returns the User object belonging to this Mailbox.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @return User
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
* Note: `null` is a valid parameter and denotes that this mime part should
* not be individualised.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $mailbox
+ * @param Mailbox $mailbox
public function setRecipient(Mailbox $mailbox = null);
* the recipient of the email containing this mime part
- * @var \wcf\system\email\Mailbox
+ * @var Mailbox
protected $mailbox = null;
class DebugEmailTransport implements EmailTransport {
* mbox file
- * @var \wcf\system\io\File
+ * @var File
protected $mbox = null;
* Writes the given $email into the mbox.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Email $email
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeFrom
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeTo
+ * @param Email $email
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeFrom
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeTo
public function deliver(Email $email, Mailbox $envelopeFrom, Mailbox $envelopeTo) {
$this->mbox->write("From ".$envelopeFrom->getAddress()." ".DateUtil::getDateTimeByTimestamp(TIME_NOW)->format('D M d H:i:s Y')."\r\n");
* Delivers the given $email to the given Mailbox as the recipient.
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Email $email
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeFrom
- * @param \wcf\system\email\Mailbox $envelopeTo
+ * @param Email $email
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeFrom
+ * @param Mailbox $envelopeTo
public function deliver(Email $email, Mailbox $envelopeFrom, Mailbox $envelopeTo);
class SmtpEmailTransport implements EmailTransport {
* SMTP connection
- * @var \wcf\system\io\RemoteFile
+ * @var RemoteFile
protected $connection = null;
* Appends a FormElementContainer object.
- * @param \wcf\system\form\IFormElementContainer $container
+ * @param IFormElementContainer $container
public function appendContainer(IFormElementContainer $container) {
$this->containers[] = $container;
* Prepends a FormElementContainer object.
- * @param \wcf\system\form\IFormElementContainer $container
+ * @param IFormElementContainer $container
public function prependContainer(IFormElementContainer $container) {
array_unshift($this->containers, $container);
* Creates a new object of type FormElement.
- * @param \wcf\system\form\IFormElementContainer $parent
+ * @param IFormElementContainer $parent
public function __construct(IFormElementContainer $parent);
* Returns element's parent container element.
- * @return \wcf\system\form\IFormElementContainer
+ * @return IFormElementContainer
public function getParent();
* Appends a new child to stack.
- * @param \wcf\system\form\IFormElement $element
+ * @param IFormElement $element
public function appendChild(IFormElement $element);
* Preprens a new child to stack.
- * @param \wcf\system\form\IFormElement $element
+ * @param IFormElement $element
public function prependChild(IFormElement $element);
* FormElementContainer object
- * @var \wcf\system\form\IFormElementContainer
+ * @var IFormElementContainer
protected $parent = null;
* Returns a new ImageAdapter instance.
- * @return \wcf\system\image\adapter\ImageAdapter
+ * @return ImageAdapter
public function getAdapter() {
return new ImageAdapter($this->adapterClassName);
* file object
- * @var \wcf\system\io\File
+ * @var File
protected $file = null;
* Returns label group by id.
* @param integer $groupID
- * @return \wcf\data\label\group\ViewableLabelGroup
+ * @return ViewableLabelGroup
public function getLabelGroup($groupID) {
if (isset($this->labelGroups['groups'][$groupID])) {
abstract class AbstractLabelObjectTypeHandler extends SingletonFactory implements ILabelObjectTypeHandler {
* label object type container
- * @var \wcf\system\label\object\type\LabelObjectTypeContainer
+ * @var LabelObjectTypeContainer
public $container = null;
* Returns a label object type container.
- * @return \wcf\system\label\object\type\LabelObjectTypeContainer
+ * @return LabelObjectTypeContainer
public function getContainer();
* Adds a label object type.
- * @param \wcf\system\label\object\type\LabelObjectType $objectType
+ * @param LabelObjectType $objectType
public function add(LabelObjectType $objectType) {
$this->objectTypes[] = $objectType;
class DebugMailSender extends MailSender {
* log file
- * @var \wcf\system\io\File
+ * @var File
protected $log = null;
* Prints the given mail.
- * @param \wcf\system\mail\Mail $mail
+ * @param Mail $mail
* @return string
protected static function printMail(Mail $mail) {
* mail language
- * @var \wcf\data\language\Language
+ * @var Language
protected $language = null;
* Sets the mail language.
