--- /dev/null
+# export-to-postgresql.py: export perf data to a postgresql database
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
+# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
+# more details.
+import os
+import sys
+import struct
+import datetime
+from PySide.QtSql import *
+# Need to access PostgreSQL C library directly to use COPY FROM STDIN
+from ctypes import *
+libpq = CDLL("libpq.so.5")
+PQconnectdb = libpq.PQconnectdb
+PQconnectdb.restype = c_void_p
+PQfinish = libpq.PQfinish
+PQstatus = libpq.PQstatus
+PQexec = libpq.PQexec
+PQexec.restype = c_void_p
+PQresultStatus = libpq.PQresultStatus
+PQputCopyData = libpq.PQputCopyData
+PQputCopyData.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int ]
+PQputCopyEnd = libpq.PQputCopyEnd
+PQputCopyEnd.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p ]
+sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+# These perf imports are not used at present
+#from perf_trace_context import *
+#from Core import *
+perf_db_export_mode = True
+def usage():
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: export-to-postgresql.py <database name> [<columns>]"
+ print >> sys.stderr, "where: columns 'all' or 'branches'"
+ raise Exception("Too few arguments")
+if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
+ usage()
+dbname = sys.argv[1]
+if (len(sys.argv) >= 3):
+ columns = sys.argv[2]
+ columns = "all"
+if columns not in ("all", "branches"):
+ usage()
+branches = (columns == "branches")
+output_dir_name = os.getcwd() + "/" + dbname + "-perf-data"
+def do_query(q, s):
+ if (q.exec_(s)):
+ return
+ raise Exception("Query failed: " + q.lastError().text())
+print datetime.datetime.today(), "Creating database..."
+db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QPSQL')
+query = QSqlQuery(db)
+ do_query(query, 'CREATE DATABASE ' + dbname)
+ os.rmdir(output_dir_name)
+ raise
+query = QSqlQuery(db)
+do_query(query, 'SET client_min_messages TO WARNING')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE selected_events ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'name varchar(80))')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE machines ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'pid integer,'
+ 'root_dir varchar(4096))')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE threads ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'machine_id bigint,'
+ 'process_id bigint,'
+ 'pid integer,'
+ 'tid integer)')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comms ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'comm varchar(16))')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comm_threads ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'comm_id bigint,'
+ 'thread_id bigint)')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE dsos ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'machine_id bigint,'
+ 'short_name varchar(256),'
+ 'long_name varchar(4096),'
+ 'build_id varchar(64))')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE symbols ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'dso_id bigint,'
+ 'sym_start bigint,'
+ 'sym_end bigint,'
+ 'binding integer,'
+ 'name varchar(2048))')
+if branches:
+ do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'evsel_id bigint,'
+ 'machine_id bigint,'
+ 'thread_id bigint,'
+ 'comm_id bigint,'
+ 'dso_id bigint,'
+ 'symbol_id bigint,'
+ 'sym_offset bigint,'
+ 'ip bigint,'
+ 'time bigint,'
+ 'cpu integer,'
+ 'to_dso_id bigint,'
+ 'to_symbol_id bigint,'
+ 'to_sym_offset bigint,'
+ 'to_ip bigint)')
+ do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
+ 'id bigint NOT NULL,'
+ 'evsel_id bigint,'
+ 'machine_id bigint,'
+ 'thread_id bigint,'
+ 'comm_id bigint,'
+ 'dso_id bigint,'
+ 'symbol_id bigint,'
+ 'sym_offset bigint,'
+ 'ip bigint,'
+ 'time bigint,'
+ 'cpu integer,'
+ 'to_dso_id bigint,'
+ 'to_symbol_id bigint,'
