+++ /dev/null
-namespace wcf\system\cli\command;
-use Laminas\ProgressBar\Adapter\Console as ConsoleProgressBar;
-use Laminas\ProgressBar\ProgressBar;
-use phpline\internal\Log;
-use wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueue;
-use wcf\data\package\installation\queue\PackageInstallationQueueEditor;
-use wcf\data\package\Package;
-use wcf\data\package\PackageCache;
-use wcf\system\cache\CacheHandler;
-use wcf\system\CLIWCF;
-use wcf\system\database\util\PreparedStatementConditionBuilder;
-use wcf\system\exception\SystemException;
-use wcf\system\package\PackageArchive;
-use wcf\system\package\PackageInstallationDispatcher;
-use wcf\system\package\PackageUninstallationDispatcher;
-use wcf\system\WCF;
-use wcf\util\FileUtil;
-use wcf\util\JSON;
-use wcf\util\StringUtil;
-use Zend\Console\Exception\RuntimeException as ArgvException;
-use Zend\Console\Getopt as ArgvParser;
- * Executes package installation.
- *
- * @author Tim Duesterhus
- * @copyright 2001-2019 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
- * @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Cli\Command
- */
-class PackageCLICommand implements IArgumentedCLICommand
- /**
- * arguments parser
- * @var \Zend\Console\Getopt
- */
- protected $argv;
- /**
- * required data for app installation
- * @var string[]
- */
- protected $appData = [];
- /**
- * Initializes the argument parser.
- */
- public function __construct()
- {
- $this->argv = new ArgvParser([]);
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function execute(array $parameters)
- {
- $this->argv->setArguments($parameters);
- $this->argv->parse();
- if (\count($this->argv->getRemainingArgs()) !== 2) {
- throw new ArgvException('', $this->getUsage());
- }
- [$action, $package] = $this->argv->getRemainingArgs();
- CLIWCF::getReader()->setHistoryEnabled(false);
- switch ($action) {
- case 'install':
- $this->install($package);
- break;
- case 'uninstall':
- $this->uninstall($package);
- break;
- default:
- throw new ArgvException('', $this->getUsage());
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Installs the specified package.
- *
- * @param string $file
- */
- private function install($file)
- {
- // PackageStartInstallForm::validateDownloadPackage()
- if (FileUtil::isURL($file)) {
- // download package
- $archive = new PackageArchive($file, null);
- try {
- if (VERBOSITY >= 1) {
- Log::info("Downloading '" . $file . "'");
- }
- $file = $archive->downloadArchive();
- } catch (SystemException $e) {
- $this->error('notFound', ['file' => $file]);
- }
- } else {
- // probably local path
- if (!\file_exists($file)) {
- $this->error('notFound', ['file' => $file]);
- }
- $archive = new PackageArchive($file, null);
- }
- // PackageStartInstallForm::validateArchive()
- // try to open the archive
- try {
- $archive->openArchive();
- } catch (SystemException $e) {
- $this->error('noValidPackage');
- }
- // try to find existing package
- $sql = "SELECT *
- FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package
- WHERE package = ?";
- $statement = CLIWCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute([$archive->getPackageInfo('name')]);
- $row = $statement->fetchArray();
- $package = null;
- if ($row !== false) {
- $package = new Package(null, $row);
- }
- // check update or install support
- if ($package !== null) {
- CLIWCF::getSession()->checkPermissions(['admin.configuration.package.canUpdatePackage']);
- $archive->setPackage($package);
- if (!$archive->isValidUpdate()) {
- $this->error('noValidUpdate');
- }
- } else {
- CLIWCF::getSession()->checkPermissions(['admin.configuration.package.canInstallPackage']);
- if (!$archive->isValidInstall()) {
- $this->error('noValidInstall');
- } elseif ($archive->getPackageInfo('isApplication') && $archive->hasUniqueAbbreviation()) {
- $this->error('noUniqueAbbreviation');
- } elseif ($archive->isAlreadyInstalled()) {
- $this->error('uniqueAlreadyInstalled');
- } elseif ($archive->getPackageInfo('isApplication') && !$archive->isAlreadyInstalled()) {
- $this->appData['abbreviation'] = Package::getAbbreviation($archive->getPackageInfo('name'));
