-# Print additional version information for non-release trees.
+# This scripts adds local version information from the version
+# control systems git, mercurial (hg) and subversion (svn).
+# If something goes wrong, send a mail the kernel build mailinglist
+# (see MAINTAINERS) and CC Nico Schottelius
+# <nico-linuxsetlocalversion -at- schottelius.org>.
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 [srctree]" >&2
# Check for git and a git repo.
if head=`git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD 2>/dev/null`; then
- # Do we have an untagged tag?
- if atag=`git describe 2>/dev/null`; then
- echo "$atag" | awk -F- '{printf("-%05d-%s", $(NF-1),$(NF))}'
- # add -g${head}, if there is no usable tag
- else
- printf '%s%s' -g $head
+ # If we are at a tagged commit (like "v2.6.30-rc6"), we ignore it,
+ # because this version is defined in the top level Makefile.
+ if [ -z "`git describe --exact-match 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
+ # If we are past a tagged commit (like "v2.6.30-rc5-302-g72357d5"),
+ # we pretty print it.
+ if atag="`git describe 2>/dev/null`"; then
+ echo "$atag" | awk -F- '{printf("-%05d-%s", $(NF-1),$(NF))}'
+ # If we don't have a tag at all we print -g{commitish}.
+ else
+ printf '%s%s' -g $head
+ fi
# Is this git on svn?