this.opts.pasteBeforeCallback = $.proxy(this._wPasteBeforeCallback, this);
this.opts.pasteAfterCallback = $.proxy(this._wPasteAfterCallback, this);
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var self = this;
this.syncClean = function(html) {
else {
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+ if (link) {
+ return "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
+ }
+ else if (author) {
+ return "[quote='" + author + "']";
+ }
+ return "[quote]";
+ });
+ html = html.replace(/<\/blockquote>/gi, '[/quote]');
+ html = html.replace(/<header data-ignore="true">.*?<\/header>/gi, '');
// handle [color], [size], [font] and [tt]
var $components = html.split(/(<\/?span[^>]*>)/);
html = $tmp.join("\n");
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+ html = html.replace(/\[quote([^\]]+)?\](.*?)\[\/quote\]/, function(match, attributes, content) {
+ return '[quote' + attributes + ']' + $.trim(content) + '[/quote]';
+ });
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+ var $link = '';
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+ case 1:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ $author = attributes[0];
+ $link = attributes[1];
+ break;
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+ + '</h3>'
+ + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
+ + '</header>';
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+ $quote += '<div>';
+ return $quote;
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WCF.System.Event.fireEvent('com.woltlab.wcf.redactor', 'getImageAttachments_' + this.$source.wcfIdentify(), $data);
return $data.imageAttachmentIDs;
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+ _wKeydownCallback: function(event) {
+ if (event.which === this.keyCode.DOWN) {
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+ if ($parent && $quote.length) {
+ this.insertAfterLastElement($(parent)[0], $quote[0]);
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+ return false;
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+ return true;
+ },
+ _observeQuotes: function() {
+ this.$editor.find('.redactorQuoteEdit:not(.jsRedactorQuoteEdit)').addClass('jsRedactorQuoteEdit').click($.proxy(this._observeQuotesClick, this));
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+ _observeQuotesClick: function(event) {
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+ $('.redactor-link-tooltip').remove();
+ }, this)).appendTo($tooltip);
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+ top: ($ + 20) + 'px'
+ });
+ $('.redactor-link-tooltip').remove();
+ $tooltip.appendTo(document.body);
+ },
+ _openQuoteEditOverlay: function(quote) {
+ this.modalInit(WCF.Language.get('wcf.bbcode.quote.edit'), this.opts.modal_quote, 300, $.proxy(function() {
+ $('#redactorQuoteAuthor').val('author'));
+ // do not use prop() here, an empty cite attribute would yield the page URL instead
+ $('#redactorQuoteLink').val(quote.attr('cite'));
+ $('#redactorEditQuote').click($.proxy(function() {
+ var $author = $('#redactorQuoteAuthor').val();
+'author', $author);
+ quote.attr('data-author', $author);
+ quote.prop('cite', WCF.String.escapeHTML($('#redactorQuoteLink').val()));
+ this._updateQuoteHeader(quote);
+ this.modalClose();
+ }, this));
+ }, this));
+ },
+ _updateQuoteHeader: function(quote) {
+ var $author ='author');
+ var $link = quote.attr('cite');
+ if ($link) $link = WCF.String.escapeHTML($link);
+ quote.find('> div > header > h3').empty().append(this._buildQuoteHeader($author, $link));
+ },
+ insertQuoteBBCode: function(author, link) {
+ if (this.inWysiwygMode()) {
+ var $html = '<blockquote class="quoteBox" cite="' + $link + '" data-author="' + $author + '">'
+ + '<div class="container containerPadding">'
+ + '<header data-ignore="true">'
+ + '<h3>'
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+ + '</h3>'
+ + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
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+ + '<div id="redactorInsertedQuote">' + this.opts.invisibleSpace + '</div>'
+ + '</div>'
+ + '</blockquote>';
+ this.insertHtml($html);
+ }
+ else {
+ var $bbcode = '[quote][/quote]';
+ if (author) {
+ if (link) {
+ $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "','" + link + "']";
+ }
+ else {
+ $bbcode = "[quote='" + author + "'][/quote]";
+ }
+ }
+ this.insertAtCaret($bbcode);
+ }
+ },
+ _buildQuoteHeader: function(author, link) {
+ var $header = '';
+ // author is empty, check if link was provided and use it instead
+ if (!author && link) {
+ author = link;
+ link = '';
+ }
+ if (author) {
+ if (link) $header += '<a href="' + link + '">';
+ $header += WCF.Language.get('wcf.bbcode.quote.title.javascript', { quoteAuthor: WCF.String.unescapeHTML(author) });
+ if (link) $header += '</a>';
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+ else {
+ $header = '<small>' + WCF.Language.get('wcf.bbcode.quote.title.clickToSet') + '</small>';
+ }
+ return $header;
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- $.extend( this.opts, {
- modal_file: String()
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- // link
- // table
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- + '<section id="redactor-modal-video-insert">'
- + '<form id="redactorInsertVideoForm">'
- + '<label>' + this.opts.curLang.video_html_code + '</label>'
- + '<textarea id="redactor_insert_video_area" style="width: 99%; height: 160px;"></textarea>'
- + '</form>'
- + '</section>'
- + '<footer>'
- + '<button class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_btn_modal_close">' + this.opts.curLang.cancel + '</button>'
- + '<button id="redactor_insert_video_btn" class="redactor_modal_btn redactor_modal_action_btn">' + this.opts.curLang.insert + '</button>'
- + '</footer>'
- });
+ this.setOption('modal_quote',
+ '<fieldset>'
+ + '<dl>'
+ + '<dt><label for="redactorQuoteAuthor">' + WCF.Language.get('') + '</label></dt>'
+ + '<dd><input type="text" id="redactorQuoteAuthor" class="long" /></dd>'
+ + '</dl>'
+ + '<dl>'
+ + '<dt><label for="redactorQuoteLink">' + WCF.Language.get('') + '</label></dt>'
+ + '<dd><input type="text" id="redactorQuoteLink" class="long" /></dd>'
+ + '</dl>'
+ + '</fieldset>'
+ + '<div class="formSubmit">'
+ + '<button id="redactorEditQuote">' + + '</button>'
+ + '</div>'
+ );
mpModalInit: function() {
else {
- }
+ },
+ observeLinks: function() {
+ this.$editor.find('a:not(.redactorQuoteEdit)').on('click', $.proxy(this.linkObserver, this));
+ this.$editor.on('click.redactor', $.proxy(function(e)
+ {
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+ }, this));
+ $(document).on('click.redactor', $.proxy(function(e)
+ {
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+ }, this));
+ },