--- /dev/null
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/rx-<queue>/rps_cpus
+Date: March 2010
+KernelVersion: 2.6.35
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Mask of the CPU(s) currently enabled to participate into the
+ Receive Packet Steering packet processing flow for this
+ network device queue. Possible values depend on the number
+ of available CPU(s) in the system.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/rx-<queue>/rps_flow_cnt
+Date: April 2010
+KernelVersion: 2.6.35
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Number of Receive Packet Steering flows being currently
+ processed by this particular network device receive queue.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/tx_timeout
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the number of transmit timeout events seen by this
+ network interface transmit queue.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/xps_cpus
+Date: November 2010
+KernelVersion: 2.6.38
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Mask of the CPU(s) currently enabled to participate into the
+ Transmit Packet Steering packet processing flow for this
+ network device transmit queue. Possible vaules depend on the
+ number of available CPU(s) in the system.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/byte_queue_limits/hold_time
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the hold time in milliseconds to measure the slack
+ of this particular network device transmit queue.
+ Default value is 1000.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/byte_queue_limits/inflight
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the number of bytes (objects) in flight on this
+ network device transmit queue.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/byte_queue_limits/limit
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the current limit of bytes allowed to be queued
+ on this network device transmit queue. This value is clamped
+ to be within the bounds defined by limit_max and limit_min.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/byte_queue_limits/limit_max
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the absolute maximum limit of bytes allowed to be
+ queued on this network device transmit queue. See
+ include/linux/dynamic_queue_limits.h for the default value.
+What: /sys/class/<iface>/queues/tx-<queue>/byte_queue_limits/limit_min
+Date: November 2011
+KernelVersion: 3.3
+Contact: netdev@vger.kernel.org
+ Indicates the absolute minimum limit of bytes allowed to be
+ queued on this network device transmit queue. Default value is
+ 0.