- * Handles user mention suggestions in CKEditors.
+ * Handles user mention suggestions in Redactor instances.
* Important: Objects of this class have to be created before the CKEditor
* is initialized!
_mentionStart: '',
+ _redactor: null,
* Initalizes user suggestions for the CKEditor with the given textarea id.
- * @param string editorID
+ * @param string wysiwygSelector
- init: function(editorID) {
- // temporary disable suggestions for Internet Explorer
- //
- // this issue is caused by misplacing the range within the parent element,
- // while the typed chars are appended to the preceeding text node, without
- // getting focused for some reason
- if ($.browser.msie) {
- return;
- }
+ init: function(wysiwygSelector) {
+ this._textarea = $('#' + wysiwygSelector);
+ this._redactor = this._textarea.redactor('getObject');
- this._textarea = $('#' + editorID);
+ this._redactor.setOption('keyupCallback', $.proxy(this._keyup, this));
+ this._redactor.setOption('wkeydownCallback', $.proxy(this._keydown, this));
- // get associated (ready) CKEditor object and add event listeners
- CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', $.proxy(function(event) {
- if (event.editor.name === this._textarea.wcfIdentify()) {
- this._ckEditor = event.editor;
- this._ckEditor.container.on('keyup', $.proxy(this._keyup, this));
- this._ckEditor.container.on('keydown', $.proxy(this._keydown, this));
- this._ckEditor.on('key', $.proxy(this._key, this));
- this._dropdown = $(this._ckEditor.editable().$);
- this._dropdownMenu = $('<ul class="dropdownMenu userSuggestionList" />').appendTo(this._textarea.parent());
- WCF.Dropdown.initDropdownFragment(this._dropdown, this._dropdownMenu);
- }
- }, this));
+ this._dropdown = this._textarea.redactor('getEditor');
+ this._dropdownMenu = $('<ul class="dropdownMenu userSuggestionList" />').appendTo(this._textarea.parent());
+ WCF.Dropdown.initDropdownFragment(this._dropdown, this._dropdownMenu);
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
success: $.proxy(this._success, this)
* @return object
_getDropdownMenuPosition: function() {
- var $range = this._ckEditor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
- var $orgRange = $range.clone();
- var $startOffset = $range.startOffset;
+ var $range = this._redactor.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
+ var $orgRange = $range.cloneRange();
- // move caret after the '@' sign
- $range.setStart($range.startContainer, $startOffset - this._mentionStart.length);
+ // insert span before the '@' to prevent node splitting (or at least node splitting in between the username and the @)
+ $range.setStart($range.startContainer, $range.startOffset - (this._mentionStart.length + 1));
- $range.select();
- // create span with random id and add it in front of the '@' sign
var $element = document.createElement('span');
- $node = new CKEDITOR.dom.node($element);
- $range.insertNode($node);
+ $range.insertNode($element);
- // get offsets of span
- $jElement = $($element);
- if ($.browser.opera) {
- // in opera, the span's height is 0 if it has no content
- $jElement.text(' ');
- }
+ var $jElement = $($element);
var $offsets = $jElement.offset();
if (this._lineHeight === null) {
this._lineHeight = $jElement.height();
- // merge text nodes before and after the temporary span element
- // to avoid split text nodes which were one node before inserting
- // the span element since split nodes can cause problems working
- // with ranges and then remove the merged text node
- if (!$.browser.msie || $element.previousSibling && $element.nextSibling) {
- $element.previousSibling.nodeValue += $element.nextSibling.nodeValue;
- $($element.nextSibling).remove();
- }
- // reset caret position to original position at the end and make
- // sure that the range is the same in all browsers
- $range.setStart($orgRange.startContainer, $startOffset);
- $range.setEnd($orgRange.startContainer, $startOffset);
- $range.select();
- // remove span
+ // move to end of node
+ $range.setEnd($orgRange.startContainer, $orgRange.startOffset);
+ $range.collapse(false);
return $offsets;
* @return string
_getTextLineInFrontOfCaret: function() {
- var $range = this._ckEditor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
// if text is marked, user suggestions are disabled
- if (!$range.collapsed) {
+ if (this._redactor.getSelectionHtml().length) {
return '';
- var $text = $range.startContainer.getText().substr(0, $range.startOffset);
+ var $range = this._redactor.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
+ var $text = $range.startContainer.textContent.substr(0, $range.startOffset);
- // remove unicode zero width space and no-breaking space
+ // remove unicode zero width space and non-breaking space
var $textBackup = $text;
$text = '';
for (var $i = 0; $i < $textBackup.length; $i++) {
this._itemIndex = -1;
- /**
- * Handles the key event of the CKEditor to select user suggestion on enter.
