* @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
RedactorPlugins.wbbcode = {
- wBlockTest: /^(BLOCKQUOTE|DIV)$/,
* Initializes the RedactorPlugins.wbbcode plugin.
if (this.opts.visual) {
this.sync(undefined, true);
- this._convertFromHtml();
+ this.$source.val(this.convertFromHtml(this.$source.val()));
else {
- this._convertToHtml();
+ this.$source.val(this.convertToHtml(this.$source.val()));
- this.fixQuoteContent();
* Converts source contents from HTML into BBCode.
+ *
+ * @param string html
- _convertFromHtml: function() {
- var html = this.$source.val();
+ convertFromHtml: function(html) {
WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'beforeConvertFromHtml', { html: html });
// revert conversion of special characters
- this.$source.val(html);
+ // remove all leading and trailing whitespaces, but add one empty line at the end
+ html = $.trim(html);
+ html += "\n";
+ return html;
* Converts source contents from BBCode to HTML.
+ *
+ * @param string data
- _convertToHtml: function() {
- var data = this.$source.val();
+ convertToHtml: function(data) {
WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'beforeConvertToHtml', { data: data });
// remove 0x200B (unicode zero width space)
// insert quotes
if ($.getLength($cachedQuotes)) {
// [quote]
- for (var $key in $cachedQuotes) {
- var $regex = new RegExp('@@' + $key + '@@', 'g');
- data = data.replace($regex, this.transformQuote($cachedQuotes[$key]));
- }
- }
- WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'afterConvertToHtml', { data: data });
- this.$source.val(data);
- },
- unquoteString: function(quotedString) {
- return quotedString.replace(/^['"]/, '').replace(/['"]$/, '');
- },
- transformQuote: function(quote) {
- var self = this;
- quote = quote.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\]/gi, function(match, attributes, innerContent) {
- var $author = '';
- var $link = '';
+ var $unquoteString = function(quotedString) {
+ return quotedString.replace(/^['"]/, '').replace(/['"]$/, '');
+ };
- if (attributes) {
- attributes = attributes.substr(1);
- attributes = attributes.split(',');
- switch (attributes.length) {
- case 1:
- $author = attributes[0];
- break;
+ var self = this;
+ var $transformQuote = function(quote) {
+ return quote.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\]([\S\s]*)\[\/quote\]?/gi, $.proxy(function(match, attributes, innerContent) {
+ var $author = '';
+ var $link = '';
- case 2:
- $author = attributes[0];
- $link = attributes[1];
- break;
- }
- $author = WCF.String.escapeHTML(self.unquoteString($.trim($author)));
- $link = WCF.String.escapeHTML(self.unquoteString($.trim($link)));
- }
- var $quote = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + $link + '" data-author="' + $author + '">'
- + '<div class="container containerPadding">'
- + '<header>'
- + '<h3>'
- + self._buildQuoteHeader($author, $link)
- + '</h3>'
- + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
- + '</header>'
- + '<div class="redactorQuoteContent">';
- return $quote;
- });
- return quote.replace(/\[\/quote\]/gi, '</blockquote>');
- },
- /**
- * Fixes quote content by converting newlines into own paragraphs.
- */
- fixQuoteContent: function() {
- var $count = this.$editor.find('.redactorQuoteContent').length;
- var self = this;
- while ($count > 0) {
- var $content = this.$editor.find('.redactorQuoteContent:eq(0)').removeClass('redactorQuoteContent');
- $content.contents().each(function(index, node) {
- if (node.nodeType === Element.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (self.opts.rBlockTest.test(this.tagName) || self.wBlockTest.test(this.tagName)) {
- $(node).wrap('<div />');
+ if (attributes) {
+ attributes = attributes.substr(1);
+ attributes = attributes.split(',');
+ switch (attributes.length) {
+ case 1:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ $link = attributes[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ $author = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($author)));
+ $link = WCF.String.escapeHTML($unquoteString($.trim($link)));
- }
- else if (node.nodeType === Element.TEXT_NODE) {
- var $node = $(node);
- // split text nodes
- var $parts = node.nodeValue.split(/\n/);
- for (var $i = 0; $i < $parts.length; $i++) {
- var $part = $.trim($parts[$i]);
- if (!$part.length) {
- $part = self.opts.invisibleSpace;
+ var $quote = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + $link + '" data-author="' + $author + '">'
+ + '<div class="container containerPadding">'
+ + '<header>'
+ + '<h3>'
+ + self._buildQuoteHeader($author, $link)
+ + '</h3>'
+ + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
+ + '</header>';
+ innerContent = $.trim(innerContent);
+ var $tmp = '';
+ if (innerContent.length) {
+ var $lines = innerContent.split('\n');
+ for (var $i = 0; $i < $lines.length; $i++) {
+ var $line = $lines[$i];
+ if ($line.length === 0) {
+ $line = self.opts.invisibleSpace;
+ }
+ $tmp += '<div>' + $line + '</div>';
- $('<div>' + $part + '</div>').insertAfter($node);
+ }
+ else {
+ $tmp = '<div>' + self.opts.invisibleSpace + '</div>';
- $node.remove();
- }
- });
+ $quote += $tmp;
+ $quote += '</blockquote>';
+ return $quote;
+ }, this));
+ };
- $count--;
+ for (var $key in $cachedQuotes) {
+ var $regex = new RegExp('@@' + $key + '@@', 'g');
+ data = data.replace($regex, $transformQuote($cachedQuotes[$key]));
+ }
+ WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'afterConvertToHtml', { data: data });
+ return data;
* @param string plainText
insertQuoteBBCode: function(author, link, html, plainText) {
+ var $bbcode = '[quote]';
+ if (author) {
+ if (link) {
+ $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "']";
+ }
+ }
+ if (plainText) $bbcode += plainText;
+ $bbcode += '[/quote]';
if (this.inWysiwygMode()) {
- var $html = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + link + '" data-author="' + author + '" id="redactorInsertedQuote">'
+ /*var $html = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + link + '" data-author="' + author + '" id="redactorInsertedQuote">'
+ '<div class="container containerPadding">'
+ '<header>'
+ '<h3>'
var $container = $('<div>' + (html ? html : this.opts.invisibleSpace) + '</div>').insertAfter($quote.find('> div > header'));
- this.selectionStart($container[0]);
+ this.selectionStart($container[0]);*/
+ $bbcode = this.convertToHtml($bbcode);
+ this.insertHtml($bbcode);
else {
- var $bbcode = '[quote]';
- if (author) {
- if (link) {
- $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
- }
- else {
- $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "']";
- }
- }
- if (plainText) $bbcode += plainText;
- $bbcode += '[/quote]';