+ 'to_sym_offset bigint,'
+ 'to_ip bigint,'
+ 'period bigint,'
+ 'weight bigint,'
+ 'transaction bigint,'
+ 'data_src bigint)')
+do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW samples_view AS '
+ 'id,'
+ 'time,'
+ 'cpu,'
+ '(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
+ '(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid,'
+ '(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
+ '(SELECT name FROM selected_events WHERE id = evsel_id) AS event,'
+ 'to_hex(ip) AS ip_hex,'
+ '(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,'
+ 'sym_offset,'
+ '(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = dso_id) AS dso_short_name,'
+ 'to_hex(to_ip) AS to_ip_hex,'
+ '(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = to_symbol_id) AS to_symbol,'
+ 'to_sym_offset,'
+ '(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = to_dso_id) AS to_dso_short_name'
+ ' FROM samples')
+file_header = struct.pack("!11sii", "PGCOPY\n\377\r\n\0", 0, 0)
+file_trailer = "\377\377"
+def open_output_file(file_name):
+ path_name = output_dir_name + "/" + file_name
+ file = open(path_name, "w+")
+ file.write(file_header)
+ return file
+def close_output_file(file):
+ file.write(file_trailer)
+ file.close()
+def copy_output_file_direct(file, table_name):
+ close_output_file(file)
+ sql = "COPY " + table_name + " FROM '" + file.name + "' (FORMAT 'binary')"
+ do_query(query, sql)
+# Use COPY FROM STDIN because security may prevent postgres from accessing the files directly
+def copy_output_file(file, table_name):
+ conn = PQconnectdb("dbname = " + dbname)
+ if (PQstatus(conn)):
+ raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQconnectdb failed")
+ file.write(file_trailer)
+ file.seek(0)
+ sql = "COPY " + table_name + " FROM STDIN (FORMAT 'binary')"
+ res = PQexec(conn, sql)
+ if (PQresultStatus(res) != 4):
+ raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQexec failed")
+ data = file.read(65536)
+ while (len(data)):
+ ret = PQputCopyData(conn, data, len(data))
+ if (ret != 1):
+ raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQputCopyData failed, error " + str(ret))
+ data = file.read(65536)
+ ret = PQputCopyEnd(conn, None)
+ if (ret != 1):
+ raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQputCopyEnd failed, error " + str(ret))
+ PQfinish(conn)
+def remove_output_file(file):
+ name = file.name
+ file.close()
+ os.unlink(name)
+evsel_file = open_output_file("evsel_table.bin")
+machine_file = open_output_file("machine_table.bin")
+thread_file = open_output_file("thread_table.bin")
+comm_file = open_output_file("comm_table.bin")
+comm_thread_file = open_output_file("comm_thread_table.bin")
+dso_file = open_output_file("dso_table.bin")
+symbol_file = open_output_file("symbol_table.bin")
+sample_file = open_output_file("sample_table.bin")
+def trace_begin():
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Writing to intermediate files..."
+ # id == 0 means unknown. It is easier to create records for them than replace the zeroes with NULLs
+ evsel_table(0, "unknown")
+ machine_table(0, 0, "unknown")
+ thread_table(0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
+ comm_table(0, "unknown")
+ dso_table(0, 0, "unknown", "unknown", "")
+ symbol_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "unknown")
+unhandled_count = 0
+def trace_end():
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Copying to database..."
+ copy_output_file(evsel_file, "selected_events")
+ copy_output_file(machine_file, "machines")
+ copy_output_file(thread_file, "threads")
+ copy_output_file(comm_file, "comms")
+ copy_output_file(comm_thread_file, "comm_threads")
+ copy_output_file(dso_file, "dsos")
+ copy_output_file(symbol_file, "symbols")
+ copy_output_file(sample_file, "samples")
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Removing intermediate files..."