- * @param \wcf\data\language\Language $language
+ * @param Language $language
public function setLanguage(Language $language) {
$this->language = $language;
* Returns the mail language.
- * @return \wcf\data\language\Language
+ * @return Language
public function getLanguage() {
if ($this->language === null) return WCF::getLanguage();
abstract class MailSender {
* unique mail server instance
- * @var \wcf\system\mail\MailSender
+ * @var MailSender
protected static $instance = null;
* Sends an e-mail.
- * @param \wcf\system\mail\Mail $mail
+ * @param Mail $mail
abstract public function sendMail(Mail $mail);
class SMTPMailSender extends MailSender {
* smtp connection
- * @var \wcf\system\io\RemoteFile
+ * @var RemoteFile
protected $connection = null;
* Checks the options and permissions of given menu item.
- * @param \wcf\system\menu\ITreeMenuItem $item
+ * @param ITreeMenuItem $item
* @return boolean
protected function checkMenuItem(ITreeMenuItem $item) {
class AboutUserProfileMenuContent extends SingletonFactory implements IUserProfileMenuContent {
* user option handler object
- * @var \wcf\system\option\user\UserOptionHandler
+ * @var UserOptionHandler
public $optionHandler = null;
* Creates a new message and returns the parsed template.
- * @param \wcf\data\IMessageQuickReplyAction $object
- * @param array $parameters
- * @param string $containerActionClassName
- * @param string $sortOrder
- * @param string $templateName
- * @param string $application
- * @param callable $callbackCreatedMessage
+ * @param IMessageQuickReplyAction $object
+ * @param array $parameters
+ * @param string $containerActionClassName
+ * @param string $sortOrder
+ * @param string $templateName
+ * @param string $application
+ * @param callable $callbackCreatedMessage
* @return array
public function createMessage(IMessageQuickReplyAction $object, array &$parameters, $containerActionClassName, $sortOrder, $templateName, $application = 'wcf', callable $callbackCreatedMessage = null) {
* Returns whether the affected content may be removed.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ModerationQueue $queue
* @return boolean
public function canRemoveContent(ModerationQueue $queue);
* Removes affected content. It is up to the processing object to use a
* soft-delete or remove the content permanently.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueue $queue
- * @param string $message
+ * @param ModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param string $message
public function removeContent(ModerationQueue $queue, $message = '');
* Enables affected content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ModerationQueue $queue
public function enableContent(ModerationQueue $queue) {
$this->getProcessor(null, $queue->objectTypeID)->enableContent($queue);
* Returns outstanding content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ViewableModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ViewableModerationQueue $queue
* @return string
public function getDisabledContent(ViewableModerationQueue $queue) {
* Returns rendered template for reported content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ViewableModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ViewableModerationQueue $queue
* @return string
public function getReportedContent(ViewableModerationQueue $queue) {
* Enables affected content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ModerationQueue $queue
public function enableContent(ModerationQueue $queue);
* Returns rendered template for disabled content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ViewableModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ViewableModerationQueue $queue
* @return string
public function getDisabledContent(ViewableModerationQueue $queue);
* Returns rendered template for reported content.
- * @param \wcf\data\moderation\queue\ViewableModerationQueue $queue
+ * @param ViewableModerationQueue $queue
* @return string
public function getReportedContent(ViewableModerationQueue $queue);
* Creates the upload handler for the given option.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
+ * @param Option $option
protected function createUploadHandler(Option $option) {
if (!isset($this->uploadHandlers[$option->optionName])) {
* Returns the html code of the form element for the given option of this
* option type.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
- * @param mixed $value
+ * @param Option $option
+ * @param mixed $value
* @return string
public function getFormElement(Option $option, $value);
* Validates the input for the given option of this option type and throws
* a wcf\system\exception\UserInputException if the validation should fail.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
- * @param string $newValue
+ * @param Option $option
+ * @param string $newValue
public function validate(Option $option, $newValue);
* Returns the value of the given option of this option type which will
* be saved in the database.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
- * @param string $newValue
+ * @param Option $option
+ * @param string $newValue
* @return string
public function getData(Option $option, $newValue);
* Checks the required permissions and options of a category.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\category\OptionCategory $category
+ * @param OptionCategory $category
* @return boolean
protected function checkCategory(OptionCategory $category) {
* Checks the required permissions and options of an option.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
+ * @param Option $option
* @return boolean
protected function checkOption(Option $option) {
* Checks visibility of an option.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
+ * @param Option $option
* @return boolean
protected function checkVisibility(Option $option) {
* Prepares JSON-encoded values for disabling or enabling dependent options.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
+ * @param Option $option
* @return array
protected function parseEnableOptions(Option $option) {
* Tries to extract content from value.
