-# This file ensures that config.inc.php and options.inc.php won't be commited
-# automatically. You can anyway commit these files manually if you want to
+# This file ensures that config.inc.php won't be committed automatically.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
- <title>Dereferer</title>
+ <title>Dereferrer</title>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=<?php echo $url; ?>">
_selectedPackageVersion: '',
- * Initializes the WCF.ACP.Package.Seach class.
+ * Initializes the WCF.ACP.Package.Search class.
init: function() {
this._button = null;
- * Initialites the user interface.
+ * Initializes the user interface.
* @return boolean
// hide all label choosers first
$('.labelChooser').each(function (index, element) {
- })
+ });
var visibleGroupIDs = [];
var categoryID = parseInt($('#categoryID').val());
* @see WCF.Label.Chooser._submit()
_submit: function () {
- // delete non-selected groups to avoid sumitting these labels
+ // delete non-selected groups to avoid submitting these labels
for (var groupID in this._groups) {
if (!this._groups[groupID].is(':visible')) {
delete this._groups[groupID];
_getWidgetContainer: function(containerID) { },
- * Returns object id for targer object container.
+ * Returns object id for target object container.
* @param string containerID
* @return integer
_markers: [ ],
- * Initalizes a new WCF.Location.Map object.
+ * Initializes a new WCF.Location.Map object.
* @param string mapContainerID
* @param object mapOptions
- * Handles a successfull geocoder request.
+ * Handles a successful geocoder request.
* @param array results
* @param integer status
- * Handles errorneus AJAX requests.
+ * Handles erroneous AJAX requests.
* @param object data
* @param jQuery jqXHR
_proxy: null,
- * Intiailizes the poll manager.
+ * Initializes the poll manager.
* @param string containerSelector
this._divider = $('<li class="dropdownDivider" />').hide().insertBefore($lastDivider);
this._list = $('<li class="dropdownList"><ul /></li>').hide().insertBefore($lastDivider).children('ul');
- // supress clicks on checkboxes
+ // suppress clicks on checkboxes
$dropdownMenu.find('input, label').on('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); });
this._proxy = new WCF.Action.Proxy({
- * Initalizes WCF.User.Action namespace.
+ * Initializes WCF.User.Action namespace.
WCF.User.Action = {};
_userID: 0,
- * Initalizes a new WCF.User.Avatar.Upload object.
+ * Initializes a new WCF.User.Avatar.Upload object.
* @param integer userID
- * Tiggers the toggle effect on a button
+ * Triggers the toggle effect on a button
* @param jQuery $container
* @param jQuery $toggleButton
- * Executes provided callback if scroll threshold is reached. Usuable to determine
+ * Executes provided callback if scroll threshold is reached. Usable to determine
* if user reached the bottom of an element to load new elements on the fly.
* If you do not provide a value for 'reference' and 'target' it will assume you're
* Returns a Date object with precise offset (including timezone and local timezone).
- * Parameters timestamp and offset must be in miliseconds!
+ * Parameters timestamp and offset must be in milliseconds!
* @param integer timestamp
* @param integer offset
- * Sets content upon successfull AJAX request.
+ * Sets content upon successful AJAX request.
* @param object data
* @param string textStatus
_rowClassName: '',
- * Initalizes a new WCF.Table.EmptyTableHandler object.
+ * Initializes a new WCF.Table.EmptyTableHandler object.
* @param jQuery tableContainer
* @param string rowClassName
_className: '',
- * comma seperated list
+ * comma separated list
* @var boolean
_commaSeperated: false,
- * delay in miliseconds before a request is send to the server
+ * delay in milliseconds before a request is send to the server
* @var integer
_delay: 0,
- * list with values that are excluded from seaching
+ * list with values that are excluded from searching
* @var array
_excludedSearchValues: [],
WCF.System.PushNotification = {
- * list of callbacks groupped by type
+ * list of callbacks grouped by type
* @var object<array>
_callbacks: { },
* Initializes the language chooser.
- * @param {string} containerId input element conainer id
+ * @param {string} containerId input element container id
* @param {string} chooserId input element id
* @param {int} languageId selected language id
* @param {object<int, object<string, string>>} languages data of available languages
_revertOnEmpty: true,
- * Initialites the WCF.UserPanel class.