+ remove_output_file(evsel_file)
+ remove_output_file(machine_file)
+ remove_output_file(thread_file)
+ remove_output_file(comm_file)
+ remove_output_file(comm_thread_file)
+ remove_output_file(dso_file)
+ remove_output_file(symbol_file)
+ remove_output_file(sample_file)
+ os.rmdir(output_dir_name)
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Adding primary keys"
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE selected_events ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE machines ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE threads ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comms ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comm_threads ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE dsos ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE symbols ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE samples ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Adding foreign keys"
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE threads '
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk FOREIGN KEY (machine_id) REFERENCES machines (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT processfk FOREIGN KEY (process_id) REFERENCES threads (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comm_threads '
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT commfk FOREIGN KEY (comm_id) REFERENCES comms (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT threadfk FOREIGN KEY (thread_id) REFERENCES threads (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE dsos '
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk FOREIGN KEY (machine_id) REFERENCES machines (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE symbols '
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT dsofk FOREIGN KEY (dso_id) REFERENCES dsos (id)')
+ do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE samples '
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT evselfk FOREIGN KEY (evsel_id) REFERENCES selected_events (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk FOREIGN KEY (machine_id) REFERENCES machines (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT threadfk FOREIGN KEY (thread_id) REFERENCES threads (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT commfk FOREIGN KEY (comm_id) REFERENCES comms (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT dsofk FOREIGN KEY (dso_id) REFERENCES dsos (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT symbolfk FOREIGN KEY (symbol_id) REFERENCES symbols (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT todsofk FOREIGN KEY (to_dso_id) REFERENCES dsos (id),'
+ 'ADD CONSTRAINT tosymbolfk FOREIGN KEY (to_symbol_id) REFERENCES symbols (id)')
+ if (unhandled_count):
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Warning: ", unhandled_count, " unhandled events"
+ print datetime.datetime.today(), "Done"
+def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict):
+ global unhandled_count
+ unhandled_count += 1
+def sched__sched_switch(*x):
+ pass
+def evsel_table(evsel_id, evsel_name, *x):
+ n = len(evsel_name)
+ fmt = "!hiqi" + str(n) + "s"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 2, 8, evsel_id, n, evsel_name)
+ evsel_file.write(value)
+def machine_table(machine_id, pid, root_dir, *x):
+ n = len(root_dir)
+ fmt = "!hiqiii" + str(n) + "s"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 3, 8, machine_id, 4, pid, n, root_dir)
+ machine_file.write(value)
+def thread_table(thread_id, machine_id, process_id, pid, tid, *x):
+ value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiiii", 5, 8, thread_id, 8, machine_id, 8, process_id, 4, pid, 4, tid)
+ thread_file.write(value)
+def comm_table(comm_id, comm_str, *x):
+ n = len(comm_str)
+ fmt = "!hiqi" + str(n) + "s"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 2, 8, comm_id, n, comm_str)
+ comm_file.write(value)
+def comm_thread_table(comm_thread_id, comm_id, thread_id, *x):
+ fmt = "!hiqiqiq"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 3, 8, comm_thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, thread_id)
+ comm_thread_file.write(value)
+def dso_table(dso_id, machine_id, short_name, long_name, build_id, *x):
+ n1 = len(short_name)
+ n2 = len(long_name)
+ n3 = len(build_id)
+ fmt = "!hiqiqi" + str(n1) + "si" + str(n2) + "si" + str(n3) + "s"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 5, 8, dso_id, 8, machine_id, n1, short_name, n2, long_name, n3, build_id)
+ dso_file.write(value)
+def symbol_table(symbol_id, dso_id, sym_start, sym_end, binding, symbol_name, *x):
+ n = len(symbol_name)
+ fmt = "!hiqiqiqiqiii" + str(n) + "s"
+ value = struct.pack(fmt, 6, 8, symbol_id, 8, dso_id, 8, sym_start, 8, sym_end, 4, binding, n, symbol_name)
+ symbol_file.write(value)
+def sample_table(sample_id, evsel_id, machine_id, thread_id, comm_id, dso_id, symbol_id, sym_offset, ip, time, cpu, to_dso_id, to_symbol_id, to_sym_offset, to_ip, period, weight, transaction, data_src, *x):
+ if branches:
+ value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiiiqiqiqiq", 15, 8, sample_id, 8, evsel_id, 8, machine_id, 8, thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, dso_id, 8, symbol_id, 8, sym_offset, 8, ip, 8, time, 4, cpu, 8, to_dso_id, 8, to_symbol_id, 8, to_sym_offset, 8, to_ip)
+ else:
+ value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiiiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiq", 19, 8, sample_id, 8, evsel_id, 8, machine_id, 8, thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, dso_id, 8, symbol_id, 8, sym_offset, 8, ip, 8, time, 4, cpu, 8, to_dso_id, 8, to_symbol_id, 8, to_sym_offset, 8, to_ip, 8, period, 8, weight, 8, transaction, 8, data_src)
+ sample_file.write(value)