- * @param \wcf\data\option\Option $option
- * @param string $newValue
+ * @param Option $option
+ * @param string $newValue
* @return string
protected function getContent(Option $option, $newValue) {
* Returns the html code for the output of the given user option.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
- * @param \wcf\data\user\option\UserOption $option
- * @param string $value
+ * @param User $user
+ * @param UserOption $option
+ * @param string $value
* @return string
public function getOutput(User $user, UserOption $option, $value);
* Returns the selected option value(s) for output.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\option\UserOption $option
- * @param string $value
+ * @param UserOption $option
+ * @param string $value
* @return mixed
protected static function getResult(UserOption $option, $value) {
* current user
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
public $user = null;
* Sets option values for a certain user.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
+ * @param User $user
public function setUser(User $user) {
$this->optionValues = [];
* Sets the active user group object.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup $group
+ * @param UserGroup $group
public function setUserGroup(UserGroup $group);
* Returns the active user group object or null.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup
+ * @return UserGroup
public function getUserGroup();
trait TUserGroupOptionType {
* user group object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup
+ * @var UserGroup
protected $userGroup = null;
* user group object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup
+ * @var UserGroup
protected $group = null;
* Sets current user group.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\group\UserGroup $group
+ * @param UserGroup $group
public function setUserGroup(UserGroup $group) {
$this->group = $group;
* package object of an existing package
- * @var \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @var Package
protected $package = null;
* tar archive object
- * @var \wcf\system\io\Tar
+ * @var Tar
protected $tar = null;
* Sets associated package object.
- * @param \wcf\data\package\Package $package
+ * @param Package $package
public function setPackage(Package $package) {
$this->package = $package;
* Returns the object of the package archive.
- * @return \wcf\system\io\Tar
+ * @return Tar
public function getTar() {
return $this->tar;
* Checks if the new package is compatible with
* the package that is about to be updated.
- * @param \wcf\data\package\Package $package
- * @return boolean isValidUpdate
+ * @param Package $package
+ * @return boolean isValidUpdate
public function isValidUpdate(Package $package = null) {
if ($this->package === null && $package !== null) {
use wcf\system\package\plugin\IPackageInstallationPlugin;
use wcf\system\request\LinkHandler;
use wcf\system\request\RouteHandler;
+use wcf\system\setup\IFileHandler;
use wcf\system\setup\Installer;
use wcf\system\style\StyleHandler;
use wcf\system\user\storage\UserStorageHandler;
* Saves a localized package info.
- * @param \wcf\system\database\statement\PreparedStatement $statement
- * @param \wcf\data\language\LanguageList $languageList
- * @param \wcf\data\language\category\LanguageCategory $languageCategory
- * @param \wcf\data\package\Package $package
- * @param string $infoName
+ * @param PreparedStatement $statement
+ * @param LanguageList $languageList
+ * @param LanguageCategory $languageCategory
+ * @param Package $package
+ * @param string $infoName
protected function saveLocalizedPackageInfo(PreparedStatement $statement, $languageList, LanguageCategory $languageCategory, Package $package, $infoName) {
$infoValues = $this->getArchive()->getPackageInfo($infoName);
* @param string $currentNode
* @param array $nodeData
- * @return \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationStep
+ * @return PackageInstallationStep
protected function selectOptionalPackages($currentNode, array $nodeData) {
$installationStep = new PackageInstallationStep();
* Extracts files from .tar(.gz) archive and installs them
- * @param string $targetDir
- * @param string $sourceArchive
- * @param \wcf\system\setup\IFileHandler $fileHandler
- * @return \wcf\system\setup\Installer
+ * @param string $targetDir
+ * @param string $sourceArchive
+ * @param IFileHandler $fileHandler
+ * @return Installer
public function extractFiles($targetDir, $sourceArchive, $fileHandler = null) {
return new Installer($targetDir, $sourceArchive, $fileHandler);
* Prompts for a text input for package directory (applies for applications only)
- * @return \wcf\system\form\FormDocument
+ * @return FormDocument
protected function promptPackageDir() {
// check for pre-defined directories originating from WCFSetup
* active package installation dispatcher
- * @var \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher
+ * @var PackageInstallationDispatcher
public $installation = null;
class PackageInstallationSQLParser extends SQLParser {
* package object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @var Package
protected $package = null;
* Creates a new PackageInstallationSQLParser object.