- $directory = CLIWCF::getReader()->readLine(WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.packageDir.input') . '> ');
- if ($directory === null) {
- exit;
- }
- $directory = StringUtil::trim($directory);
- $this->appData['installationDirectory'] = FileUtil::removeTrailingSlash(FileUtil::addTrailingSlash($directory));
- if (\file_exists($directory . 'global.php')) {
- $this->error('directoryAlreadyInUse');
- }
- $domain = CLIWCF::getReader()->readLine(WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.application.domainName') . '> ');
- if ($domain === null) {
- exit;
- }
- $this->appData['domainName'] = StringUtil::trim($domain);
- $this->appData['cookieDomain'] = $this->appData['domainName'];
- $domainPath = CLIWCF::getReader()->readLine(WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.application.domainPath') . '> ');
- if ($domainPath === null) {
- exit;
- }
- $this->appData['domainPath'] = StringUtil::trim($domainPath);
- }
- }
- // PackageStartInstallForm::save()
- $processNo = PackageInstallationQueue::getNewProcessNo();
- // insert queue
- PackageInstallationQueueEditor::create([
- 'processNo' => $processNo,
- 'userID' => CLIWCF::getUser()->userID,
- 'package' => $archive->getPackageInfo('name'),
- 'packageName' => $archive->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageName'),
- 'packageID' => ($package !== null) ? $package->packageID : null,
- 'archive' => $file,
- 'action' => $package !== null ? 'update' : 'install',
- 'isApplication' => ($package !== null) ? $package->isApplication : \intval($archive->getPackageInfo('isApplication')),
- ]);
- // PackageInstallationDispatcher::openQueue()
- $parentQueueID = 0;
- $conditions = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder();
- $conditions->add("userID = ?", [CLIWCF::getUser()->userID]);
- $conditions->add("parentQueueID = ?", [$parentQueueID]);
- if ($processNo != 0) {
- $conditions->add("processNo = ?", [$processNo]);
- }
- $conditions->add("done = ?", [0]);
- $sql = "SELECT *
- FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_queue
- " . $conditions . "
- ORDER BY queueID ASC";
- $statement = CLIWCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql);
- $statement->execute($conditions->getParameters());
- $packageInstallation = $statement->fetchArray();
- if (!isset($packageInstallation['queueID'])) {
- $this->error('internalOpenQueue');
- return;
- } else {
- $queueID = $packageInstallation['queueID'];
- }
- // PackageInstallationConfirmPage::readParameters()
- $queue = new PackageInstallationQueue($queueID);
- if (!$queue->queueID || $queue->done) {
- $this->error('internalReadParameters');
- return;
- }
- // PackageInstallationConfirmPage::readData()
- $missingPackages = 0;
- $packageInstallationDispatcher = new PackageInstallationDispatcher($queue);
- // get requirements
- $requirements = $packageInstallationDispatcher->getArchive()->getRequirements();
- $openRequirements = $packageInstallationDispatcher->getArchive()->getOpenRequirements();
- foreach ($requirements as &$requirement) {
- if (isset($openRequirements[$requirement['name']])) {
- $requirement['status'] = 'missing';
- $requirement['action'] = $openRequirements[$requirement['name']]['action'];
- if (!isset($requirement['file'])) {
- if ($requirement['action'] === 'update') {
- $requirement['status'] = 'missingVersion';
- $requirement['existingVersion'] = $openRequirements[$requirement['name']]['existingVersion'];
- }
- $missingPackages++;
- } else {
- $requirement['status'] = 'delivered';
- $packageArchive = new PackageArchive($packageInstallationDispatcher->getArchive()->extractTar($requirement['file']));
- $packageArchive->openArchive();
- // make sure that the delivered package is correct
- if ($requirement['name'] != $packageArchive->getPackageInfo('name')) {
- $requirement['status'] = 'invalidDeliveredPackage';
- $requirement['deliveredPackage'] = $packageArchive->getPackageInfo('name');
- $missingPackages++;
- } elseif (isset($requirement['minversion'])) {
- // make sure that the delivered version is sufficient
