--- /dev/null
+(function (root) {
+ // Store setTimeout reference so promise-polyfill will be unaffected by
+ // other code modifying setTimeout (like sinon.useFakeTimers())
+ var setTimeoutFunc = setTimeout;
+ function noop() {}
+ // Polyfill for Function.prototype.bind
+ function bind(fn, thisArg) {
+ return function () {
+ fn.apply(thisArg, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+ function Promise(fn) {
+ if (typeof this !== 'object') throw new TypeError('Promises must be constructed via new');
+ if (typeof fn !== 'function') throw new TypeError('not a function');
+ this._state = 0;
+ this._handled = false;
+ this._value = undefined;
+ this._deferreds = [];
+ doResolve(fn, this);
+ }
+ function handle(self, deferred) {
+ while (self._state === 3) {
+ self = self._value;
+ }
+ if (self._state === 0) {
+ self._deferreds.push(deferred);
+ return;
+ }
+ self._handled = true;
+ Promise._immediateFn(function () {
+ var cb = self._state === 1 ? deferred.onFulfilled : deferred.onRejected;
+ if (cb === null) {
+ (self._state === 1 ? resolve : reject)(deferred.promise, self._value);
+ return;
+ }
+ var ret;
+ try {
+ ret = cb(self._value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(deferred.promise, e);
+ return;
+ }
+ resolve(deferred.promise, ret);
+ });
+ }
+ function resolve(self, newValue) {
+ try {
+ // Promise Resolution Procedure: https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec#the-promise-resolution-procedure
+ if (newValue === self) throw new TypeError('A promise cannot be resolved with itself.');
+ if (newValue && (typeof newValue === 'object' || typeof newValue === 'function')) {
+ var then = newValue.then;
+ if (newValue instanceof Promise) {
+ self._state = 3;
+ self._value = newValue;
+ finale(self);
+ return;
+ } else if (typeof then === 'function') {
+ doResolve(bind(then, newValue), self);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ self._state = 1;
+ self._value = newValue;
+ finale(self);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(self, e);
+ }
+ }
+ function reject(self, newValue) {
+ self._state = 2;
+ self._value = newValue;
+ finale(self);
+ }
+ function finale(self) {
+ if (self._state === 2 && self._deferreds.length === 0) {
+ Promise._immediateFn(function() {
+ if (!self._handled) {
+ Promise._unhandledRejectionFn(self._value);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, len = self._deferreds.length; i < len; i++) {
+ handle(self, self._deferreds[i]);
+ }
+ self._deferreds = null;
+ }
+ function Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, promise) {
+ this.onFulfilled = typeof onFulfilled === 'function' ? onFulfilled : null;
+ this.onRejected = typeof onRejected === 'function' ? onRejected : null;
+ this.promise = promise;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Take a potentially misbehaving resolver function and make sure
+ * onFulfilled and onRejected are only called once.
+ *
+ * Makes no guarantees about asynchrony.
+ */
+ function doResolve(fn, self) {
+ var done = false;
+ try {
+ fn(function (value) {
+ if (done) return;
+ done = true;
+ resolve(self, value);
+ }, function (reason) {
+ if (done) return;
+ done = true;
+ reject(self, reason);
+ });
+ } catch (ex) {
+ if (done) return;
+ done = true;
+ reject(self, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ Promise.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) {
+ return this.then(null, onRejected);
+ };
+ Promise.prototype.then = function (onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ var prom = new (this.constructor)(noop);
+ handle(this, new Handler(onFulfilled, onRejected, prom));
+ return prom;
+ };
+ Promise.all = function (arr) {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr);
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ if (args.length === 0) return resolve([]);
+ var remaining = args.length;
+ function res(i, val) {
+ try {
+ if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) {
+ var then = val.then;
+ if (typeof then === 'function') {
+ then.call(val, function (val) {
+ res(i, val);
+ }, reject);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ args[i] = val;
+ if (--remaining === 0) {
+ resolve(args);
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ reject(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
+ res(i, args[i]);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ Promise.resolve = function (value) {
