First of all: Thanks for your interest in contributing to WoltLab Community Framework! However, you have to meet some requirements in order to get your changes accepted.
+**Notice:** This is the unstable development tree of WCF, if you wish to submit pull requests for WCF 2.0.x, please select the branch "2.0".
General requirements
+- **API changes are undesirable**, we want to maintain full backwards compatibility to WCF 2.0.x
- Testing is the key, you MUST try out your changes before submitting pull requests. It saves us and yourself a lot of time.
- The code SHOULD be written by yourself, otherwise you have to check the license beforehand with regard to compatibility and give the proper credit to the original author.
-WoltLab Community Framework 2.0
+WoltLab Community Framework 2.1
WoltLab Community Framework is a free web-framework, designed and developed for complex community applications. The framework applies the latest and most modern technologies, it is structured completly object-oriented, constantly enhanced and forms the base for all WoltLab products.
Version notes
-This is the stable tree of WCF, changes will be rejected unless they fix an existing issue without changing the API.
+This is the **unstable development** tree of WCF! You SHOULD NOT use it in an production environment.
+If you wish to access the **stable WCF 2.0.x** branch, please see here: [WCF 2.0.x](
<packagedescription><![CDATA[Free web-framework, designed and developed for complex community applications.]]></packagedescription>
<packagedescription language="de"><![CDATA[Freies Web-Framework, das für komplexe Community-Anwendungen entworfen und entwickelt wurde.]]></packagedescription>
- <version>2.0.4 pl 1</version> <!-- codename: maelstrom -->
+ <version>2.1.0 Alpha 1</version> <!-- codename: typhoon -->
<instruction type="aclOption">aclOption.xml</instruction>
<instruction type="script">acp/post_install.php</instruction>
- <instructions type="update" fromversion="2.0.4">
- <instruction type="file">files_update.tar</instruction>
- <instruction type="language">languages/*</instruction>
- <instruction type="smiley">smiley.xml</instruction>
- <instruction type="userOption">userOption.xml</instruction>
- </instructions>
// define current wcf version
-define('WCF_VERSION', '2.0.4 pl 1 (Maelstrom)');
+define('WCF_VERSION', '2.1.0 Alpha 1 (Maelstrom)');
// define current unix timestamp
define('TIME_NOW', time());
INSERT INTO wcf1_user_group_option_value (groupID, optionID, optionValue) VALUES (4, 3, '1'); -- Administrators
-- default update servers
-INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
-INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
+INSERT INTO wcf1_package_update_server (serverURL, status, isDisabled, errorMessage, lastUpdateTime, loginUsername, loginPassword) VALUES ('', 'online', 0, NULL, 0, '', '');
-- style default values
INSERT INTO wcf1_style_variable (variableName, defaultValue) VALUES ('wcfContentBackgroundColor', 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)');