- * @param string $queries
- * @param \wcf\data\package\Package $package
- * @param string $action
+ * @param string $queries
+ * @param Package $package
+ * @param string $action
public function __construct($queries, Package $package, $action = 'install') {
$this->package = $package;
class PackageInstallationStep {
* form document object
- * @var \wcf\system\form\FormDocument
+ * @var FormDocument
protected $document = null;
* Creates a new package installation scheduler.
- * @param array $selectedPackages
- * @return \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationScheduler
+ * @param array $selectedPackages
+ * @return PackageInstallationScheduler
public function prepareInstallation(array $selectedPackages) {
return new PackageInstallationScheduler($selectedPackages);
* HTTP request object
- * @var \wcf\util\HTTPRequest
+ * @var HTTPRequest
protected $request = null;
* package update server object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServer
+ * @var PackageUpdateServer
protected $updateServer = null;
* Creates a new PackageUpdateUnauthorizedException object.
- * @param \wcf\util\HTTPRequest $request
- * @param \wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServer $updateServer
- * @param array $packageUpdateVersion
+ * @param HTTPRequest $request
+ * @param PackageUpdateServer $updateServer
+ * @param array $packageUpdateVersion
public function __construct(HTTPRequest $request, PackageUpdateServer $updateServer, array $packageUpdateVersion = []) {
$this->request = $request;
* Returns the HTTP request object.
- * @return \wcf\util\HTTPRequest
+ * @return HTTPRequest
public function getRequest() {
return $this->request;
* Returns package update server object.
- * @return \wcf\data\package\update\server\PackageUpdateServer
+ * @return PackageUpdateServer
public function getUpdateServer() {
return $this->updateServer;
* active instance of PackageInstallationDispatcher
- * @var \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher
+ * @var PackageInstallationDispatcher
public $installation = null;
* Creates a new AbstractPackageInstallationPlugin object.
- * @param \wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher $installation
- * @param array $instruction
+ * @param PackageInstallationDispatcher $installation
+ * @param array $instruction
public function __construct(PackageInstallationDispatcher $installation, $instruction = []) {
$this->installation = $installation;
* package archive object
- * @var \wcf\system\package\PackageArchive
+ * @var PackageArchive
protected $archive = null;
* associated package object
- * @var \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @var Package
protected $package = null;
* parent package validation archive object
- * @var \wcf\system\package\validation\PackageValidationArchive
+ * @var PackageValidationArchive
protected $parent = null;
* Creates a new package validation archive instance.
- * @param string $archive
- * @param \wcf\system\package\validation\PackageValidationArchive $parent
- * @param integer $depth
+ * @param string $archive
+ * @param PackageValidationArchive $parent
+ * @param integer $depth
public function __construct($archive, PackageValidationArchive $parent = null, $depth = 0) {
$this->archive = new PackageArchive($archive);
* Returns the package archive object.
- * @return \wcf\system\package\PackageArchive
+ * @return PackageArchive
public function getArchive() {
return $this->archive;
* Returns the package object based on the package archive's package identifier or null
* if the package isn't already installed.
- * @return \wcf\data\package\Package
+ * @return Package
public function getPackage() {
if ($this->package === null) {
* package validation archive object
- * @var \wcf\system\package\validation\PackageValidationArchive
+ * @var PackageValidationArchive
protected $packageValidationArchive = null;
* Returns package validation archive object.
- * @return \wcf\system\package\validation\PackageValidationArchive
+ * @return PackageValidationArchive
public function getPackageValidationArchive() {
return $this->packageValidationArchive;
* Returns related object for given poll object.
