Removed some outdated js
authorAlexander Ebert <>
Sun, 21 Aug 2016 21:16:59 +0000 (23:16 +0200)
committerAlexander Ebert <>
Sun, 21 Aug 2016 21:16:59 +0000 (23:16 +0200)
wcfsetup/install/files/js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabParagraphize.js [deleted file]
wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/FromHtml.js [deleted file]
wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser.js [deleted file]
wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/ToHtml.js [deleted file]

diff --git a/wcfsetup/install/files/js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabParagraphize.js b/wcfsetup/install/files/js/3rdParty/redactor2/plugins/WoltLabParagraphize.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ce9ceeb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-$.Redactor.prototype.WoltLabParagraphize = function() {
-       "use strict";
-       return {
-               init: function () {
-                       this.paragraphize.getSafes = (function (html) {
-                               var $div = $('<div />').append(html);
-                               // WoltLab modification: do not remove <p> inside quotes
-                               // remove paragraphs in blockquotes
-                               /*$div.find('blockquote p').replaceWith(function()
-                               {
-                                       return $(this).append('<br />').contents();
-                               });*/
-                               $div.find(this.opts.paragraphizeBlocks.join(', ')).each($.proxy(function(i,s)
-                               {
-                                       this.paragraphize.z++;
-                                       this.paragraphize.safes[this.paragraphize.z] = s.outerHTML;
-                                       return $(s).replaceWith('\n#####replace' + this.paragraphize.z + '#####\n\n');
-                               }, this));
-                               return $div.html();
-                       }).bind(this)
-               }
-       };
diff --git a/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/FromHtml.js b/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/FromHtml.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e3386aa..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
- * Converts a message containing HTML tags into BBCodes.
- * 
- * @author     Alexander Ebert
- * @copyright  2001-2015 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license    GNU Lesser General Public License <>
- * @module     WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/FromHtml
- */
-define(['EventHandler', 'StringUtil', 'Dom/Traverse'], function(EventHandler, StringUtil, DomTraverse) {
-       "use strict";
-       var _converter = [];
-       var _inlineConverter = {};
-       var _sourceConverter = [];
-       /**
-        * Returns true if a whitespace should be inserted before or after the smiley.
-        * 
-        * @param       {Element}       element         image element
-        * @param       {boolean}       before          evaluate previous node
-        * @return      {boolean}       true if a whitespace should be inserted
-        */
-       function addSmileyPadding(element, before) {
-               var target = element[(before ? 'previousSibling' : 'nextSibling')];
-               if (target === null || target.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE || !/\s$/.test(target.textContent)) {
-                       return true;
-               }
-               return false;
-       }
-       /**
-        * @module      WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/FromHtml
-        */
-       var BbcodeFromHtml = {
-               /**
-                * Converts a message containing HTML elements into BBCodes.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         message containing HTML elements
-                * @return      {string}        message containing BBCodes
-                */
-               convert: function(message) {
-                       if (message.length) this._setup();
-                       var container = elCreate('div');
-                       container.innerHTML = message;
-                       // convert line breaks
-                       var elements = elByTag('P', container);
-                       while (elements.length) elements[0].outerHTML = elements[0].innerHTML;
-                       elements = elByTag('BR', container);
-                       while (elements.length) elements[0].outerHTML = "\n";
-                       // prevent conversion taking place inside source bbcodes
-                       var sourceElements = this._preserveSourceElements(container);
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.fromHtml', 'beforeConvert', { container: container });
-                       for (var i = 0, length = _converter.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               this._convert(container, _converter[i]);
-                       }
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.fromHtml', 'afterConvert', { container: container });
-                       this._restoreSourceElements(container, sourceElements);
-                       // remove remaining HTML elements
-                       elements = elByTag('*', container);
-                       while (elements.length) elements[0].outerHTML = elements[0].innerHTML;
-                       message = this._convertSpecials(container.innerHTML);
-                       return message;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Replaces HTML elements mapping to source BBCodes to avoid
-                * them being handled by other converters.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       container       container element
-                * @return      {array<object>} list of source elements and their placeholder
-                */
-               _preserveSourceElements: function(container) {
-                       var elements, sourceElements = [], tmp;
-                       for (var i = 0, length = _sourceConverter.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               elements = elBySelAll(_sourceConverter[i].selector, container);
-                               tmp = [];
-                               for (var j = 0, innerLength = elements.length; j < innerLength; j++) {
-                                       this._preserveSourceElement(elements[j], tmp);
-                               }
-                               sourceElements.push(tmp);
-                       }
-                       return sourceElements;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Replaces an element with a placeholder.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                * @param       {array<object>} list of removed elements and their placeholders
-                */
-               _preserveSourceElement: function(element, sourceElements) {
-                       var placeholder = elCreate('var');
-                       elData(placeholder, 'source', 'wcf');
-                       element.parentNode.insertBefore(placeholder, element);
-                       var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
-                       fragment.appendChild(element);
-                       sourceElements.push({
-                               fragment: fragment,
-                               placeholder: placeholder
-                       });
-               },
-               /**
-                * Reinserts source elements for parsing.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       container       container element
-                * @param       {array<object>} sourceElements  list of removed elements and their placeholders
-                */
-               _restoreSourceElements: function(container, sourceElements) {
-                       var element, elements, placeholder;
-                       for (var i = 0, length = sourceElements.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               elements = sourceElements[i];
-                               if (elements.length === 0) {
-                                       continue;
-                               }
-                               for (var j = 0, innerLength = elements.length; j < innerLength; j++) {
-                                       element = elements[j];
-                                       placeholder = element.placeholder;
-                                       placeholder.parentNode.insertBefore(element.fragment, placeholder);
-                                       _sourceConverter[i].callback(placeholder.previousElementSibling);
-                                       elRemove(placeholder);
-                               }
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts special entities.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         HTML message
-                * @return      {string}        HTML message
-                */
-               _convertSpecials: function(message) {
-                       message = message.replace(/&amp;/g, '&');
-                       message = message.replace(/&lt;/g, '<');
-                       message = message.replace(/&gt;/g, '>');
-                       return message;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Sets up converters applied to elements in linear order.
