+ '{@$__wcf->getPath()}js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabFont.js?v={@LAST_UPDATE_TIME}',
+ '{@$__wcf->getPath()}js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabObserve.js?v={@LAST_UPDATE_TIME}',
'insert-column-right': '{lang}wcf.editor.table.insertColumnRight{/lang}',
'insert-row-above': '{lang}wcf.editor.table.insertRowAbove{/lang}',
'insert-row-below': '{lang}wcf.editor.table.insertRowBelow{/lang}',
// size
'remove-size': '{lang}wcf.editor.button.size.removeSize{/lang}',
// color
- 'remove-color': '{lang}wcf.editor.button.color.removeColor{/lang}'
+ 'remove-color': '{lang}wcf.editor.button.color.removeColor{/lang}',
+ // font
+ 'remove-font': '{lang}wcf.editor.button.font.removeFont{/lang}'
linkify: false,
+ 'WoltLabFont',
+ 'WoltLabObserve',
--- /dev/null
+$.Redactor.prototype.WoltLabCaret = function() {
+ "use strict";
+ return {
+ init: function () {
+ // These rewritten methods below are up to 5 times faster and help prevent
+ // input lags on less powerful devices. Tests have shown that just using bold
+ // text on an iPad 3rd Gen causes `observe.toolbar()` to take about 30ms
+ // during each keystroke with spikes at 50ms, with the delay being up to 90
+ // ms on backspace.
+ //
+ // The same test with the new methods average at 9ms for regular keystrokes
+ // and spiking at 20ms on backspace.
+ var buttons = elByClass('re-button', this.button.toolbar()[0]);
+ this.button.setInactiveAll = (function(key) {
+ var button;
+ for (var i = 0, length = buttons.length; i < length; i++) {
+ button = buttons[i];
+ if (button.classList.contains('re-' + key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ button.classList.remove('redactor-act');
+ }
+ }).bind(this);
+ this.observe.buttons = (function(e, btnName) {
+ var current = this.selection.current();
+ // WoltLab modification: parent is useless for us
+ //var parent = this.selection.parent();
+ if (e !== false)
+ {
+ this.button.setInactiveAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.button.setInactiveAll(btnName);
+ }
+ if (e === false && btnName !== 'html')
+ {
+ if ($.inArray(btnName, this.opts.activeButtons) !== -1)
+ {
+ this.button.toggleActive(btnName);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!this.utils.isRedactorParent(current))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // disable line
+ if (this.utils.isCurrentOrParentHeader() || this.utils.isCurrentOrParent(['table', 'pre', 'blockquote', 'li']))
+ {
+ this.button.disable('horizontalrule');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.button.enable('horizontalrule');
+ }
+ // WoltLab modification: we know that there will be quite a few
+ // active button states, so we'll simply check all ancestors one
+ // by one instead of searching the DOM over and over again
+ var editor = this.$editor[0];
+ if (current.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) current = current.parentNode;
+ var tagName, tags = [];
+ while (current !== editor) {
+ tagName = current.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (tags.indexOf(tagName) === -1) {
+ if (this.opts.activeButtonsStates.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) {
+ this.button.setActive(this.opts.activeButtonsStates[tagName]);
+ }
+ // mark as known
+ tags.push(tagName);
+ }
+ current = current.parentNode;
+ }
+ }).bind(this);
+ this.observe.dropdowns = (function() {
+ var current = this.selection.current();
+ var editor = this.$editor[0];
+ var isRedactor = this.utils.isRedactorParent(current);
+ var tagName, tags = [];
+ if (current && isRedactor) {
+ if (current.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) current = current.parentNode;
+ while (current !== editor) {
+ tagName = current.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ if (tags.indexOf(tagName) === -1) {
+ tags.push(tagName);
+ }
+ current = current.parentNode;
+ }
+ }
+ var finded = null;
+ var value;
+ for (var i = 0, length = this.opts.observe.dropdowns.length; i < length; i++) {
+ value = this.opts.observe.dropdowns[i];
+ var observe = value.observe,
+ element = observe.element,
+ $item = value.item,
+ inValues = (observe.in) ? observe.in : false,
+ outValues = (observe.out) ? observe.out : false;
+ if (element === 'a' && finded === null) {
+ finded = $('<div />').html(this.selection.html()).find('a').length
+ }
+ if ((tags.indexOf(element) !== -1 && isRedactor) || (element === 'a' && finded !== 0)) {
+ this.observe.setDropdownProperties($item, inValues, outValues);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.observe.setDropdownProperties($item, outValues, inValues);
+ }
+ }
+ }).bind(this);
+ }
+ };