- // get time of next execution
- $nextExec = $cronjobEditor->getNextExec();
- $afterNextExec = $cronjobEditor->getNextExec($nextExec + 120);
// mark cronjob as done
- 'lastExec' => TIME_NOW,
- 'afterNextExec' => $afterNextExec,
'failCount' => 0,
- 'nextExec' => $nextExec,
'state' => Cronjob::READY
+ /** @var Cronjob $cronjob */
while ($cronjob = $statement->fetchObject(Cronjob::class)) {
$cronjobEditor = new CronjobEditor($cronjob);
// Mark the cronjob as pending to prevent concurrent requests from executing it.
- $cronjobEditor->update(['state' => Cronjob::PENDING]);
+ $data = ['state' => Cronjob::PENDING];
+ // Update next execution time.
+ // This needs to be done before executing the job to allow for a proper detection of
+ // stuck jobs. If the timestamps are updated after executing then concurrent requests
+ // might believe that a cronjob is stuck, despite the cronjob just having started just
+ // a few milliseconds before.
+ $data['nextExec'] = $cronjob->getNextExec(TIME_NOW);
+ $data['afterNextExec'] = $cronjob->getNextExec($data['nextExec'] + 120);
+ $data['lastExec'] = TIME_NOW;
+ $cronjobEditor->update($data);
$this->cronjobEditors[] = $cronjobEditor;