--- /dev/null
+perf-script-perl - Process trace data with a Perl script
+'perf script' [-s [Perl]:script[.pl] ]
+This perf script option is used to process perf script data using perf's
+built-in Perl interpreter. It reads and processes the input file and
+displays the results of the trace analysis implemented in the given
+Perl script, if any.
+You can avoid reading the rest of this document by running 'perf script
+-g perl' in the same directory as an existing perf.data trace file.
+That will generate a starter script containing a handler for each of
+the event types in the trace file; it simply prints every available
+field for each event in the trace file.
+You can also look at the existing scripts in
+~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/perl for typical examples showing how to
+do basic things like aggregate event data, print results, etc. Also,
+the check-perf-script.pl script, while not interesting for its results,
+attempts to exercise all of the main scripting features.
+When perf script is invoked using a trace script, a user-defined
+'handler function' is called for each event in the trace. If there's
+no handler function defined for a given event type, the event is
+ignored (or passed to a 'trace_handled' function, see below) and the
+next event is processed.
+Most of the event's field values are passed as arguments to the
+handler function; some of the less common ones aren't - those are
+available as calls back into the perf executable (see below).
+As an example, the following perf record command can be used to record
+all sched_wakeup events in the system:
+ # perf record -a -e sched:sched_wakeup
+Traces meant to be processed using a script should be recorded with
+the above option: -a to enable system-wide collection.
+The format file for the sched_wakep event defines the following fields
+(see /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/format):
+ format:
+ field:unsigned short common_type;
+ field:unsigned char common_flags;
+ field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;
+ field:int common_pid;
+ field:int common_lock_depth;
+ field:char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
+ field:pid_t pid;
+ field:int prio;
+ field:int success;
+ field:int target_cpu;
+The handler function for this event would be defined as:
+sub sched::sched_wakeup
+ my ($event_name, $context, $common_cpu, $common_secs,
+ $common_nsecs, $common_pid, $common_comm,
+ $comm, $pid, $prio, $success, $target_cpu) = @_;
+The handler function takes the form subsystem::event_name.
+The $common_* arguments in the handler's argument list are the set of
+arguments passed to all event handlers; some of the fields correspond
+to the common_* fields in the format file, but some are synthesized,
+and some of the common_* fields aren't common enough to to be passed
+to every event as arguments but are available as library functions.
+Here's a brief description of each of the invariant event args:
+ $event_name the name of the event as text
+ $context an opaque 'cookie' used in calls back into perf
+ $common_cpu the cpu the event occurred on
+ $common_secs the secs portion of the event timestamp
+ $common_nsecs the nsecs portion of the event timestamp
+ $common_pid the pid of the current task
+ $common_comm the name of the current process
+All of the remaining fields in the event's format file have
+counterparts as handler function arguments of the same name, as can be
+seen in the example above.
+The above provides the basics needed to directly access every field of
+every event in a trace, which covers 90% of what you need to know to
+write a useful trace script. The sections below cover the rest.
+Every perf script Perl script should start by setting up a Perl module
+search path and 'use'ing a few support modules (see module
+descriptions below):
+ use lib "$ENV{'PERF_EXEC_PATH'}/scripts/perl/perf-script-Util/lib";
+ use lib "./perf-script-Util/lib";
+ use Perf::Trace::Core;
+ use Perf::Trace::Context;
+ use Perf::Trace::Util;
+The rest of the script can contain handler functions and support
+functions in any order.
+Aside from the event handler functions discussed above, every script
+can implement a set of optional functions:
+*trace_begin*, if defined, is called before any event is processed and
+gives scripts a chance to do setup tasks:
+ sub trace_begin
+ {
+ }
+*trace_end*, if defined, is called after all events have been
+ processed and gives scripts a chance to do end-of-script tasks, such
+ as display results:
+sub trace_end
+*trace_unhandled*, if defined, is called after for any event that
+ doesn't have a handler explicitly defined for it. The standard set
+ of common arguments are passed into it:
+sub trace_unhandled
+ my ($event_name, $context, $common_cpu, $common_secs,
+ $common_nsecs, $common_pid, $common_comm) = @_;
+The remaining sections provide descriptions of each of the available
+built-in perf script Perl modules and their associated functions.
+The following sections describe the functions and variables available
+via the various Perf::Trace::* Perl modules. To use the functions and
+variables from the given module, add the corresponding 'use
+Perf::Trace::XXX' line to your perf script script.
+Perf::Trace::Core Module
+These functions provide some essential functions to user scripts.
+The *flag_str* and *symbol_str* functions provide human-readable
+strings for flag and symbolic fields. These correspond to the strings
+and values parsed from the 'print fmt' fields of the event format
+ flag_str($event_name, $field_name, $field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to $field_value for the flag field $field_name of event $event_name
+ symbol_str($event_name, $field_name, $field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to $field_value for the symbolic field $field_name of event $event_name
+Perf::Trace::Context Module
+Some of the 'common' fields in the event format file aren't all that
+common, but need to be made accessible to user scripts nonetheless.