+ * Initializes the WCF.UserPanel class.
* @param string containerID
this._revertOnEmpty = true;
if (this._container.length != 1) {
- console.debug("[WCF.UserPanel] Unable to find container identfied by '" + containerID + "', aborting.");
+ console.debug("[WCF.UserPanel] Unable to find container identified by '" + containerID + "', aborting.");
var _touch = false;
- * @exports WoltLabSuite/Core/Enviroment
+ * @exports WoltLabSuite/Core/Environment
return {
- * Removes all listeners registered for an identifer and ending with a special suffix.
+ * Removes all listeners registered for an identifier and ending with a special suffix.
* This is commonly used to unbound event handlers for the editor.
* @param {string} identifier event identifier
* Initializes a language chooser.
- * @param {string} containerId input element conainer id
+ * @param {string} containerId input element container id
* @param {string} chooserId input element id
* @param {int} languageId selected language id
* @param {object<int, object<string, string>>} languages data of available languages
- * Hides the search string treshold error.
+ * Hides the search string threshold error.
_hideStringThresholdError: function() {
var innerInfo = DomTraverse.childByClass(this._input.parentNode.parentNode, 'innerInfo');
- * Shows the search string treshold error.
+ * Shows the search string threshold error.
_showStringThresholdError: function() {
var innerInfo = DomTraverse.childByClass(this._input.parentNode.parentNode, 'innerInfo');
if (media) {
var fileIcon = DomTraverse.childByTag(DomTraverse.childByClass(file, 'mediaThumbnail'), 'SPAN');
- this._replaceFileIcon(fileIcon, media, 144)
+ this._replaceFileIcon(fileIcon, media, 144);
file.className = 'jsClipboardObject mediaFile';
elData(file, 'object-id', media.mediaID);
- * Calculates top/bottom position and verifys if the element would be still within the page's boundaries.
+ * Calculates top/bottom position and verifies if the element would be still within the page's boundaries.
* @param {string} align align to this side of the reference element
* @param {Object<string, int>} elDimensions element dimensions
- * Handles errors occured during server processing.
+ * Handles errors occurred during server processing.
* @param {Object} data response data
* @protected
- * Calculats and sets the alignment of the dropdown identified by given id.
+ * Calculates and sets the alignment of the dropdown identified by given id.
* @param {string} containerId dropdown wrapper id
- * @param {Object} options initilization options
+ * @param {Object} options initialization options
* @constructor
function UiMessageManager(options) { this.init(options); }
* Initializes a new manager instance.
- * @param {Object} options initilization options
+ * @param {Object} options initialization options
init: function(options) {
this._elements = null;
- * Handles errors occured during server processing.
+ * Handles errors occurred during server processing.
* @param {Object} data response data
* @protected
- * Handles clicks on the item unless the click occured directly on a link.
+ * Handles clicks on the item unless the click occurred directly on a link.
* @param {Event} event event object
* @protected
* Initializes the pagination.
* @param {Element} element container element
- * @param {object} options list of initilization options
+ * @param {object} options list of initialization options
init: function(element, options) {
this._element = element;
* @param {string} selector CSS selector
* @param {Element=} context target element, assuming `document` if omitted
- * @param {function=} callback callback function pased to forEach()
+ * @param {function=} callback callback function passed to forEach()
* @return {NodeList} matching elements
window.elBySelAll = function(selector, context, callback) {
- // reset values if non-custom value was choosen
+ // reset values if non-custom value was chosen
if ($this->cssClassName != 'custom') $this->customCssClassName = '';
$this->groupID = $this->labelObj->groupID;
public function save() {
- $additionalData = array();
+ $additionalData = [];
if ($this->optionType == 'select') $additionalData['allowEmptyValue'] = true;
if ($this->optionType == 'message') $additionalData['messageObjectType'] = 'com.woltlab.wcf.user.option.generic';
I18nHandler::getInstance()->save('optionName', 'wcf.user.option.'.$this->userOption->optionName, 'wcf.user.option');
I18nHandler::getInstance()->save('optionDescription', 'wcf.user.option.'.$this->userOption->optionName.'.description', 'wcf.user.option');
- $additionalData = array();
+ $additionalData = [];
if ($this->optionType == 'message') $additionalData['messageObjectType'] = 'com.woltlab.wcf.user.option.generic';
$this->objectAction = new UserOptionAction([$this->userOption], 'update', ['data' => array_merge($this->additionalFields, [
- // reset values if non-custom value was choosen
+ // reset values if non-custom value was chosen
if ($this->cssClassName != 'custom') $this->customCssClassName = '';
// show success message
- * Throws an previously catched exception while maintaining the propriate stacktrace.