- if (
- Package::compareVersion(
- $requirement['minversion'],
- $packageArchive->getPackageInfo('version')
- ) > 0
- ) {
- $requirement['deliveredVersion'] = $packageArchive->getPackageInfo('version');
- $requirement['status'] = 'missingVersion';
- $missingPackages++;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $requirement['status'] = 'installed';
- }
- }
- unset($requirement);
- // PackageInstallationConfirmPage::assignVariables/show()
- $excludingPackages = $packageInstallationDispatcher->getArchive()->getConflictedExcludingPackages();
- $excludedPackages = $packageInstallationDispatcher->getArchive()->getConflictedExcludedPackages();
- if (!($missingPackages == 0 && \count($excludingPackages) == 0 && \count($excludedPackages) == 0)) {
- $this->error('missingPackagesOrExclude', [
- 'requirements' => $requirements,
- 'excludingPackages' => $excludingPackages,
- 'excludedPackages' => $excludedPackages,
- ]);
- return;
- }
- // AbstractDialogAction::readParameters()
- $step = 'prepare';
- $queueID = $queue->queueID;
- $node = '';
- // initialize progressbar
- $progressbar = new ProgressBar(new ConsoleProgressBar([
- 'width' => CLIWCF::getTerminal()->getWidth(),
- 'elements' => [
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_PERCENT,
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_BAR,
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_TEXT,
- ],
- 'textWidth' => \min(\floor(CLIWCF::getTerminal()->getWidth() / 2), 50),
- ]));
- // InstallPackageAction::readParameters()
- $finished = false;
- while (!$finished) {
- $queue = new PackageInstallationQueue($queueID);
- if (!$queue->queueID) {
- echo "InstallPackageAction::readParameters()";
- return;
- }
- $installation = new PackageInstallationDispatcher($queue);
- $progress = 0;
- $currentAction = '';
- switch ($step) {
- case 'prepare':
- // InstallPackageAction::stepPrepare()
- // update package information
- $installation->updatePackage();
- // clean-up previously created nodes
- $installation->nodeBuilder->purgeNodes();
- if ($package !== null && $package->package === 'com.woltlab.wcf') {
- WCF::checkWritability();
- }
- // create node tree
- $installation->nodeBuilder->buildNodes();
- $node = $installation->nodeBuilder->getNextNode();
- $queueID = $installation->nodeBuilder->getQueueByNode($installation->queue->processNo, $node);
- $step = 'install';
- $progress = 0;
- $currentAction = $installation->nodeBuilder->getPackageNameByQueue($queueID);
- break;
- case 'install':
- // InstallPackageAction::stepInstall()
- // workaround for app installation via CLI
- if (!empty($this->appData)) {
- WCF::getSession()->register('__wcfSetup_directories', [
- $this->appData['abbreviation'] => $this->appData['installationDirectory'],
- ]);
- if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
- $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $this->appData['domainName'];
- }
- }
- $step_ = $installation->install($node);
- $queueID = $installation->nodeBuilder->getQueueByNode(
- $installation->queue->processNo,
- $step_->getNode()
- );
- if ($step_->hasDocument()) {
- $progress = $installation->nodeBuilder->calculateProgress($node);
- $node = $step_->getNode();
- $currentAction = $installation->nodeBuilder->getPackageNameByQueue($queueID);
- } else {
- if ($step_->getNode() == '') {
- // perform final actions
- $installation->completeSetup();
- // InstallPackageAction::finalize()
- CacheHandler::getInstance()->flushAll();
- // /InstallPackageAction::finalize()
- // show success
- $progress = 100;
- $currentAction = CLIWCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.installation.step.install.success');
- $finished = true;
- continue 2;
- } else {
- // continue with next node
- $progress = $installation->nodeBuilder->calculateProgress($node);
- $node = $step_->getNode();
- $currentAction = $installation->nodeBuilder->getPackageNameByQueue($queueID);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- $progressbar->update($progress, $currentAction);
- }
- $progressbar->finish();
- }
- /**
- * Uninstalls the specified package.