-                */
-               _setup: function() {
-                       if (_converter.length) {
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       _converter = [
-                               // simple replacement
-                               { tagName: 'STRONG', bbcode: 'b' },
-                               { tagName: 'DEL', bbcode: 's' },
-                               { tagName: 'EM', bbcode: 'i' },
-                               { tagName: 'SUB', bbcode: 'sub' },
-                               { tagName: 'SUP', bbcode: 'sup' },
-                               { tagName: 'U', bbcode: 'u' },
-                               { tagName: 'KBD', bbcode: 'tt' },
-                               // callback replacement
-                               { tagName: 'A', callback: this._convertUrl.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'IMG', callback: this._convertImage.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'LI', callback: this._convertListItem.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'OL', callback: this._convertList.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'TABLE', callback: this._convertTable.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'UL', callback: this._convertList.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'BLOCKQUOTE', callback: this._convertBlockquote.bind(this) },
-                               // convert these last
-                               { tagName: 'SPAN', callback: this._convertSpan.bind(this) },
-                               { tagName: 'DIV', callback: this._convertDiv.bind(this) }
-                       ];
-                       _inlineConverter = {
-                               span: [
-                                       { style: 'color', callback: this._convertInlineColor.bind(this) },
-                                       { style: 'font-size', callback: this._convertInlineFontSize.bind(this) },
-                                       { style: 'font-family', callback: this._convertInlineFontFamily.bind(this) }
-                               ],
-                               div: [
-                                       { style: 'text-align', callback: this._convertInlineTextAlign.bind(this) }
-                               ]
-                       };
-                       _sourceConverter = [
-                               { selector: 'div.codeBox', callback: this._convertSourceCodeBox.bind(this) }
-                       ];
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.fromHtml', 'init', {
-                               converter: _converter,
-                               inlineConverter: _inlineConverter,
-                               sourceConverter: _sourceConverter
-                       });
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts an element into a raw string.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       container       container element
-                * @param       {object}        converter       converter object
-                */
-               _convert: function(container, converter) {
-                       if (typeof converter === 'function') {
-                               converter(container);
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       var element, elements = elByTag(converter.tagName, container);
-                       while (elements.length) {
-                               element = elements[0];
-                               if (converter.bbcode) {
-                                       element.outerHTML = '[' + converter.bbcode + ']' + element.innerHTML + '[/' + converter.bbcode + ']';
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       converter.callback(element);
-                               }
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <blockquote> into [quote].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertBlockquote: function(element) {
-                       var author = elData(element, 'author');
-                       var link = elAttr(element, 'cite');
-                       var open = '[quote]';
-                       if (author) {
-                               author = StringUtil.escapeHTML(author).replace(/(\\)?'/g, function(match, isEscaped) { return isEscaped ? match : "\\'"; });
-                               if (link) {
-                                       open = "[quote='" + author + "','" + StringUtil.escapeHTML(link) + "']";
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       open = "[quote='" + author + "']";
-                               }
-                       }
-                       var header = DomTraverse.childByTag(element, 'HEADER');
-                       if (header !== null) element.removeChild(header);
-                       var divs = DomTraverse.childrenByTag(element, 'DIV');
-                       for (var i = 0, length = divs.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               divs[i].outerHTML = divs[i].innerHTML + '\n';
-                       }
-                       element.outerHTML = open + element.innerHTML.replace(/^\n*/, '').replace(/\n*$/, '') + '[/quote]\n';
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <img> into smilies, [attach] or [img].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertImage: function(element) {
-                       if (element.classList.contains('smiley')) {
-                               // smiley
-                               element.outerHTML = (addSmileyPadding(element, true) ? ' ' : '') + elAttr(element, 'alt') + (addSmileyPadding(element, false) ? ' ' : '');
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       var float ='float') || 'none';
-                       var width ='width');
-                       width = (typeof width === 'string') ? ~~width.replace(/px$/, '') : 0;
-                       if (element.classList.contains('redactorEmbeddedAttachment')) {
-                               var attachmentId = elData(element, 'attachment-id');
-                               if (width > 0) {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[attach=" + attachmentId + "," + float + "," + width + "][/attach]";
-                               }
-                               else if (float !== 'none') {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[attach=" + attachmentId + "," + float + "][/attach]";
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[attach=" + attachmentId + "][/attach]";
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               // regular image
-                               var source = element.src.trim();
