+ var isInsidePre = false;
+ if (e.which === this.keyCode.BACKSPACE && this.selection.isCollapsed() && this.detect.isWebkit()) {
+ var block = this.selection.block();
+ if (block !== false && block.nodeName === 'PRE') {
+ isInsidePre = true;
+ }
+ }
// remove style tag
+ var current;
if (firefoxKnownCustomElements.length > 0) {
+ // The caret was previously inside a `<pre>`, check if we have backspaced out
+ // of the code and are now left inside a `<span>` with a metric ton of styles.
+ if (isInsidePre) {
+ var block = this.selection.block();
+ if (block === false || block.nodeName !== 'PRE') {
+ current = this.selection.current();
+ // If the keystroke caused the `<pre>` to vanish, then the caret has moved into the
+ // adjacent element, but the `current`'s next sibling is the newly added `<span>`.
+ if (current.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && current.nextSibling && current.nextSibling.nodeName === 'SPAN') {
+ var sibling = current.nextSibling;
+ // check for typical styles that are a remains of the `<pre>`'s styles
+ if (sibling.style.getPropertyValue('font-family').indexOf('monospace') !== -1 && sibling.style.getPropertyValue('white-space') === 'pre-wrap') {
+ // the sibling is a rogue `<span>`, remove it
+ while (sibling.childNodes.length) {
+ sibling.parentNode.insertBefore(sibling.childNodes[0], sibling);
+ }
+ elRemove(sibling);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
this.code.syncFire = false;
// strip empty <kbd>
- var current = this.selection.current();
+ current = this.selection.current();
if (current.nodeName === 'KBD' && current.innerHTML.length === 0) {