- * $package may either be the packageID or the package identifier.
- *
- * @param mixed $package
- */
- private function uninstall($package)
- {
- if (Package::isValidPackageName($package)) {
- $packageID = PackageCache::getInstance()->getPackageID($package);
- } else {
- $packageID = $package;
- }
- // UninstallPackageAction::prepare()
- $package = new Package($packageID);
- if (!$package->packageID || !$package->canUninstall()) {
- $this->error('invalidUninstallation');
- }
- // get new process no
- $processNo = PackageInstallationQueue::getNewProcessNo();
- // create queue
- $queue = PackageInstallationQueueEditor::create([
- 'processNo' => $processNo,
- 'userID' => CLIWCF::getUser()->userID,
- 'packageName' => $package->getName(),
- 'packageID' => $package->packageID,
- 'action' => 'uninstall',
- ]);
- // initialize uninstallation
- $installation = new PackageUninstallationDispatcher($queue);
- $installation->nodeBuilder->purgeNodes();
- $installation->nodeBuilder->buildNodes();
- CLIWCF::getTPL()->assign([
- 'queue' => $queue,
- ]);
- $queueID = $installation->nodeBuilder->getQueueByNode(
- $queue->processNo,
- $installation->nodeBuilder->getNextNode()
- );
- $step = 'uninstall';
- $node = $installation->nodeBuilder->getNextNode();
- $currentAction = CLIWCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.package.installation.step.uninstalling');
- $progress = 0;
- // initialize progressbar
- $progressbar = new ProgressBar(new ConsoleProgressBar([
- 'width' => CLIWCF::getTerminal()->getWidth(),
- 'elements' => [
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_PERCENT,
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_BAR,
- ConsoleProgressBar::ELEMENT_TEXT,
- ],
- 'textWidth' => \min(\floor(CLIWCF::getTerminal()->getWidth() / 2), 50),
- ]));
- // InstallPackageAction::readParameters()
- $finished = false;
- while (!$finished) {
- $queue = new PackageInstallationQueue($queueID);
- $installation = new PackageUninstallationDispatcher($queue);
- switch ($step) {
- case 'uninstall':
- $_node = $installation->uninstall($node);
- if ($_node == '') {
- // remove node data
- $installation->nodeBuilder->purgeNodes();
- // UninstallPackageAction::finalize()
- CacheHandler::getInstance()->flushAll();
- // /UninstallPackageAction::finalize()
- // show success
- $currentAction = CLIWCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.uninstallation.step.success');
- $progress = 100;
- $step = 'success';
- $finished = true;
- continue 2;
- }
- // continue with next node
- $queueID = $installation->nodeBuilder->getQueueByNode(
- $installation->queue->processNo,
- $installation->nodeBuilder->getNextNode($node)
- );
- $step = 'uninstall';
- $progress = $installation->nodeBuilder->calculateProgress($node);
- $node = $_node;
- }
- $progressbar->update($progress, $currentAction);
- }
- $progressbar->finish();
- }
- /**
- * Displays an error message.
- *
- * @param string $name
- * @param array $parameters
- */
- public function error($name, array $parameters = [])
- {
- Log::error('package.' . $name . ':' . JSON::encode($parameters));
- if ($parameters) {
- throw new ArgvException(CLIWCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable(
- 'wcf.acp.package.error.' . $name,
- $parameters
- ), $this->getUsage());
- } else {
- throw new ArgvException(
- CLIWCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.acp.package.error.' . $name),
- $this->argv->getUsageMessage()
- );
- }
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function getUsage()
- {
- return \str_replace(
- $_SERVER['argv'][0] . ' [ options ]',
- 'package [ options ] <install|uninstall> <package>',
- $this->argv->getUsageMessage()
- );
- }
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function canAccess()
- {
- return CLIWCF::getSession()->getPermission('admin.configuration.package.canInstallPackage') || CLIWCF::getSession()->getPermission('admin.configuration.package.canUpdatePackage');
- }