* Moves the file-pointer to the beginning of the Central Directory.
public function jumpToCentralDirectory() {
- $this->seek(0);
- while ($this->isFile()) {
- $this->skipFile();
- $offset = $this->tell();
- }
+ $this->seek(0, SEEK_END);
+ $lastOffset = $this->tell();
+ $this->seek(-4, SEEK_CUR);
+ do {
+ if ($this->read(4) === self::EOF_SIGNATURE) {
+ $eof = unpack('vdiskNo/vdiskWithCentralDirectory/vdiskEntries/vtotalEntries/VcentralDirectorySize/VcentralDirectoryOffset/vcommentLength', $this->read(18));
+ if ($eof['commentLength'] + $this->tell() === $lastOffset) {
+ $this->seek($eof['centralDirectoryOffset']);
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ // some part of the comment looked like the EOF_SIGNATURE
+ $this->seek(-18, SEEK_CUR);
+ }
+ }
+ $this->seek(-5, SEEK_CUR);
+ } while(true);
if ($this->read(4) !== self::CENTRAL_DIRECTORY_SIGNATURE) throw new SystemException('Unable to locate central directory');
- $this->seek($offset);
+ $this->seek(-4, SEEK_CUR);
if ($this->read(4) !== self::EOF_SIGNATURE) throw new SystemException('Could not find the end of Central Directory');
- $eof = unpack('vdiskNo/vdiskWithCentralDirectory/vdiskEntries/vtotalEntries/vcentralDirectorySize', $this->read(12));
+ $eof = unpack('vdiskNo/vdiskWithCentralDirectory/vdiskEntries/vtotalEntries/VcentralDirectorySize', $this->read(12));
// check size of Central Directory
if ($size !== $eof['centralDirectorySize']) throw new SystemException('Central Directory size does not match');
- $eof += unpack('vcentralDirectoryOffset/vcommentLength', $this->read(6));
+ $eof += unpack('VcentralDirectoryOffset/vcommentLength', $this->read(6));
// read comment
if ($eof['commentLength'] > 0) $eof['comment'] = $this->read($eof['commentLength']);