- * @param \wcf\data\poll\Poll $poll
+ * @param Poll $poll
public function getRelatedObject(Poll $poll);
* poll object
- * @var \wcf\data\poll\Poll
+ * @var Poll
protected $poll = null;
* Returns a list of poll options with vote state for current user.
- * @param integer[] $pollIDs
- * @return \wcf\data\poll\option\PollOptionList
+ * @param integer[] $pollIDs
+ * @return PollOptionList
public function getPollOptions(array $pollIDs) {
$optionList = new PollOptionList();
* Returns related object for given poll object.
- * @param \wcf\data\poll\Poll $poll
+ * @param Poll $poll
* @return \wcf\data\IPollObject
public function getRelatedObject(Poll $poll) {
* Creates the search index for given object type. Returns true if the
* index was created, otherwise false.
- * @param \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType $objectType
+ * @param ObjectType $objectType
* @return boolean
abstract protected function createSearchIndex(ObjectType $objectType);
* 'sql' => $sql
* );
- * @param string $objectTypeName
- * @param string $q
- * @param boolean $subjectOnly
- * @param \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition
- * @param string $orderBy
- * @param integer $limit
+ * @param string $objectTypeName
+ * @param string $q
+ * @param boolean $subjectOnly
+ * @param PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition
+ * @param string $orderBy
+ * @param integer $limit
* @return array
public function getInnerJoin($objectTypeName, $q, $subjectOnly = false, PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition = null, $orderBy = 'time DESC', $limit = 1000);
* Searches for the given string and returns the data of the found messages.
- * @param string $q
- * @param array $objectTypes
- * @param boolean $subjectOnly
- * @param \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition
- * @param array $additionalConditions
- * @param string $orderBy
- * @param integer $limit
+ * @param string $q
+ * @param array $objectTypes
+ * @param boolean $subjectOnly
+ * @param PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition
+ * @param array $additionalConditions
+ * @param string $orderBy
+ * @param integer $limit
* @return array
public function search($q, array $objectTypes, $subjectOnly = false, PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $searchIndexCondition = null, array $additionalConditions = [], $orderBy = 'time DESC', $limit = 1000);
* search engine object
- * @var \wcf\system\search\ISearchEngine
+ * @var ISearchEngine
protected $searchEngine = null;
* Returns the search engine object.
- * @return \wcf\system\search\ISearchEngine
+ * @return ISearchEngine
protected function getSearchEngine() {
if ($this->searchEngine === null) {
* search index manager object
- * @var \wcf\system\search\ISearchIndexManager
+ * @var ISearchIndexManager
protected $searchIndexManager = null;
* Returns the search index manager object.
- * @return \wcf\system\search\ISearchIndexManager
+ * @return ISearchIndexManager
protected function getSearchIndexManager() {
if ($this->searchIndexManager === null) {
* Adds a result to the collection.
- * @param \wcf\system\search\acp\ACPSearchResult $result
+ * @param ACPSearchResult $result
public function addResult(ACPSearchResult $result) {
$this->results[] = $result;
* Validates object options and permissions.
- * @param \wcf\data\DatabaseObject $object
- * @param string $optionsColumnName
- * @param string $permissionsColumnName
+ * @param DatabaseObject $object
+ * @param string $optionsColumnName
+ * @param string $permissionsColumnName
* @return boolean
protected function validate(DatabaseObject $object, $optionsColumnName = 'options', $permissionsColumnName = 'permissions') {
* Returns a level 1 or 2 category for given category name.
* @param string $categoryName
- * @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObject
+ * @return DatabaseObject
* @throws SystemException
protected function getTopCategory($categoryName) {
abstract class AbstractSessionHandler extends SingletonFactory {
* SessionHandler object
- * @var \wcf\system\session\SessionHandler
+ * @var SessionHandler
protected $sessionHandler = null;
* user object
- * @var \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @var User
protected $user = null;
* Returns the user object of this session.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\User $user
+ * @return User $user
public function getUser() {
return $this->user;
* Stores a new user object in this session, e.g. a user was guest because not
* logged in, after the login his old session is used to store his full data.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
- * @param boolean $hideSession if true, database won't be updated
+ * @param User $user
+ * @param boolean $hideSession if true, database won't be updated
public function changeUser(User $user, $hideSession = false) {
$eventParameters = ['user' => $user, 'hideSession' => $hideSession];
* Creates a new Installer object.