+ * Throws an previously caught exception while maintaining the propriate stacktrace.
* @param \Exception|\Throwable $e
* @throws AJAXException
* Builds the OAuth authorization header.
- * @param array $parameters
+ * @param array $parameters
* @return string
public function buildOAuthHeader(array $parameters) {
* Creates an OAuth 1 signature.
- * @param string $url
- * @param array $parameters
- * @param string $tokenSecret
+ * @param string $url
+ * @param array $parameters
+ * @param string $tokenSecret
+ * @param string $method
* @return string
public function createSignature($url, array $parameters, $tokenSecret = '', $method = 'POST') {
use wcf\util\UserUtil;
- * Provdes methods related to the guest dialog of message quick reply.
+ * Provides methods related to the guest dialog of message quick reply.
* @author Matthias Schmudt
* @copyright 2001-2017 WoltLab GmbH
* Validates the entered username in the guest dialog.
- * @return string type of the validation error or empty if no error occured
+ * @return string type of the validation error or empty if no error occurred
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
protected function validateGuestDialogUsername() {
* @property-read integer|null $userID id of the user the acp session belongs to or `null` if the acp session belongs to a guest
* @property-read string $ipAddress id of the user whom the acp session belongs to
* @property-read string $userAgent user agent of the user whom the acp session belongs to
- * @property-read integer $lastActivityTime timestamp at which the latest activity occured
+ * @property-read integer $lastActivityTime timestamp at which the latest activity occurred
* @property-read string $requestURI uri of the latest request
* @property-read string $requestMethod used request method of the latest request (`GET`, `POST`)
* @property-read string $sessionVariables serialized array with variables stored on a session-basis
* @property-read integer $packageID id of the package which delivers the bbcode or `1` if it has been created in the acp
* @property-read string $htmlOpen html code of the opening tag (without the less-than sign and greater-than sign) or empty if no such html code exists
* @property-read string $htmlClose html code of the closing tag (without the less-than sign and greater-than sign) or empty if no such html code exists
- * @property-read string $className name of the PHP class impementing `wcf\system\bbcode\IBBCode` or empty if no such class exists
+ * @property-read string $className name of the PHP class implementing `wcf\system\bbcode\IBBCode` or empty if no such class exists
* @property-read integer $isBlockElement is `1` if the bbcode represents a block element and thus can contain multiple lines, otherwise `0`
* @property-read string $wysiwygIcon css class name used as icon for the bbcode in the editor toolbar
* @property-read string $buttonLabel name of the language item used as button label for the bbcode in the editor toolbar
class MenuItemNodeTree {
- * if `false`, individual menu item visibilit will not be checked
+ * if `false`, individual menu item visibility will not be checked
* @var boolean
public $checkVisibility;
* @param integer $menuID menu id
* @param MenuItemList $menuItemList optional object to be provided when building the tree from cache
- * @param boolean $checkVisibility if `false`, individual menu item visibilit will not be checked
+ * @param boolean $checkVisibility if `false`, individual menu item visibility will not be checked
public function __construct($menuID, MenuItemList $menuItemList = null, $checkVisibility = true) {
$this->menuID = $menuID;
- * Returns the iteratable node list.
+ * Returns the iterable node list.
