### `TextFormField`
`TextFormField` is a form field that allows entering a single line of text.
-The class implements `IImmutableFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
+The class implements `IImmutableFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `IPatternFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
### `TitleFormField`
`TPackagesFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.
+#### `IPatternFormField`
+`IPatternFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support the [`pattern` attribute](https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#the-pattern-attribute).
+The implementing class has to implement the methods `pattern(?string $pattern): self` and `getPattern(): ?string`, which are used to set and get the pattern, respectively.
+`TPatternFormField` provides a default implementation of these two methods.
#### `IPlaceholderFormField`
`IPlaceholderFormField` has to be implemented by form fields that support a placeholder value for empty fields.