+ if (value && typeof value === 'object' && value.constructor === Promise) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ resolve(value);
+ });
+ };
+ Promise.reject = function (value) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ reject(value);
+ });
+ };
+ Promise.race = function (values) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ for (var i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) {
+ values[i].then(resolve, reject);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ // Use polyfill for setImmediate for performance gains
+ Promise._immediateFn = (typeof setImmediate === 'function' && function (fn) { setImmediate(fn); }) ||
+ function (fn) {
+ setTimeoutFunc(fn, 0);
+ };
+ Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = function _unhandledRejectionFn(err) {
+ if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && console) {
+ console.warn('Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:', err); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set the immediate function to execute callbacks
+ * @param fn {function} Function to execute
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ Promise._setImmediateFn = function _setImmediateFn(fn) {
+ Promise._immediateFn = fn;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Change the function to execute on unhandled rejection
+ * @param {function} fn Function to execute on unhandled rejection
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ Promise._setUnhandledRejectionFn = function _setUnhandledRejectionFn(fn) {
+ Promise._unhandledRejectionFn = fn;
+ };
+ if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = Promise;
+ } else if (!root.Promise) {
+ root.Promise = Promise;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+!function(e){function n(){}function t(e,n){return function(){e.apply(n,arguments)}}function o(e){if("object"!=typeof this)throw new TypeError("Promises must be constructed via new");if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError("not a function");this._state=0,this._handled=!1,this._value=void 0,this._deferreds=[],s(e,this)}function i(e,n){for(;3===e._state;)e=e._value;return 0===e._state?void e._deferreds.push(n):(e._handled=!0,void o._immediateFn(function(){var t=1===e._state?n.onFulfilled:n.onRejected;if(null===t)return void(1===e._state?r:u)(n.promise,e._value);var o;try{o=t(e._value)}catch(i){return void u(n.promise,i)}r(n.promise,o)}))}function r(e,n){try{if(n===e)throw new TypeError("A promise cannot be resolved with itself.");if(n&&("object"==typeof n||"function"==typeof n)){var i=n.then;if(n instanceof o)return e._state=3,e._value=n,void f(e);if("function"==typeof i)return void s(t(i,n),e)}e._state=1,e._value=n,f(e)}catch(r){u(e,r)}}function u(e,n){e._state=2,e._value=n,f(e)}function f(e){2===e._state&&0===e._deferreds.length&&o._immediateFn(function(){e._handled||o._unhandledRejectionFn(e._value)});for(var n=0,t=e._deferreds.length;n<t;n++)i(e,e._deferreds[n]);e._deferreds=null}function c(e,n,t){this.onFulfilled="function"==typeof e?e:null,this.onRejected="function"==typeof n?n:null,this.promise=t}function s(e,n){var t=!1;try{e(function(e){t||(t=!0,r(n,e))},function(e){t||(t=!0,u(n,e))})}catch(o){if(t)return;t=!0,u(n,o)}}var a=setTimeout;o.prototype["catch"]=function(e){return this.then(null,e)},o.prototype.then=function(e,t){var o=new this.constructor(n);return i(this,new c(e,t,o)),o},o.all=function(e){var n=Array.prototype.slice.call(e);return new o(function(e,t){function o(r,u){try{if(u&&("object"==typeof u||"function"==typeof u)){var f=u.then;if("function"==typeof f)return void f.call(u,function(e){o(r,e)},t)}n[r]=u,0===--i&&e(n)}catch(c){t(c)}}if(0===n.length)return e([]);for(var i=n.length,r=0;r<n.length;r++)o(r,n[r])})},o.resolve=function(e){return e&&"object"==typeof e&&e.constructor===o?e:new o(function(n){n(e)})},o.reject=function(e){return new o(function(n,t){t(e)})},o.race=function(e){return new o(function(n,t){for(var o=0,i=e.length;o<i;o++)e[o].then(n,t)})},o._immediateFn="function"==typeof setImmediate&&function(e){setImmediate(e)}||function(e){a(e,0)},o._unhandledRejectionFn=function(e){"undefined"!=typeof console&&console&&console.warn("Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection:",e)},o._setImmediateFn=function(e){o._immediateFn=e},o._setUnhandledRejectionFn=function(e){o._unhandledRejectionFn=e},"undefined"!=typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=o:e.Promise||(e.Promise=o)}(this);
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