* @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator
* @property-read string $permissions comma separated list of user group permissions of which the active user needs to have at least one to set the option value
* @property-read string $options comma separated list of options of which at least one needs to be enabled for the option to be editable
* @property-read integer $supportI18n is `1` if the option supports different values for all available languages, otherwise `0`
- * @property-read integer $requireI18n is `1` if `$supportI18n = 1` and the option's value has to explicily set for all values so that the `monolingual` option is not available, otherwise `0`
+ * @property-read integer $requireI18n is `1` if `$supportI18n = 1` and the option's value has to explicitly set for all values so that the `monolingual` option is not available, otherwise `0`
* @property-read array $additionalData array with additional data of the option
class Option extends DatabaseObject {
throw new UserInputException('packages');
- // validate packages for their existance
+ // validate packages for their existence
$availableUpdates = PackageUpdateDispatcher::getInstance()->getAvailableUpdates();
foreach ($this->parameters['packages'] as $packageName => $versionNumber) {
$isValid = false;
- * Returns the iteratable node list.
+ * Returns the iterable node list.
* @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator
* @property-read integer $paymentMethodObjectTypeID id of the `com.woltlab.wcf.payment.method` object type
* @property-read integer $logTime timestamp at which the log has been created
* @property-read string $transactionID identifier of the paid subscription transaction
- * @property-read string $transactionDetails serialized defailts of the paid subscription transaction
+ * @property-read string $transactionDetails serialized details of the paid subscription transaction
* @property-read string $logMessage log message describing the status of the paid subscription transaction
class PaidSubscriptionTransactionLog extends DatabaseObject {
* @property-read integer $tagID unique id of the tag
* @property-read integer $languageID id of the language the tag belongs to
* @property-read string $name name/text of the tag
- * @property-read integer|null $synonymFor id of the tag for which the tag is a synoym or `null` if the tag is no synonym
+ * @property-read integer|null $synonymFor id of the tag for which the tag is a synonym or `null` if the tag is no synonym
class Tag extends DatabaseObject implements IRouteController {
* @property-read integer $assignmentID unique id of the automatic user group assignment
* @property-read integer $groupID id of the user group to which users are automatically assigned
* @property-read string $title title of the automatic user group assignment
- * @property-read integer $isDisabled is `1` if the user group assigment is disabled and thus not checked for automatic assigments, otherwise `0`
+ * @property-read integer $isDisabled is `1` if the user group assignment is disabled and thus not checked for automatic assignments, otherwise `0`
class UserGroupAssignment extends DatabaseObject implements IRouteController {
* @property-read integer|null $authorID id of the user that triggered the user notification or null if there is no such user or the user was a guest
* @property-read integer $timesTriggered number of times a stacked notification has been triggered by registered users
* @property-read integer $guestTimesTriggered number of times a stacked notification has been triggered by guests
- * @property-read integer $userID id of the user who recieves the user notification
+ * @property-read integer $userID id of the user who receives the user notification
* @property-read integer $time timestamp at which the user notification has been created
- * @property-read integer $mailNotified is 0 has not be notified by mail about the user notifiction, otherwise 1
+ * @property-read integer $mailNotified is 0 has not be notified by mail about the user notification, otherwise 1
* @property-read integer $confirmTime timestamp at which the user notification has been marked as confirmed/read
* @property-read array $additionalData array with additional data of the user notification event
- * Validates the 'getOustandingNotifications' action.
+ * Validates the 'getOutstandingNotifications' action.
public function validateGetOutstandingNotifications() {
// does nothing
* @property-read string $permissions comma separated list of user group permissions of which the active user needs to have at least one to see the user notification event setting
* @property-read string $options comma separated list of options of which at least one needs to be enabled for the user notification event setting to be shown
* @property-read integer $preset is `1` if the user notification event is enabled by default otherwise `0`
- * @property-read string $presetMailNotificationType default mail notification type if the user notification event is enabled by defauled, otherwise empty
+ * @property-read string $presetMailNotificationType default mail notification type if the user notification event is enabled by default, otherwise empty
class UserNotificationEvent extends ProcessibleDatabaseObject {
use TDatabaseObjectOptions;
* @property-read integer $showOrder position of the user profile menu item in relation to its siblings
* @property-read string $permissions comma separated list of user group permissions of which the active user needs to have at least one to see the user profile menu item
* @property-read string $options comma separated list of options of which at least one needs to be enabled for the user profile menu item to be shown
- * @property-read string $className name of the PHP class implementing `wcf\system\menu\user\profile\content\IUserProfileMenuContent` handling outputing the content of the user profile tab
+ * @property-read string $className name of the PHP class implementing `wcf\system\menu\user\profile\content\IUserProfileMenuContent` handling outputting the content of the user profile tab
class UserProfileMenuItem extends DatabaseObject {
use TDatabaseObjectOptions;
* @property-read string $cssClassName css class name used when displaying the user rank
* @property-read string $rankImage (WCF relative) path to the image displayed next to the rank or empty if no rank image exists
* @property-read integer $repeatImage number of times the rank image is displayed
- * @property-read integer $requiredGender numeric representation of the user's genered required for the user rank (see `UserProfile::GENDER_*` constants) or 0 if no specific gender is required
+ * @property-read integer $requiredGender numeric representation of the user's gender required for the user rank (see `UserProfile::GENDER_*` constants) or 0 if no specific gender is required
class UserRank extends DatabaseObject {
public $defaultSortOrder = 'DESC';
- * definiton id for filtering
+ * definition id for filtering
* @var integer
public $definitionID = 0;
public static final function handleException($e) {
if (ob_get_level()) {
- // discard any output generated before the exception occured, prevents exception
+ // discard any output generated before the exception occurred, prevents exception
// being hidden inside HTML elements and therefore not visible in browser output
protected $categories = [];
- * Assignes the acl values to the template.
