--- /dev/null
+namespace wcf\system\file\processor;
+final class ImageCropSize
+ public function __construct(
+ public readonly int $width,
+ public readonly int $height
+ ) {
+ if ($width <= 0 || $height <= 0) {
+ throw new \OutOfRangeException("The width and height values must be larger than 0.");
+ }
+ }
+ public function aspectRatio(): float
+ {
+ return $this->width / $this->height;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+namespace wcf\system\file\processor;
+final class ImageCropperConfiguration
+ public readonly float $aspectRatio;
+ /**
+ * @var ImageCropSize[]
+ */
+ public readonly array $sizes;
+ public function __construct(
+ public readonly ImageCropperType $type,
+ ImageCropSize ...$sizes
+ ) {
+ if ($sizes === []) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('At least one size must be provided.');
+ }
+ $size = $sizes[0];
+ $this->aspectRatio = $size->aspectRatio();
+ foreach ($sizes as $size) {
+ if ($size->aspectRatio() !== $this->aspectRatio) {
+ throw new \InvalidArgumentException('All sizes must have the same aspect ratio.');
+ }
+ }
+ \usort($sizes, function (ImageCropSize $a, ImageCropSize $b) {
+ if ($a->width > $a->height) {
+ return $a->width <=> $b->width;
+ } else {
+ return $a->height <=> $b->height;
+ }
+ });
+ $this->sizes = $sizes;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an image cropper with minimum and maximum size with the same aspect ratio.
+ * The user can freely select, move and scale.
+ * However, the cropping area is limited to `$min` and `$max`.
+ */
+ public static function createMinMax(ImageCropSize $min, ImageCropSize $max): self
+ {
+ return new self(ImageCropperType::MinMax, $min, $max);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an image cropper that reduces the image to a specific size
+ * and only allows the user to move the cropping area.
+ * The size is determined by `$sizes` and corresponds to the smallest side of the image that is the next smaller
+ * or equal size of `$sizes`. The aspect ratio of the uploaded image is retained.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * `$sizes` is [128x128, 256x256]
+ * - Image is 100x200
+ * - Image is rejected
+ * - Image is 200x150
+ * - Image is resized to 170x128
+ * - Image is 150x200
+ * - Image is resized to 128x170
+ * - Image is 300x300
+ * - Image is resized to 256x256
+ */
+ public static function createExact(ImageCropSize ...$sizes): self
+ {
+ return new self(ImageCropperType::Exact, ...$sizes);
+ }