<packagedescription>Free CMS and web-framework, designed for awesome websites and communities.</packagedescription>
<packagedescription language="de">Freies CMS und Web-Framework, das eindrucksvolle Websites und Communities ermöglicht.</packagedescription>
- <version>5.2.0 RC 1</version> <!-- codename: hurricane -->
- <date>2019-12-12</date>
+ <version>5.2.0 RC 2</version> <!-- codename: hurricane -->
+ <date>2019-12-20</date>
<instructions type="update" fromversion="3.1.*">
- <!-- TODO: Add a check for the minimum version and the PHP requirements! -->
+ <instruction type="file">files_preUpdate.tar</instruction>
+ <instruction type="script" flushCache="false">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.2_preUpdate.php</instruction>
<!-- Contains a few PIP-scripts, \wcf\data\option\OptionEditor, \wcf\system\cache\builder\RoutingCacheBuilder and \wcf\system\database\table\* -->
<instruction type="file" run="standalone">files_pre.tar</instruction>
<instruction type="style" run="standalone">defaultStyle.tar</instruction>
- <!-- @TODO Add script to delete the likeable recent activities. -->
- <instructions type="update" fromversion="5.2.0 Beta 4">
- <instruction type="acpTemplate">acptemplates_update.tar</instruction>
+ <instructions type="update" fromversion="5.2.0 RC 1">
<instruction type="file">files_update.tar</instruction>
+ <instruction type="script">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.2.0_rc_2.php</instruction>
+ <instruction type="script">acp/update_com.woltlab.wcf_5.2_deleteRecentActivity.php</instruction>
<instruction type="language" />
- <instruction type="userOption" />
+ <instruction type="bbcode" />
--- /dev/null
+use wcf\system\database\table\column\NotNullInt10DatabaseTableColumn;
+use wcf\system\database\table\DatabaseTableChangeProcessor;
+use wcf\system\database\table\PartialDatabaseTable;
+use wcf\system\package\plugin\ScriptPackageInstallationPlugin;
+use wcf\system\WCF;
+ * @author Alexander Ebert
+ * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ */
+$tables = [
+ PartialDatabaseTable::create('wcf1_media')
+ ->columns([
+ // Incorrect column name in the upgrade 3.1 -> 5.2.0 RC 1
+ NotNullInt10DatabaseTableColumn::create('lastDownload')
+ ->defaultValue(0)
+ ->drop(),
+ NotNullInt10DatabaseTableColumn::create('lastDownloadTime')
+ ->defaultValue(0)
+ ]),
+(new DatabaseTableChangeProcessor(
+ /** @var ScriptPackageInstallationPlugin $this */
+ $this->installation->getPackage(),
+ $tables,
+ WCF::getDB()->getEditor())
--- /dev/null
+use wcf\data\package\Package;
+use wcf\system\exception\SystemException;
+use wcf\system\WCF;
+ * @author Alexander Ebert
+ * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @package WoltLabSuite\Core
+ */
+if (Package::compareVersion(WCF_VERSION, '3.1.11', '<')) {
+ if (WCF::getLanguage()->getFixedLanguageCode() == 'de') {
+ throw new SystemException("Die Aktualisierung erfordert WoltLab Suite Core (com.woltlab.wcf) in Version 3.1.11 oder höher.");
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SystemException("The update requires WoltLab Suite Core (com.woltlab.wcf) in version 3.1.11 or newer.");
+ }
+$requiredPHPVersion = '7.0.22';
+$comparePhpVersion = preg_replace('/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*$/', '\\1', phpversion());
+if (version_compare($comparePhpVersion, $requiredPHPVersion) === -1) {
+ if (WCF::getLanguage()->getFixedLanguageCode() == 'de') {
+ throw new SystemException("Die Aktualisierung erfordert PHP in Version {$requiredPHPVersion} oder höher.");
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new SystemException("The update requires PHP in version {$requiredPHPVersion} or newer.");
+ }
// define current woltlab suite version
-define('WCF_VERSION', '5.2.0 RC 1');
+define('WCF_VERSION', '5.2.0 RC 2');
// define current API version
// @deprecated 5.2