+ * Assigns the acl values to the template.
* @param integer $objectTypeID
$attributesString = '';
foreach ($this->bbcodes[$tag['name']]->getAttributes() as $attribute) {
if (isset($tag['attributes'][$attribute->attributeNo])) {
- $atrributeString = '';
+ $attributeString = '';
if (!empty($attribute->attributeHtml)) {
- $atrributeString = ' '.$attribute->attributeHtml;
+ $attributeString = ' '.$attribute->attributeHtml;
- if (!empty($atrributeString)) {
- $attributesString .= sprintf($atrributeString, $tag['attributes'][$attribute->attributeNo]);
+ if (!empty($attributeString)) {
+ $attributesString .= sprintf($attributeString, $tag['attributes'][$attribute->attributeNo]);
* Builds the tag array from the given text.
- * @param boolean $ignoreSoureCodes
+ * @param boolean $ignoreSourceCodes
- public function buildTagArray($ignoreSoureCodes = true) {
+ public function buildTagArray($ignoreSourceCodes = true) {
// build tag pattern
$validTags = '';
- if (!$ignoreSoureCodes) {
+ if (!$ignoreSourceCodes) {
$validTags = implode('|', array_keys($this->bbcodes));
else {
// remove added php tags
if ($phpTagsAdded) {
// the opening and closing PHP tags were added previously, hence we actually do
- // know that the first (last for the closing tag) occurence is the one inserted
+ // know that the first (last for the closing tag) occurrence is the one inserted
// by us. The previously used regex was bad because it was significantly slower
// and could easily hit the backtrace limit for larger inputs
$openingTag = mb_strpos($highlightedCode, '<?php ');
- * Unifys parameter order, numeric indizes will be discarded.
+ * Unifies parameter order, numeric indices will be discarded.
* @param array $parameters
* @return array
use wcf\data\DatabaseObject;
- * Handles runtime caches to centrally store objects fetched during tuntime for reuse.
+ * Handles runtime caches to centrally store objects fetched during runtime for reuse.
* @author Matthias Schmidt
* @copyright 2001-2017 WoltLab GmbH
protected $permissionPrefix = '';
- * maximum category nesting lebel
+ * maximum category nesting label
* @var integer
protected $maximumNestingLevel = -1;
protected $objectTypeCategoryIDs = [];
- * mapes the names of the category object types to the object type ids
+ * maps the names of the category object types to the object type ids
* @var integer[]
protected $objectTypeIDs = [];
- * Returns the category with the given id or `null` if no such category ecists.
+ * Returns the category with the given id or `null` if no such category exists.
* @param integer $categoryID
* @return Category|null
- * Returns the parameterlist of the given line.
+ * Returns the parameter list of the given line.
* @param string $line
* @return string[]
protected $activeTransactions = 0;
- * Creates a Dabatase Object.
+ * Creates a Database Object.
* @param string $host SQL database server host address
* @param string $user SQL database server username
$condition = preg_replace_callback('/\?/', $callback, $condition);
- // add condtion
+ // add condition
if (!empty($this->conditions)) $this->conditions .= $this->concat;
$this->conditions .= $condition;
* @param string $mimeType Mime type to provide in the email. You *must* not provide a charset. UTF-8 will be used automatically.