-                               if (width > 0) {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[img='" + source + "'," + float + "," + width + "][/img]";
-                               }
-                               else if (float !== 'none') {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[img='" + source + "'," + float + "][/img]";
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       element.outerHTML = "[img]" + source + "[/img]";
-                               }
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <ol> and <ul> into [list].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertList: function(element) {
-                       var open;
-                       if (element.nodeName === 'OL') {
-                               open = '[list=1]';
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               var type ='list-style-type') || '';
-                               if (type === '') {
-                                       open = '[list]';
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       open = '[list=' + (type === 'lower-latin' ? 'a' : type) + ']';
-                               }
-                       }
-                       element.outerHTML = open + element.innerHTML + '[/list]';
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <li> into [*] unless it is not encapsulated in <ol> or <ul>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertListItem: function(element) {
-                       if (element.parentNode.nodeName !== 'UL' && element.parentNode.nodeName !== 'OL') {
-                               element.outerHTML = element.innerHTML;
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               element.outerHTML = '[*]' + element.innerHTML;
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <span> into a series of BBCodes including [color], [font] and [size].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertSpan: function(element) {
-                       if ( || element.className) {
-                               var converter, value;
-                               for (var i = 0, length = _inlineConverter.span.length; i < length; i++) {
-                                       converter = _inlineConverter.span[i];
-                                       if ( {
-                                               value = || '';
-                                               if (value) {
-                                                       converter.callback(element, value);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               if (element.classList.contains(converter.className)) {
-                                                       converter.callback(element);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       element.outerHTML = element.innerHTML;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <div> into a series of BBCodes including [align].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertDiv: function(element) {
-                       if (element.className.length || {
-                               var converter, value;
-                               for (var i = 0, length = _inlineConverter.div.length; i < length; i++) {
-                                       converter = _inlineConverter.div[i];
-                                       if (converter.className && element.classList.contains(converter.className)) {
-                                               converter.callback(element);
-                                       }
-                                       else if ( {
-                                               value = || '';
-                                               if (value) {
-                                                       converter.callback(element, value);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       element.outerHTML = element.innerHTML;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts the CSS style `color` into [color].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertInlineColor: function(element, value) {
-                       if (value.match(/^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/i)) {
-                               var r = RegExp.$1;
-                               var g = RegExp.$2;
-                               var b = RegExp.$3;
-                               var chars = '0123456789ABCDEF';
-                               value = '#' + (chars.charAt((r - r % 16) / 16) + '' + chars.charAt(r % 16)) + '' + (chars.charAt((g - g % 16) / 16) + '' + chars.charAt(g % 16)) + '' + (chars.charAt((b - b % 16) / 16) + '' + chars.charAt(b % 16));
-                       }
-                       element.innerHTML = '[color=' + value + ']' + element.innerHTML + '[/color]';
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts the CSS style `font-size` into [size].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertInlineFontSize: function(element, value) {
-                       if (value.match(/^(\d+)pt$/)) {
-                               value = RegExp.$1;
-                       }
-                       else if (value.match(/^(\d+)(px|em|rem|%)$/)) {
-                               value = window.getComputedStyle(value).fontSize.replace(/^(\d+).*$/, '$1');
-                               value = Math.round(value);
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               // unknown or unsupported value, ignore
-                               value = '';
-                       }
-                       if (value) {
-                               // min size is 8 and maximum is 36
-                               value = Math.min(Math.max(value, 8), 36);
-                               element.innerHTML = '[size=' + value + ']' + element.innerHTML + '[/size]';
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts the CSS style `font-family` into [font].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertInlineFontFamily: function(element, value) {
-                       element.innerHTML = '[font=' + value.replace(/'/g, '') + ']' + element.innerHTML + '[/font]';
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts the CSS style `text-align` into [align].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertInlineTextAlign: function(element, value) {
-                       if (['center', 'justify', 'left', 'right'].indexOf(value) !== -1) {
-                               element.innerHTML = '[align=' + value + ']' + element.innerHTML + '[/align]';
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts tables and their children into BBCodes.