- * @param string $targetDir
- * @param string $source
- * @param \wcf\system\setup\IFileHandler $fileHandler
- * @param string $folder
+ * @param string $targetDir
+ * @param string $source
+ * @param IFileHandler $fileHandler
+ * @param string $folder
public function __construct($targetDir, $source, $fileHandler = null, $folder = '') {
$this->targetDir = FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($targetDir);
* Compiles SCSS stylesheets.
- * @param \wcf\data\style\Style $style
+ * @param Style $style
public function compile(Style $style) {
// read stylesheets by dependency order
* active style object
- * @var \wcf\data\style\ActiveStyle
+ * @var ActiveStyle
protected $style = null;
* Returns the active style.
- * @return \wcf\data\style\ActiveStyle
+ * @return ActiveStyle
public function getStyle() {
if ($this->style === null) {
* Resets stylesheet for given style.
- * @param \wcf\data\style\Style $style
+ * @param Style $style
public function resetStylesheet(Style $style) {
$stylesheets = glob(WCF_DIR.'style/style-'.$style->styleID.'*.css');
* @param string $packageName style package name
* @param boolean $skipTainted ignore tainted styles
- * @return \wcf\data\style\StyleEditor
+ * @return StyleEditor|null
* @since 3.0
public function getStyleByName($packageName, $skipTainted = false) {
* Returns a list of tagged objects.
- * @param \wcf\data\tag\Tag $tag
+ * @param Tag $tag
* @return \wcf\data\DatabaseObjectList
public function getObjectList(Tag $tag);
* active template compiler
- * @var \wcf\system\template\TemplateCompiler
+ * @var TemplateCompiler
protected $compilerObj = null;
* Returns the template compiler.
- * @return \wcf\system\template\TemplateCompiler
+ * @return TemplateCompiler
public function getCompiler() {
if ($this->compilerObj === null) {
* Executes this template block.
- * @param array $tagArgs
- * @param string $blockContent
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine $tplObj
+ * @param array $tagArgs
+ * @param string $blockContent
+ * @param TemplateEngine $tplObj
* @return string
public function execute($tagArgs, $blockContent, TemplateEngine $tplObj);
* Initialises this template block.
- * @param array $tagArgs
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine $tplObj
+ * @param array $tagArgs
+ * @param TemplateEngine $tplObj
public function init($tagArgs, TemplateEngine $tplObj);
* This function is called before every execution of this block function.
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine $tplObj
+ * @param TemplateEngine $tplObj
* @return boolean
public function next(TemplateEngine $tplObj);
* Executes the start tag of this compiler function.
- * @param array $tagArgs
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
+ * @param array $tagArgs
+ * @param TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
* @return string
public function executeStart($tagArgs, TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler);
* Executes the end tag of this compiler function.
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
+ * @param TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
* @return string
public function executeEnd(TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler);
* Executes this template function.
- * @param array $tagArgs
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine $tplObj
+ * @param array $tagArgs
+ * @param TemplateEngine $tplObj
* @return string
public function execute($tagArgs, TemplateEngine $tplObj);
* Executes this modifier.
- * @param array $tagArgs
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateEngine $tplObj
+ * @param array $tagArgs
+ * @param TemplateEngine $tplObj
* @return string
public function execute($tagArgs, TemplateEngine $tplObj);
* Executes this prefilter.
- * @param string $templateName
- * @param string $sourceContent
- * @param \wcf\system\template\TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
+ * @param string $templateName
+ * @param string $sourceContent
+ * @param TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler
* @return string
public function execute($templateName, $sourceContent, TemplateScriptingCompiler $compiler);
* Saves the given file.
- * @param \wcf\system\upload\UploadFile $uploadFile
+ * @param UploadFile $uploadFile
public function save(UploadFile $uploadFile);
* Validates the given file and returns true on success, otherwise false.
- * @param \wcf\system\upload\UploadFile $uploadFile
+ * @param UploadFile $uploadFile
* @return boolean
public function validate(UploadFile $uploadFile);
* Saves the uploaded files.
- * @param \wcf\system\upload\IUploadFileSaveStrategy $saveStrategy
+ * @param IUploadFileSaveStrategy $saveStrategy
public function saveFiles(IUploadFileSaveStrategy $saveStrategy) {
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
* Returns an object type by id.