* @param string $template Template to evaluate
* @param string $application Application of the template to evaluate (default: wcf)
- * @param mixed $content Content of this text part. Passend as 'content' to the template. If it is an array it will additionally be merged with the template variables.
+ * @param mixed $content Content of this text part. Passed as 'content' to the template. If it is an array it will additionally be merged with the template variables.
public function __construct($mimeType, $template, $application = 'wcf', $content = null) {
parent::__construct($content, $mimeType);
abstract class AbstractHtmlInputNodeProcessorListener implements IParameterizedEventListener {
- * Returns the ids of the objects linked in the text proccessed by the given
+ * Returns the ids of the objects linked in the text processed by the given
* processor matching the given regular expression.
* @param HtmlInputNodeProcessor $processor
public function setError($error);
- * Returns localized error message, empty if no error occured.
+ * Returns localized error message, empty if no error occurred.
* @return string
public function appendChild(IFormElement $element);
- * Preprens a new child to stack.
+ * Prepends a new child to stack.
* @param IFormElement $element
- * Returns class attribute if an error occured.
+ * Returns class attribute if an error occurred.
* @return string
- * Returns an error message if occured.
+ * Returns an error message if occurred.
* @return string
- * Returns true if text node is inside a code element, suppresing any
+ * Returns true if text node is inside a code element, suppressing any
* auto-detection of content.
* @param \DOMText $text text node
* Returns the values for the given element. If the element is multilingual,
- * the multilingual values are returned, otherweise the plain value is
+ * the multilingual values are returned, otherwise the plain value is
* returned for each language id.
* @param string $elementID
- * Sets the recpients of this mail.
+ * Sets the recipients of this mail.
* @param mixed $to
* @param string $messageObjectType
* @param integer $messageID
+ * @param integer $languageID
public function setActiveMessage($messageObjectType, $messageID, $languageID = null) {
$this->activeMessageObjectTypeID = ObjectTypeCache::getInstance()->getObjectTypeIDByName('com.woltlab.wcf.message', $messageObjectType);
* Returns the prefix of language items for notifications for comments
- * and comment reponses on moderation queues of this type.
+ * and comment responses on moderation queues of this type.
* @return string
* @since 3.0
- * Returns a list of object type ids for given definiton ids.
+ * Returns a list of object type ids for given definition ids.
* @param integer[] $definitionIDs
* @return integer[]
public function readUserInput(array &$source);
- * Validates user input, returns an array with all occured errors.
+ * Validates user input, returns an array with all occurred errors.
* @return array
use wcf\util\StringUtil;
- * Handels form documents associated with a queue.
+ * Handles form documents associated with a queue.
* @author Alexander Ebert
* @copyright 2001-2017 WoltLab GmbH
* Builds nodes for optional packages, whereas each package exists within
- * one node with the same parent node, seperated by sequence no (which does
+ * one node with the same parent node, separated by sequence no (which does
* not really matter at this point).
protected function buildOptionalNodes() {
- * Trys to install a new package. Checks the virtual package version list.
+ * Tries to install a new package. Checks the virtual package version list.
* @param string $package package identifier
* @param string $minversion preferred package version
- * Resolves the package requirements of an package uppdate.
+ * Resolves the package requirements of an package update.
* Starts the installation or update to higher version of required packages.
* @param integer $packageUpdateVersionID
- * Deletes categories which where changed by an update or deinstallation
+ * Deletes categories which where changed by an update or uninstallation
* in case they are now empty.
* @param array $categoryIDs
protected $depth = 0;
- * exception occured during validation
+ * exception occurred during validation
* @var \Exception
protected $exception = null;
- * Returns the occured exception.
+ * Returns the occurred exception.
* @return \Exception
use wcf\system\WCF;
- * Represents exceptions occured during validation of a package archive. This exception
+ * Represents exceptions occurred during validation of a package archive. This exception
* does not cause the details to be logged.
