use wcf\data\devtools\project\DevtoolsProject;
use wcf\system\form\builder\field\IFormField;
use wcf\system\form\builder\IFormDocument;
+use wcf\system\WCF;
use wcf\util\DOMUtil;
use wcf\util\StringUtil;
use wcf\util\XML;
$xml = $this->getProjectXml();
$document = $xml->getDocument();
- $this->writeEntry($document, $form);
+ $newElement = $this->writeEntry($document, $form);
/** @var DevtoolsProject $project */
// TODO: while creating/testing the gui, write into a temporary file
// $xml->write($this->getXmlFileLocation($project));
$xml->write($project->path . ($project->getPackage()->package === 'com.woltlab.wcf' ? 'com.woltlab.wcf/' : '') . 'tmp_' . static::getDefaultFilename());
+ $this->saveObject($newElement);
* @param string $identifier
* @return string new identifier
- public function editEntry(IFormDocument $form, string $identifier): string{
+ public function editEntry(IFormDocument $form, string $identifier): string {
$xml = $this->getProjectXml();
$document = $xml->getDocument();
// $xml->write($this->getXmlFileLocation($project));
$xml->write($project->path . ($project->getPackage()->package === 'com.woltlab.wcf' ? 'com.woltlab.wcf/' : '') . 'tmp_' . static::getDefaultFilename());
+ $this->saveObject($newEntry, $element);
return $this->getElementIdentifier($newEntry);
* Returns the `import` element with the given identifier.
+ * @param XML $xml
* @param string $identifier
* @return \DOMElement|null
return null;
+ /**
+ * Extracts the PIP object data from the given XML element.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMElement $element
+ * @return array
+ */
+ abstract protected function getElementData(\DOMElement $element): array;
* Returns the identifier of the given `import` element.
* @return XML
- protected function getProjectXml() {
+ protected function getProjectXml(): XML {
$fileLocation = $this->getXmlFileLocation();
$xml = new XML();
* @return string
- protected function getXmlFileLocation() {
+ protected function getXmlFileLocation(): string {
/** @var DevtoolsProject $project */
$project = $this->installation->getProject();
return $project->path . ($project->getPackage()->package === 'com.woltlab.wcf' ? 'com.woltlab.wcf/' : '') . static::getDefaultFilename();
+ /**
+ * Saves an object represented by an XML element in the database by either
+ * creating a new element (if `$oldElement = null`) or updating an existing
+ * element.
+ *
+ * @param \DOMElement $newElement XML element with new data
+ * @param \DOMElement|null $oldElement XML element with old data
+ */
+ protected function saveObject(\DOMElement $newElement, \DOMElement $oldElement = null) {
+ $newElementData = $this->getElementData($newElement);
+ if ($oldElement === null) {
+ call_user_func([$this->className, 'create'], $newElementData);
+ }
+ else {
+ $sqlData = $this->findExistingItem($this->getElementData($oldElement));
+ $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sqlData['sql']);
+ $statement->execute($sqlData['parameters']);
+ $baseClass = call_user_func([$this->className, 'getBaseClass']);
+ $itemEditor = new $this->className(new $baseClass(null, $statement->fetchArray()));
+ $itemEditor->update($newElementData);
+ }
+ }
* Informs the pip of the identifier of the edited entry if the form to
* edit that entry has been submitted.