- */
- _key: function(event) {
- if (this._ckEditor.mode !== 'wysiwyg') {
- return true;
- }
- if (this._dropdownMenu.is(':visible')) {
- if (event.data.keyCode === 13) { // enter
- this._dropdownMenu.children('li').eq(this._itemIndex).trigger('click');
- event.cancel();
- }
- }
- },
* Handles the keydown event to check if the user starts mentioning someone.
* @param object event
_keydown: function(event) {
- if (this._ckEditor.mode !== 'wysiwyg') {
+ if (this._redactor.inPlainMode()) {
return true;
if (this._dropdownMenu.is(':visible')) {
- switch (event.data.$.keyCode) {
- case 38: // arrow up
- event.data.$.preventDefault();
+ switch (event.which) {
+ case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this._dropdownMenu.children('li').eq(this._itemIndex).trigger('click');
+ return false;
+ break;
+ case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
+ event.preventDefault();
this._selectItem(this._itemIndex - 1);
+ return false;
- case 40: // arrow down
- event.data.$.preventDefault();
+ case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
+ event.preventDefault();
this._selectItem(this._itemIndex + 1);
+ return false;
+ return true;
* @param object event
_keyup: function(event) {
- if (this._ckEditor.mode !== 'wysiwyg') {
+ if (this._redactor.inPlainMode()) {
return true;
// ignore enter key up event
- if (event.data.$.keyCode === 13) {
+ if (event.which === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
// ignore event if suggestion list and user pressed enter, arrow up or arrow down
- if (this._dropdownMenu.is(':visible') && event.data.$.keyCode in { 13:1, 38:1, 40:1 }) {
+ if (this._dropdownMenu.is(':visible') && event.which in { 13:1, 38:1, 40:1 }) {
* Replaces the started mentioning with a chosen username.
_setUsername: function(username) {
- var $range = this._ckEditor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
+ // allow redactor to undo this
+ this._redactor.bufferSet();
- // remove the beginning of the username
- $range.setStart($range.startContainer, $range.startOffset - this._mentionStart.length);
+ var $range = this._redactor.getSelection().getRangeAt(0);
+ $range.setStart($range.startContainer, $range.startOffset - (this._mentionStart.length + 1));
+ $range.collapse(true);
// insert username
if (username.indexOf("'") !== -1) {
else if (username.indexOf(' ') !== -1) {
username = "'" + username + "'";
- this._ckEditor.insertText(username);
- // add whitespace after username
- var $element = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml('<span class="wcfUserMentionTemporary"> </span>');
- this._ckEditor.insertElement($element);
- $(this._ckEditor.document.$).find('span.wcfUserMentionTemporary').replaceWith(function() {
- return $(this).html();
- });
- // the @-sign and the entered username are now in seperate text
- // nodes which causes issues if the user changes the text
- $range.endContainer.$.nodeValue += $range.endContainer.$.nextSibling.nodeValue;
- $($range.endContainer.$.nextSibling).remove();
- // make sure that the range in Firefox is that same as in the
- // other browsers
- if ($.browser.mozilla) {
- $range.selectNodeContents(new CKEDITOR.dom.text($range.endContainer.$.nextSibling));
- $range.setStart($range.startContainer, 1);
- $range.select();
- }
+ // use native API to prevent issues in Internet Explorer
+ var $text = document.createTextNode('@' + username);
+ $range.insertNode($text);
try {
var $dropdownMenuPosition = this._getDropdownMenuPosition();
$dropdownMenuPosition.top += 5 + this._lineHeight; // add little vertical gap
- $dropdownMenuPosition.left -= 16; // make sure dropdown arrow is at correct position
+ $dropdownMenuPosition.left;
catch (e) {
+ console.debug(e);
// ignore errors that are caused by pressing enter to
// often in a short period of time