* There is zero reason to ever build without blobs. We've even seen
this situation with official builds from our servers. It's always
better for a build to fail than it is for it to produce something
that has no chance at working.
Change-Id: I4968795670c91f691e9ecdc0e4af62e16ba3a93a
# inherit from the proprietary version
--include vendor/motorola/troika/BoardConfigVendor.mk
+include vendor/motorola/troika/BoardConfigVendor.mk
# Inherit from common
$(call inherit-product, device/motorola/exynos9610-common/common.mk)
-$(call inherit-product-if-exists, vendor/motorola/troika/troika-vendor.mk)
+$(call inherit-product, vendor/motorola/troika/troika-vendor.mk)