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertTable: function(element) {
-                       var elements = elByTag('TD', element);
-                       while (elements.length) {
-                               elements[0].outerHTML = '[td]' + elements[0].innerHTML + '[/td]\n';
-                       }
-                       elements = elByTag('TR', element);
-                       while (elements.length) {
-                               elements[0].outerHTML = '\n[tr]\n' + elements[0].innerHTML + '[/tr]';
-                       }
-                       var tbody = DomTraverse.childByTag(element, 'TBODY');
-                       var innerHtml = (tbody === null) ? element.innerHTML : tbody.innerHTML;
-                       element.outerHTML = '\n[table]' + innerHtml + '\n[/table]\n';
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <a> into [email] or [url].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertUrl: function(element) {
-                       var content = element.textContent.trim(), href = element.href.trim(), tagName = 'url';
-                       if (href === '' || content === '') {
-                               // empty href or content
-                               element.outerHTML = element.innerHTML;
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (href.indexOf('mailto:') === 0) {
-                               href = href.substr(7);
-                               tagName = 'email';
-                       }
-                       if (href === content) {
-                               element.outerHTML = '[' + tagName + ']' + href + '[/' + tagName + ']';
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               element.outerHTML = "[" + tagName + "='" + href + "']" + element.innerHTML + "[/" + tagName + "]";
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts <div class="codeBox"> into [code].
-                * 
-                * @param       {Element}       element         target element
-                */
-               _convertSourceCodeBox: function(element) {
-                       var filename = elData(element, 'filename').trim() || '';
-                       var highlighter = elData(element, 'highlighter');
-                       window.dtdesign = element;
-                       var list = DomTraverse.childByTag(element.children[0], 'OL');
-                       var lineNumber = ~~elAttr(list, 'start') || 1;
-                       var content = '';
-                       for (var i = 0, length = list.childElementCount; i < length; i++) {
-                               if (content) content += "\n";
-                               content += list.children[i].textContent;
-                       }
-                       var open = "[code='" + highlighter + "'," + lineNumber + ",'" + filename + "']";
-                       element.outerHTML = open + content + '[/code]';
-               }
-       };
-       return BbcodeFromHtml;
diff --git a/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser.js b/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3490616..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
- * Versatile BBCode parser based upon the PHP implementation.
- * 
- * @author     Alexander Ebert
- * @copyright  2001-2015 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license    GNU Lesser General Public License <>
- * @module     WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser
- */
-define([], function() {
-       "use strict";
-       /**
-        * @module      WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser
-        */
-       var BbcodeParser = {
-               /**
-                * Parses a message and returns an XML-conform linear tree.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         message containing BBCodes
-                * @return      {array<mixed>}  linear tree
-                */
-               parse: function(message) {
-                       var stack = this._splitTags(message);
-                       this._buildLinearTree(stack);
-                       return stack;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Splits message into strings and BBCode objects.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         message containing BBCodes
-                * @returns     {array<mixed>}  linear tree
-                */
-               _splitTags: function(message) {
-                       var validTags = __REDACTOR_BBCODES.join('|');
-                       var pattern = '(\\\[(?:/(?:' + validTags + ')|(?:' + validTags + ')'
-                               + '(?:='
-                                       + '(?:\\\'[^\\\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\'\\\\]*)*\\\'|[^,\\\]]*)'
-                                       + '(?:,(?:\\\'[^\\\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\'\\\\]*)*\'|[^,\\\]]*))*'
-                               + ')?)\\\])';
-                       var isBBCode = new RegExp('^' + pattern + '$', 'i');
-                       var part, parts = message.split(new RegExp(pattern, 'i')), stack = [], tag;
-                       for (var i = 0, length = parts.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               part = parts[i];
-                               if (part === '') {
-                                       continue;
-                               }
-                               else if (part.match(isBBCode)) {
-                                       tag = { name: '', closing: false, attributes: [], source: part };
-                                       if (part[1] === '/') {
-                                      = part.substring(2, part.length - 1);
-                                               tag.closing = true;
-                                       }
-                                       else if (part.match(/^\[([a-z0-9]+)=?(.*)\]$/i)) {
-                                      = RegExp.$1;
-                                               if (RegExp.$2) {
-                                                       tag.attributes = this._parseAttributes(RegExp.$2);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       stack.push(tag);
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       stack.push(part);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return stack;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Finds pairs and enforces XML-conformity in terms of pairing and proper nesting.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear tree
-                */
-               _buildLinearTree: function(stack) {
-                       var item, openTags = [], reopenTags, sourceBBCode = '';
-                       for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { // do not cache stack.length, its size is dynamic
-                               item = stack[i];
-                               if (typeof item === 'object') {
-                                       if (sourceBBCode.length && ( !== sourceBBCode || !item.closing)) {
-                                               stack[i] = item.source;
-                                               continue;
-                                       }
-                                       if (item.closing) {
-                                               if (this._hasOpenTag(openTags, {
-                                                       reopenTags = this._closeUnclosedTags(stack, openTags,;
-                                                       for (var j = 0, innerLength = reopenTags.length; j < innerLength; j++) {
-                                                               stack.splice(i, reopenTags[j]);
-                                                               i++;
-                                                       }
-                                                       openTags.pop().pair = i;
-                                               }
-                                               else {
-                                                       // tag was never opened, treat as plain text
-                                                       stack[i] = item.source;
-                                               }
