#define AG_CNT_START 13
char qindex;
+ unsigned char bridge;
+#define BRIDGE_SN9C102P 0
+#define BRIDGE_SN9C105 1
+#define BRIDGE_SN9C110 2
+#define BRIDGE_SN9C120 3
+#define BRIDGE_SN9C325 4
char sensor; /* Type of image sensor chip */
#define SENSOR_HV7131R 0
#define SENSOR_MI0360 1
#define SENSOR_MO4000 2
#define SENSOR_OV7648 3
#define SENSOR_OV7660 4
- unsigned char customid;
-#define SN9C102P 0
-#define SN9C105 1
-#define SN9C110 2
-#define SN9C120 3
-#define SN9C325 4
unsigned char i2c_base;
- unsigned char i2c_ctrl_reg;
/* V4L2 controls supported by the driver */
__u8 mode[8];
/* is i2c ready */
- mode[0] = sd->i2c_ctrl_reg | (2 << 4);
+ mode[0] = 0x81 | (2 << 4);
mode[1] = sd->i2c_base;
mode[2] = buffer[0];
mode[3] = buffer[1];
struct sd *sd = (struct sd *) gspca_dev;
__u8 mode[8];
- mode[0] = sd->i2c_ctrl_reg | 0x10;
+ mode[0] = 0x81 | 0x10;
mode[1] = sd->i2c_base;
mode[2] = reg;
mode[3] = 0;
mode[6] = 0;
mode[7] = 0x10;
i2c_w8(gspca_dev, mode);
- mode[0] = sd->i2c_ctrl_reg | (5 << 4) | 0x02;
+ mode[0] = 0x81 | (5 << 4) | 0x02;
mode[2] = 0;
i2c_w8(gspca_dev, mode);
reg_r(gspca_dev, 0x0a, 5);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x01, &sn9c1xx[1], 2);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x08, &sn9c1xx[8], 2);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x17, &sn9c1xx[0x17], 3);
- switch (sd->customid) {
- case SN9C325:
+ switch (sd->bridge) {
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C325:
reg9a = reg9a_sn9c325;
- case SN9C120:
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C120:
reg9a = reg9a_sn9c120;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x03, &sn9c1xx[3], 0x0f);
- switch (sd->customid) {
- case SN9C120: /* from win trace */
+ switch (sd->bridge) {
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C120: /* from win trace */
data = 0x61;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x01, &data, 1);
data = 0x20;
data = 0x60;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x01, &data, 1);
- case SN9C325:
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C325:
data = 0x43;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x01, &data, 1);
data = 0xae;
case 0x0458: /* Genius */
/* switch (product) {
case 0x7025: */
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MI0360;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x5d;
/* break;
} */
/* switch (product) {
case 0x00f5:
case 0x00f7: */
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7660;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
/* break;
} */
case 0x0327:
case 0x0328:
case 0x0330: */
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MI0360;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x5d;
/* break;
} */
case 0x0c45: /* Sonix */
switch (product) {
case 0x6040:
- sd->customid = SN9C102P;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C102P;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MI0360; /* from BW600.inf */
/* sd->sensor = SENSOR_HV7131R; * gspcav1 value */
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x11;
/* case 0x607a: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C102P;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C102P;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7648;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x607c:
- sd->customid = SN9C102P;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C102P;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_HV7131R;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x11;
/* case 0x607e: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C102P;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C102P;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7630;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x60c0:
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MI0360;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x5d;
/* case 0x60c8: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OM6801;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
/* case 0x60cc: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_HV7131GP;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x60ec:
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MO4000;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
/* case 0x60ef: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_ICM105C;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
/* case 0x60fa: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7648;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x60fb:
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7660;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
case 0x60fc:
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_HV7131R;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x11;
/* case 0x60fe: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C105;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C105;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7630;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
/* case 0x6108: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OM6801;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
/* case 0x6122: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C110;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_ICM105C;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x612a:
-/* sd->customid = SN9C110; * in BW600.inf */
- sd->customid = SN9C325;
+/* sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110; * in BW600.inf */
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C325;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7648;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
/* case 0x6123: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C110;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_SanyoCCD;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x612c:
- sd->customid = SN9C110;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MO4000;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
/* case 0x612e: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C110;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7630;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
/* case 0x612f: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C110;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C110;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_ICM105C;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x6130:
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MI0360;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x5d;
case 0x6138:
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_MO4000;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
/* case 0x613a: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7648;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
case 0x613b:
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7660;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x21;
case 0x613c:
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_HV7131R;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x81;
sd->i2c_base = 0x11;
/* case 0x613e: * from BW600.inf
- sd->customid = SN9C120;
+ sd->bridge = BRIDGE_SN9C120;
sd->sensor = SENSOR_OV7630;
- sd->i2c_ctrl_reg = 0x??;
sd->i2c_base = 0x??;
break; */
__u8 regF1;
__u8 regGpio[] = { 0x29, 0x74 };
- /* setup a selector by customid */
+ /* setup a selector by bridge */
regF1 = 0x01;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xf1, ®F1, 1);
reg_r(gspca_dev, 0x00, 1); /* -> regF1 = 0x00 */
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xf1, ®F1, 1);
reg_r(gspca_dev, 0x00, 1);
regF1 = gspca_dev->usb_buf[0];
- switch (sd->customid) {
- case SN9C102P:
+ switch (sd->bridge) {
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C102P:
if (regF1 != 0x11)
return -ENODEV;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x02, ®Gpio[1], 1);
- case SN9C105:
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C105:
if (regF1 != 0x11)
return -ENODEV;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x02, regGpio, 2);
- case SN9C110:
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C110:
if (regF1 != 0x12)
return -ENODEV;
regGpio[1] = 0x62;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x02, ®Gpio[1], 1);
- case SN9C120:
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C120:
if (regF1 != 0x12)
return -ENODEV;
regGpio[1] = 0x70;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x02, regGpio, 2);
-/* case SN9C325: */
+/* case BRIDGE_SN9C325: */
if (regF1 != 0x12)
return -ENODEV;
regGpio[1] = 0x62;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xc9, &DC29[5], 1);
/*fixme:jfm end of ending sequence */
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x18, &sn9c1xx[0x18], 1);
- if (sd->customid == SN9C325)
+ if (sd->bridge == BRIDGE_SN9C325)
data = 0xae;
data = 0x60;
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x07, &sn9c1xx[7], 1);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x06, &sn9c1xx[6], 1);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x14, &sn9c1xx[0x14], 1);
- if (sd->customid == SN9C325) {
+ if (sd->bridge == BRIDGE_SN9C325) {
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x20, regsn20_sn9c325, 0x11);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0x84, reg84_sn9c325, 0x15);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xc0, C0, 6);
- switch (sd->customid) {
- case SN9C120: /*jfm ?? */
+ switch (sd->bridge) {
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C120: /*jfm ?? */
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xca, CA_sn9c120, 4);
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xca, CA, 4);
- switch (sd->customid) {
- case SN9C120: /*jfm ?? */
- case SN9C325:
+ switch (sd->bridge) {
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C120: /*jfm ?? */
+ case BRIDGE_SN9C325:
reg_w(gspca_dev, 0xce, CE_sn9c325, 4);