keydown: function() {
this.keydown.enterWithinBlockquote = false;
+ this.keydown.woltlabIsEnter = false;
// keydown.onTab
var $mpOnTab = this.keydown.onTab;
// keydown.setupBuffer
var $mpSetupBuffer = this.keydown.setupBuffer;
this.keydown.setupBuffer = (function(e, key) {
+ this.keydown.woltlabIsEnter = (key == this.keyCode.ENTER && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey);
// undo
if (this.keydown.ctrl && key === 89 && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && this.opts.rebuffer.length !== 0) {
fixApple = true;
else {
+ // Removing the marker without moving the selection first causes Firefox
+ // to move the selection somewhere else. Unfortunately the predicted new
+ // location is sometimes completely off, messing up everything.
+ if (this.keydown.woltlabIsEnter && this.utils.browser('mozilla')) {
+ $node = null;
+ var text = document.createTextNode("\u200B");
+ if (marker.nextSibling) marker.parentNode.insertBefore(text, marker.nextSibling);
+ else marker.parentNode.appendChild(text);
+ this.selection.implicitRange = document.createRange();
+ this.selection.implicitRange.setStartAfter(text);
+ this.selection.implicitRange.setEndAfter(text);
+ getSelection().removeAllRanges();
+ getSelection().addRange(this.selection.implicitRange);
+ }
- else {
+ else if (!this.utils.browser('mozilla')) {
this.selection.implicitRange = null;
// selection.removeMarkers
this.selection.removeMarkers = (function() {
- this.$editor.find('span.redactor-selection-marker').each($removeEmptyTextNodes);
+ var func = (function() {
+ this.$editor.find('span.redactor-selection-marker').each($removeEmptyTextNodes);
+ }).bind(this);
+ if (this.keydown.woltlabIsEnter && this.utils.browser('mozilla')) {
+ // slightly delay removal to give Firefox some time to accept
+ // the new caret position
+ setTimeout(func, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ func();
+ }
// selection.removeNodesMarkers