-                                               if (sourceBBCode === {
-                                                       sourceBBCode = '';
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       else {  
-                                               openTags.push(item);
-                                               if (__REDACTOR_SOURCE_BBCODES.indexOf( !== -1) {
-                                                       sourceBBCode =;
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       // close unclosed tags
-                       this._closeUnclosedTags(stack, openTags, '');
-               },
-               /**
-                * Closes unclosed BBCodes and returns a list of BBCodes in order of appearance that should be
-                * opened again to enforce proper nesting.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack           linear tree
-                * @param       {array<object>} openTags        list of unclosed elements
-                * @param       {string}        until           tag name to stop at
-                * @return      {array<mixed>}  list of tags to open in order of appearance
-                */
-               _closeUnclosedTags: function(stack, openTags, until) {
-                       var item, reopenTags = [], tag;
-                       for (var i = openTags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                               item = openTags[i];
-                               if ( === until) {
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                               tag = { name:, closing: true, attributes: item.attributes.slice(), source: '[/' + + ']' };
-                               item.pair = stack.length;
-                               stack.push(tag);
-                               openTags.pop();
-                               reopenTags.push({ name:, closing: false, attributes: item.attributes.slice(), source: item.source });
-                       }
-                       return reopenTags.reverse();
-               },
-               /**
-                * Returns true if given BBCode was opened before.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<object>} openTags        list of unclosed elements
-                * @param       {string}        name            BBCode to search for
-                * @returns     {boolean}       false if tag was not opened before
-                */
-               _hasOpenTag: function(openTags, name) {
-                       for (var i = openTags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-                               if (openTags[i].name === name) {
-                                       return true;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return false;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Parses the attribute list and returns a list of attributes without enclosing quotes.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        attrString      comma separated string with optional quotes per attribute
-                * @returns     {array<string>} list of attributes
-                */
-               _parseAttributes: function(attrString) {
-                       var tmp = attrString.split(/(?:^|,)('[^'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^'\\\\]*)*'|[^,]*)/g);
-                       var attribute, attributes = [];
-                       for (var i = 0, length = tmp.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               attribute = tmp[i];
-                               if (attribute !== '') {
-                                       if (attribute.charAt(0) === "'" && attribute.substr(-1) === "'") {
-                                               attributes.push(attribute.substring(1, attribute.length - 1).trim());
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               attributes.push(attribute.trim());
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return attributes;
-               }
-       };
-       return BbcodeParser;
diff --git a/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/ToHtml.js b/wcfsetup/install/files/js/WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/ToHtml.js
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e2bb156..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,623 +0,0 @@
- * Converts a message containing BBCodes into HTML.
- * 
- * @author     Alexander Ebert
- * @copyright  2001-2015 WoltLab GmbH
- * @license    GNU Lesser General Public License <>
- * @module     WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/ToHtml
- */
-define(['Core', 'EventHandler', 'Language', 'StringUtil', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/Parser'], function(Core, EventHandler, Language, StringUtil, BbcodeParser) {
-       "use strict";
-       var _bbcodes = null;
-       var _options = {};
-       var _removeNewlineAfter = [];
-       var _removeNewlineBefore = [];
-       /**
-        * Returns true if given value is a non-zero integer.
-        * 
-        * @param       {string}        value           target value
-        * @return      {boolean}       true if `value` is a non-zero integer
-        */
-       function isNumber(value) {
-               return value && value == ~~value;
-       }
-       /**
-        * Returns true if given value appears to be a filename, which means that it contains a dot
-        * or is neither numeric nor a known highlighter.
-        * 
-        * @param       {string}        value           target value
-        * @return      {boolean}       true if `value` appears to be a filename
-        */
-       function isFilename(value) {
-               return (value.indexOf('.') !== -1) || (!isNumber(value) && !isHighlighter(value));
-       }
-       /**
-        * Returns true if given value is a known highlighter.
-        * 
-        * @param       {string}        value           target value
-        * @return      {boolean}       true if `value` is a known highlighter
-        */
-       function isHighlighter(value) {
-               return objOwns(__REDACTOR_CODE_HIGHLIGHTERS, value);
-       }
-       /**
-        * @module      WoltLabSuite/Core/Bbcode/ToHtml
-        */
-       var BbcodeToHtml = {
-               /**
-                * Converts a message containing BBCodes to HTML.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         message containing BBCodes
-                * @return      {string}        HTML message
-                */
-               convert: function(message, options) {
-                       _options = Core.extend({
-                               attachments: {
-                                       images: {},
-                                       thumbnailUrl: '',
-                                       url: ''
-                               }
-                       }, options);
-                       this._convertSpecials(message);
-                       var stack = BbcodeParser.parse(message);
-                       if (stack.length) {
-                               this._initBBCodes();
-                       }
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.toHtml', 'beforeConvert', { stack: stack });
-                       var item, value;
-                       for (var i = 0, length = stack.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               item = stack[i];
-                               if (typeof item === 'object') {
-                                       value = this._convert(stack, item, i);
-                                       if (Array.isArray(value)) {
-                                               stack[i] = (value[0] === null ? item.source : value[0]);
-                                               stack[item.pair] = (value[1] === null ? stack[item.pair].source : value[1]);
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               stack[i] = value;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.toHtml', 'afterConvert', { stack: stack });
-                       message = stack.join('');
-                       message = message.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
-                       return message;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts special characters to their entities.