- * @param integer $objectTypeID
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @param integer $objectTypeID
+ * @return ObjectType
public function getObjectType($objectTypeID) {
if (isset($this->objectTypes['objects'][$objectTypeID])) {
* Validates an event list and removes orphaned events.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\activity\event\ViewableUserActivityEventList $eventList
+ * @param ViewableUserActivityEventList $eventList
public static function validateEvents(ViewableUserActivityEventList $eventList) {
$eventIDs = $eventList->validateEvents();
* null if no such object type exists.
* @param integer $objectTypeID
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @return ObjectType
public function getObjectType($objectTypeID) {
if (isset($this->objectTypeNames[$objectTypeID])) {
* or null if no such object type exists.
* @param string $objectType
- * @return \wcf\data\object\type\ObjectType
+ * @return ObjectType
public function getObjectTypeByName($objectType) {
if (isset($this->objectTypes[$objectType])) {
* Returns a user object by given login name.
- * @param string $login
- * @return \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @param string $login
+ * @return User
protected function getUserByLogin($login) {
return User::getUserByUsername($login);
* @param integer $userID
* @param string $password
* @param string $userClassname
- * @return \wcf\data\user\User
+ * @return User
protected function getUserAutomatically($userID, $password, $userClassname = User::class) {
$user = new $userClassname($userID);
* Validates the cookie password.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
- * @param string $password
+ * @param User $user
+ * @param string $password
* @return boolean
protected function checkCookiePassword($user, $password) {
* user authentication instance
- * @var \wcf\system\user\authentication\IUserAuthentication
+ * @var IUserAuthentication
protected $userAuthentication = null;
* Returns user authentication instance.
- * @return \wcf\system\user\authentication\IUserAuthentication
+ * @return IUserAuthentication
public function getUserAuthentication() {
return $this->userAuthentication;
* Returns the users who fullfil all conditions of the given user group
* assignment.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\group\assignment\UserGroupAssignment $assignment
+ * @param UserGroupAssignment $assignment
* @return User[]
public function getUsers(UserGroupAssignment $assignment) {
* @param string $objectType
* @param string $eventName
- * @return \wcf\system\user\notification\event\IUserNotificationEvent
+ * @return IUserNotificationEvent
public function getEvent($objectType, $eventName) {
if (!isset($this->availableEvents[$objectType][$eventName])) return null;
* Sends the mail notification.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\notification\UserNotification $notification
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
- * @param \wcf\system\user\notification\event\IUserNotificationEvent $event
+ * @param UserNotification $notification
+ * @param User $user
+ * @param IUserNotificationEvent $event
public function sendInstantMailNotification(UserNotification $notification, User $user, IUserNotificationEvent $event) {
// no notifications for disabled or banned users
* Returns the author for this notification event.
- * @return \wcf\data\user\UserProfile
+ * @return UserProfile
public function getAuthor();
* Sets the language for the event
- * @param \wcf\data\language\Language $language
+ * @param Language $language
public function setLanguage(Language $language);
* Caches the information of a page location.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\online\UserOnline $user
+ * @param UserOnline $user
public function cache(UserOnline $user);
* Returns the information of a page location.
- * @param \wcf\data\user\online\UserOnline $user
- * @param string $languageVariable
+ * @param UserOnline $user
+ * @param string $languageVariable
* @return string
public function get(UserOnline $user, $languageVariable = '');
* database object list
- * @var \wcf\data\DatabaseObjectList
+ * @var DatabaseObjectList
protected $objectList = null;
class MailWorker extends AbstractWorker {
* condition builder object
- * @var \wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
+ * @var PreparedStatementConditionBuilder
protected $conditions = null;
* Returns a formatted date.
- * @param \DateTime $time
- * @param string $format
- * @param \wcf\data\language\Language $language
- * @param \wcf\data\user\User $user
+ * @param \DateTime $time
+ * @param string $format
+ * @param Language $language
+ * @param User $user
* @return string
public static function format(\DateTime $time = null, $format = null, Language $language = null, User $user = null) {
* Returns a localized date output.
- * @param string $date
- * @param string $format
- * @param \wcf\data\language\Language $language
+ * @param string $date
+ * @param string $format
+ * @param Language $language
* @return string
public static function localizeDate($date, $format, Language $language) {