Set the maximum number of program blocks to print with brstackasm for
each sample.
+ If a callgraph address belongs to an inlined function, the inline stack
+ will be printed. Each entry has function name and file/line.
linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-script-perl[1],
"Enable kernel symbol demangling"),
OPT_STRING(0, "time", &script.time_str, "str",
"Time span of interest (start,stop)"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN(0, "inline", &symbol_conf.inline_name,
+ "Show inline function"),
const char * const script_subcommands[] = { "record", "report", NULL };
#include "map.h"
#include "strlist.h"
#include "symbol.h"
+#include "srcline.h"
static int comma_fprintf(FILE *fp, bool *first, const char *fmt, ...)
if (!print_oneline)
printed += fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ if (symbol_conf.inline_name && node->map) {
+ struct inline_node *inode;
+ addr = map__rip_2objdump(node->map, node->ip),
+ inode = dso__parse_addr_inlines(node->map->dso, addr);
+ if (inode) {
+ struct inline_list *ilist;
+ list_for_each_entry(ilist, &inode->val, list) {
+ if (print_arrow)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, " <-");
+ /* IP is same, just skip it */
+ if (print_ip)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "%c%16s",
+ s, "");
+ if (print_sym)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, " %s",
+ ilist->funcname);
+ if (print_srcline)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "\n %s:%d",
+ ilist->filename,
+ ilist->line_nr);
+ if (!print_oneline)
+ printed += fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+ inline_node__delete(inode);
+ }
+ }
if (symbol_conf.bt_stop_list &&
node->sym &&