-                * 
-                * @param       {string}        message         message containing BBCodes
-                * @return      {string}        message with replaced special characters
-                */
-               _convertSpecials: function(message) {
-                       message = message.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
-                       message = message.replace(/</g, '&lt;');
-                       message = message.replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
-                       return message;
-               },
-               /**
-                * Sets up converters applied to HTML elements.
-                */
-               _initBBCodes: function() {
-                       if (_bbcodes !== null) {
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       _bbcodes = {
-                               // simple replacements
-                               b: 'strong',
-                               i: 'em',
-                               u: 'u',
-                               s: 'del',
-                               sub: 'sub',
-                               sup: 'sup',
-                               table: 'table',
-                               td: 'td',
-                               tr: 'tr',
-                               tt: 'kbd',
-                               // callback replacement
-                               align: this._convertAlignment.bind(this),
-                               attach: this._convertAttachment.bind(this),
-                               color: this._convertColor.bind(this),
-                               code: this._convertCode.bind(this),
-                               email: this._convertEmail.bind(this),
-                               list: this._convertList.bind(this),
-                               quote: this._convertQuote.bind(this),
-                               size: this._convertSize.bind(this),
-                               url: this._convertUrl.bind(this),
-                               img: this._convertImage.bind(this)
-                       };
-                       _removeNewlineAfter = ['quote', 'table', 'td', 'tr'];
-                       _removeNewlineBefore = ['table', 'td', 'tr'];
-             'com.woltlab.wcf.bbcode.toHtml', 'init', {
-                               bbcodes: _bbcodes,
-                               removeNewlineAfter: _removeNewlineAfter,
-                               removeNewlineBefore: _removeNewlineBefore
-                       });
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts an item from the stack.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}          stack           linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}                item            current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}                   index           current stack index representing `item`
-                * @return      {(string|array)}        string if only the current item should be replaced or an array with
-                *                                      the first item used for the opening tag and the second item for the closing tag
-                */
-               _convert: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var replace = _bbcodes[], tmp;
-                       if (replace === undefined) {
-                               // treat as plain text
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       if (_removeNewlineAfter.indexOf( !== -1) {
-                               tmp = stack[index + 1];
-                               if (typeof tmp === 'string') {
-                                       stack[index + 1] = tmp.replace(/^\n/, '');
-                               }
-                               if (stack.length > item.pair + 1) {
-                                       tmp = stack[item.pair + 1];
-                                       if (typeof tmp === 'string') {
-                                               stack[item.pair + 1] = tmp.replace(/^\n/, '');
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (_removeNewlineBefore.indexOf( !== -1) {
-                               if (index - 1 >= 0) {
-                                       tmp = stack[index - 1];
-                                       if (typeof tmp === 'string') {
-                                               stack[index - 1] = tmp.replace(/\n$/, '');
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               tmp = stack[item.pair - 1];
-                               if (typeof tmp === 'string') {
-                                       stack[item.pair - 1] = tmp.replace(/\n$/, '');
-                               }
-                       }
-                       // replace smilies
-                       this._convertSmilies(stack);
-                       if (typeof replace === 'string') {
-                               return ['<' + replace + '>', '</' + replace + '>'];
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               return replace(stack, item, index);
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [align] into <div style="text-align: ...">.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertAlignment: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var align = (item.attributes.length) ? item.attributes[0] : '';
-                       if (['center', 'justify', 'left', 'right'].indexOf(align) === -1) {
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       return ['<div style="text-align: ' + align + '">', '</div>'];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [attach] into an <img> or to plain text if attachment is a non-image.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertAttachment: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var attachmentId = 0, attributes = item.attributes, length = attributes.length;
-                       if (!_options.attachments.url) {
-                               length = 0;
-                       }
-                       else if (length > 0) {
-                               attachmentId = ~~attributes[0];
-                               if (!objOwns(_options.attachments.images, attachmentId)) {
-                                       length = 0;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (length === 0) {
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       var maxHeight = ~~_options.attachments.images[attachmentId].height;
-                       var maxWidth = ~~_options.attachments.images[attachmentId].width;
-                       var styles = ['max-height: ' + maxHeight + 'px', 'max-width: ' + maxWidth + 'px'];
-                       if (length > 1) {
-                               if (item.attributes[1] === 'left' || attributes[1] === 'right') {
-                                       styles.push('float: ' + attributes[1]);
-                                       styles.push('margin: ' + (attributes[1] === 'left' ? '0 15px 7px 0' : '0 0 7px 15px'));
-                               }
-                       }
-                       var width, baseUrl = _options.attachments.thumbnailUrl;
-                       if (length > 2) {
-                               width = ~~attributes[2] || 0;
-                               if (width) {
-                                       if (width > maxWidth) width = maxWidth;
-                                       styles.push('width: ' + width + 'px');
-                                       baseUrl = _options.attachments.url;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return [