* @author Alexander Ebert
- * Validates given archive for existance and ability to be installed/updated. If you set the
+ * Validates given archive for existence and ability to be installed/updated. If you set the
* second parameter $deepInspection to "false", the system will only check if the archive
* looks fine, this is useful for a rough check during upload when a more detailed check will
* be performed afterwards.
- * Returns the iteratable package archive list.
+ * Returns the iterable package archive list.
* @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator
$logMessage = '';
if ($status == 'completed') {
- // validate payment amout
+ // validate payment amount
if ($amount != $subscription->cost || $currency != $subscription->currency) {
throw new SystemException('invalid payment amount');
* @param integer $count
public function reduceResults($count) {
- // more results than available should be whiped, just set it to 0
+ // more results than available should be wiped, just set it to 0
if ($count >= count($this->results)) {
$this->results = [];
* @property-read integer|null $userID id of the user the session belongs to or `null` if the acp session belongs to a guest
* @property-read string $ipAddress id of the user whom the session belongs to
* @property-read string $userAgent user agent of the user whom the session belongs to
- * @property-read integer $lastActivityTime timestamp at which the latest activity occured
+ * @property-read integer $lastActivityTime timestamp at which the latest activity occurred
* @property-read string $requestURI uri of the latest request
* @property-read string $requestMethod used request method of the latest request (`GET`, `POST`)
* @property-read integer|null $pageID id of the latest page visited
- * Checkes whether the given files overwriting locked existing files.
+ * Checks whether the given files overwriting locked existing files.
* @param array $files
- // delete direcotries
+ // delete directories
if ($this->deleteEmptyDirectories) {
- // the deepest diretories first
+ // the deepest directories first
krsort($directories, SORT_NUMERIC);
foreach ($directories as $depth) {
foreach ($depth as $dir) {
protected $languageIDs = [];
- * Contructs a new TagCloud object.
+ * Constructs a new TagCloud object.
* @param integer[] $languageIDs
protected $objectTypeIDs = [];
- * Contructs a new TypedTagCloud object.
+ * Constructs a new TypedTagCloud object.
* @param string $objectType
* @param integer[] $languageIDs
$parsedTag = 'wcf\util\StringUtil::encodeHTML('.$parsedTag.')';
// the # operator at the beginning of an output instructs
- // the complier to call the StringUtil::formatNumeric() method
+ // the compiler to call the StringUtil::formatNumeric() method
else if ($formatNumeric) {
$parsedTag = 'wcf\util\StringUtil::formatNumeric('.$parsedTag.')';
use wcf\util\StringUtil;
- * Template prefiler plugin which allows inserting code dynamically upon the contents
+ * Template prefilter plugin which allows inserting code dynamically upon the contents
* of 'content'.
* Usage:
use wcf\system\template\TemplateScriptingCompiler;
- * Template prefiler plugin that replaces simple embedded object placeholders. Not to be meant for
+ * Template prefilter plugin that replaces simple embedded object placeholders. Not to be meant for
* regular use, is currently only utilized in `wcf\data\page\content\PageContent::getParsedTemplate()`.
* @author Alexander Ebert
- * Returns the longutide of the place the image with the given exif data
+ * Returns the longitude of the place the image with the given exif data
* was taken.
* @param array $exifData
* Formats a filesize with binary prefix.
- * For more informations: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix>
+ * For more information: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix>
* @param integer $byte
* @param integer $precision
- * Transforms the given latitude and longitude into cartesion coordinates
+ * Transforms the given latitude and longitude into cartesian coordinates
* (x, y, z).
* @param float $latitude
// load xml document
- // check for errors occured in libxml
+ // check for errors occurred in libxml
$errors = $this->pollErrors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->throwException("XML document '".$this->path."' is not valid XML.", $errors);
- * Loads a xml string, specifying $path is mandatory to provide detailied error handling.
+ * Loads a xml string, specifying $path is mandatory to provide detailed error handling.
* @param string $path
* @param string $xml
// load xml document
- // check for errors occured in libxml
+ // check for errors occurred in libxml
$errors = $this->pollErrors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->throwException("XML document '".$this->path."' is not valid XML.", $errors);
// validate document against schema
- // check for errors occured in libxml
+ // check for errors occurred in libxml
$errors = $this->pollErrors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$this->throwException("XML document '".$this->path."' violates XML schema definition.", $errors);