-                               '<img src="' + baseUrl.replace(/987654321/, attachmentId) + '" class="redactorEmbeddedAttachment redactorDisableResize" data-attachment-id="' + attachmentId + '"' + (styles.length ? ' style="' + styles.join(';') + '"' : '') + '>',
-                               ''
-                       ];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [code] to <div class="codeBox">.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertCode: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var attributes = item.attributes, filename = '', highlighter = 'auto', lineNumber = 0;
-                       // parse arguments
-                       switch (attributes.length) {
-                               case 1:
-                                       if (isNumber(attributes[0])) {
-                                               lineNumber = ~~attributes[0];
-                                       }
-                                       else if (isFilename(attributes[0])) {
-                                               filename = attributes[0];
-                                       }
-                                       else if (isHighlighter(attributes[0])) {
-                                               highlighter = attributes[0];
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case 2:
-                                       if (isNumber(attributes[0])) {
-                                               lineNumber = ~~attributes[0];
-                                               if (isHighlighter(attributes[1])) {
-                                                       highlighter = attributes[1];
-                                               }
-                                               else if (isFilename(attributes[1])) {
-                                                       filename = attributes[1];
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               if (isHighlighter(attributes[0])) highlighter = attributes[0];
-                                               if (isFilename(attributes[1])) filename = attributes[1];
-                                       }
-                                       break;
-                               case 3:
-                                       if (isHighlighter(attributes[0])) highlighter = attributes[0];
-                                       if (isNumber(attributes[1])) lineNumber = ~~attributes[1];
-                                       if (isFilename(attributes[2])) filename = attributes[2];
-                                       break;
-                       }
-                       // transform content
-                       var before = true, content, line, empty = -1;
-                       for (var i = index + 1; i < item.pair; i++) {
-                               line = stack[i];
-                               if (line.trim() === '') {
-                                       if (before) {
-                                               stack[i] = '';
-                                               continue;
-                                       }
-                                       else if (empty === -1) {
-                                               empty = i;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               else {
-                                       before = false;
-                                       empty = -1;
-                               }
-                               content = line.split('\n');
-                               for (var j = 0, innerLength = content.length; j < innerLength; j++) {
-                                       content[j] = '<li>' + (content[j] ? StringUtil.escapeHTML(content[j]) : '\u200b') + '</li>';
-                               }
-                               stack[i] = content.join('');
-                       }
-                       if (!before && empty !== -1) {
-                               for (var i = item.pair - 1; i >= empty; i--) {
-                                       stack[i] = '';
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return [
-                               '<div class="codeBox container" contenteditable="false" data-highlighter="' + highlighter + '" data-filename="' + (filename ? StringUtil.escapeHTML(filename) : '') + '">'
-                                       + '<div>'
-                                       + '<div>'
-                                               + '<h3>' + __REDACTOR_CODE_HIGHLIGHTERS[highlighter] + (filename ? ': ' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(filename) : '') + '</h3>'
-                                       + '</div>'
-                                       + '<ol start="' + (lineNumber > 1 ? lineNumber : 1) + '">',
-                               '</ol></div></div>'
-                       ];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [color] to <span style="color: ...">.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertColor: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       if (!item.attributes.length || !item.attributes[0].match(/^[a-z0-9#]+$/i)) {
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       return ['<span style="color: ' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(item.attributes[0]) + '">', '</span>'];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [email] to <a href="mailto: ...">.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertEmail: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var email = '';
-                       if (item.attributes.length) {
-                               email = item.attributes[0];
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               var element;
-                               for (var i = index + 1; i < item.pair; i++) {
-                                       element = stack[i];
-                                       if (typeof element === 'object') {
-                                               email = '';
-                                               break;
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               email += element;
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               // no attribute present and element is empty, handle as plain text
-                               if (email.trim() === '') {
-                                       return [null, null];
-                               }
-                       }
-                       return ['<a href="mailto:' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(email) + '">', '</a>'];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [img] to <img>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertImage: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var float = 'none', source = '', width = 0;
-                       switch (item.attributes.length) {
-                               case 0:
-                                       if (index + 1 < item.pair && typeof stack[index + 1] === 'string') {
-                                               source = stack[index + 1];
-                                               stack[index + 1] = '';
-                                       }
-                                       else {
-                                               // [img] without attributes and content, discard
-                                               return '';
-                                       }
-                               break;
-                               case 1:
-                                       source = item.attributes[0];
-                               break;
-                               case 2:
-                                       source = item.attributes[0];
-                                       float = item.attributes[1];
-                               break;
-                               case 3:
-                                       source = item.attributes[0];
-                                       float = item.attributes[1];
-                                       width = ~~item.attributes[2];
-                               break;
-                       }
-                       if (float !== 'left' && float !== 'right') float = 'none';
-                       var styles = [];
-                       if (width > 0) {
-                               styles.push('width: ' + width + 'px');
-                       }
-                       if (float !== 'none') {
-                               styles.push('float: ' + float);
-                               styles.push('margin: ' + (float === 'left' ? '0 15px 7px 0' : '0 0 7px 15px'));
-                       }
-                       return ['<img src="' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(source) + '"' + (styles.length ? ' style="' + styles.join(';') + '"' : '') + '>', ''];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [list] to <ol> or <ul>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertList: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var type = (item.attributes.length) ? item.attributes[0] : '';
-                       // replace list items
-                       for (var i = index + 1; i < item.pair; i++) {
-                               if (typeof stack[i] === 'string') {
-                                       stack[i] = stack[i].replace(/\[\*\]/g, '<li>');
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (type == '1' || type === 'decimal') {
-                               return ['<ol>', '</ol>'];
-                       }
-                       if (type.length && type.match(/^(?:none|circle|square|disc|decimal|lower-roman|upper-roman|decimal-leading-zero|lower-greek|lower-latin|upper-latin|armenian|georgian)$/)) {
-                               return ['<ul style="list-style-type: ' + type + '">', '</ul>'];
-                       }
-                       return ['<ul>', '</ul>'];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [quote] to <blockquote>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertQuote: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       var author = '', link = '';
-                       if (item.attributes.length > 1) {
-                               author = item.attributes[0];
-                               link = item.attributes[1];
-                       }
-                       else if (item.attributes.length === 1) {
-                               author = item.attributes[0];
-                       }
-                       // get rid of the trailing newline for quote content
-                       for (var i = item.pair - 1; i > index; i--) {
-                               if (typeof stack[i] === 'string') {
-                                       stack[i] = stack[i].replace(/\n$/, '');
-                                       break;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       var header = '';
-                       if (author) {
-                               if (link) header = '<a href="' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(link) + '" tabindex="-1">';
-                               header += Language.get('wcf.bbcode.quote.title.javascript', { quoteAuthor: author.replace(/\\'/g, "'") });
-                               if (link) header += '</a>';
-                       }
-                       else {
-                               header = '<small>' + Language.get('wcf.bbcode.quote.title.clickToSet') + '</small>';
-                       }
-                       return [
-                               '<blockquote class="quoteBox container containerPadding quoteBoxSimple" cite="' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(link) + '" data-author="' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(author) + '">'
-                                       + '<header contenteditable="false">'
-                                               + '<h3>'
-                                                       + header
-                                               + '</h3>'
-                                               + '<a class="redactorQuoteEdit"></a>'
-                                       + '</header>'
-                                       + '<div>\u200b',
-                               '</div></blockquote>'
-                       ];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts smiley codes into <img>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                */
-               _convertSmilies: function(stack) {
-                       var altValue, item, regexp;
-                       for (var i = 0, length = stack.length; i < length; i++) {
-                               item = stack[i];
-                               if (typeof item === 'string') {
-                                       for (var smileyCode in __REDACTOR_SMILIES) {
-                                               if (objOwns(__REDACTOR_SMILIES, smileyCode)) {
-                                                       altValue = smileyCode.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;');
-                                                       regexp = new RegExp('(\\s|^)' + StringUtil.escapeRegExp(smileyCode) + '(?=\\s|$)', 'gi');
-                                                       item = item.replace(regexp, '$1<img src="' + __REDACTOR_SMILIES[smileyCode] + '" class="smiley" alt="' + altValue + '">');
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                                       stack[i] = item;
-                               }
-                               else if (__REDACTOR_SOURCE_BBCODES.indexOf( !== -1) {
-                                       // skip processing content
-                                       i = item.pair;
-                               }
-                       }
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [size] to <span style="font-size: ...">.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertSize: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       if (!item.attributes.length || ~~item.attributes[0] === 0) {
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       return ['<span style="font-size: ' + ~~item.attributes[0] + 'pt">', '</span>'];
-               },
-               /**
-                * Converts [url] to <a>.
-                * 
-                * @param       {array<mixed>}  stack   linear list of BBCode tags and regular strings
-                * @param       {object}        item    current BBCode tag object
-                * @param       {int}           index   current stack index representing `item`
-                * @returns     {array}         first item represents the opening tag, the second the closing one
-                */
-               _convertUrl: function(stack, item, index) {
-                       // ignore url bbcode without arguments
-                       if (!item.attributes.length) {
-                               return [null, null];
-                       }
-                       return ['<a href="' + StringUtil.escapeHTML(item.attributes[0]) + '">', '</a>'];
-               }
-       };
-       return BbcodeToHtml;