+Perf::Trace::Context defines a set of functions that can be used to
+access this data in the context of the current event. Each of these
+functions expects a $context variable, which is the same as the
+$context variable passed into every event handler as the second
+ common_pc($context) - returns common_preempt count for the current event
+ common_flags($context) - returns common_flags for the current event
+ common_lock_depth($context) - returns common_lock_depth for the current event
+Perf::Trace::Util Module
+Various utility functions for use with perf script:
+ nsecs($secs, $nsecs) - returns total nsecs given secs/nsecs pair
+ nsecs_secs($nsecs) - returns whole secs portion given nsecs
+ nsecs_nsecs($nsecs) - returns nsecs remainder given nsecs
+ nsecs_str($nsecs) - returns printable string in the form secs.nsecs
+ avg($total, $n) - returns average given a sum and a total number of values
--- /dev/null
+perf-script-python - Process trace data with a Python script
+'perf script' [-s [Python]:script[.py] ]
+This perf script option is used to process perf script data using perf's
+built-in Python interpreter. It reads and processes the input file and
+displays the results of the trace analysis implemented in the given
+Python script, if any.
+This section shows the process, start to finish, of creating a working
+Python script that aggregates and extracts useful information from a
+raw perf script stream. You can avoid reading the rest of this
+document if an example is enough for you; the rest of the document
+provides more details on each step and lists the library functions
+available to script writers.
+This example actually details the steps that were used to create the
+'syscall-counts' script you see when you list the available perf script
+scripts via 'perf script -l'. As such, this script also shows how to
+integrate your script into the list of general-purpose 'perf script'
+scripts listed by that command.
+The syscall-counts script is a simple script, but demonstrates all the
+basic ideas necessary to create a useful script. Here's an example
+of its output (syscall names are not yet supported, they will appear
+as numbers):
+syscall events:
+event count
+---------------------------------------- -----------
+sys_write 455067
+sys_getdents 4072
+sys_close 3037
+sys_swapoff 1769
+sys_read 923
+sys_sched_setparam 826
+sys_open 331
+sys_newfstat 326
+sys_mmap 217
+sys_munmap 216
+sys_futex 141
+sys_select 102
+sys_poll 84
+sys_setitimer 12
+sys_writev 8
+15 8
+sys_lseek 7
+sys_rt_sigprocmask 6
+sys_wait4 3
+sys_ioctl 3
+sys_set_robust_list 1
+sys_exit 1
+56 1
+sys_access 1
+Basically our task is to keep a per-syscall tally that gets updated
+every time a system call occurs in the system. Our script will do
+that, but first we need to record the data that will be processed by
+that script. Theoretically, there are a couple of ways we could do
+- we could enable every event under the tracing/events/syscalls
+ directory, but this is over 600 syscalls, well beyond the number
+ allowable by perf. These individual syscall events will however be
+ useful if we want to later use the guidance we get from the
+ general-purpose scripts to drill down and get more detail about
+ individual syscalls of interest.
+- we can enable the sys_enter and/or sys_exit syscalls found under
+ tracing/events/raw_syscalls. These are called for all syscalls; the
+ 'id' field can be used to distinguish between individual syscall
+ numbers.
+For this script, we only need to know that a syscall was entered; we
+don't care how it exited, so we'll use 'perf record' to record only
+the sys_enter events:
+# perf record -a -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter
+^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
+[ perf record: Captured and wrote 56.545 MB perf.data (~2470503 samples) ]
+The options basically say to collect data for every syscall event
+system-wide and multiplex the per-cpu output into a single stream.
+That single stream will be recorded in a file in the current directory
+called perf.data.
+Once we have a perf.data file containing our data, we can use the -g
+'perf script' option to generate a Python script that will contain a
+callback handler for each event type found in the perf.data trace
+stream (for more details, see the STARTER SCRIPTS section).
+# perf script -g python
+generated Python script: perf-script.py
+The output file created also in the current directory is named
+perf-script.py. Here's the file in its entirety:
+# perf script event handlers, generated by perf script -g python
+# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
+# The common_* event handler fields are the most useful fields common to
+# all events. They don't necessarily correspond to the 'common_*' fields
+# in the format files. Those fields not available as handler params can
+# be retrieved using Python functions of the form common_*(context).
+# See the perf-script-python Documentation for the list of available functions.
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/perf-script-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+from perf_trace_context import *
+from Core import *
+def trace_begin():
+ print "in trace_begin"
+def trace_end():
+ print "in trace_end"
+def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
+ common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
+ id, args):
+ print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
+ common_pid, common_comm)
+ print "id=%d, args=%s\n" % \
+ (id, args),
+def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
+ common_pid, common_comm):
+ print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
+ common_pid, common_comm)
+def print_header(event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm):
+ print "%-20s %5u %05u.%09u %8u %-20s " % \
+ (event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm),
+At the top is a comment block followed by some import statements and a
+path append which every perf script script should include.
+Following that are a couple generated functions, trace_begin() and
+trace_end(), which are called at the beginning and the end of the
+script respectively (for more details, see the SCRIPT_LAYOUT section
+Following those are the 'event handler' functions generated one for
+every event in the 'perf record' output. The handler functions take
+the form subsystem__event_name, and contain named parameters, one for
+each field in the event; in this case, there's only one event,
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter(). (see the EVENT HANDLERS section below for
+more info on event handlers).
+The final couple of functions are, like the begin and end functions,
+generated for every script. The first, trace_unhandled(), is called
+every time the script finds an event in the perf.data file that
+doesn't correspond to any event handler in the script. This could
+mean either that the record step recorded event types that it wasn't
+really interested in, or the script was run against a trace file that
+doesn't correspond to the script.
+The script generated by -g option simply prints a line for each
+event found in the trace stream i.e. it basically just dumps the event
+and its parameter values to stdout. The print_header() function is
+simply a utility function used for that purpose. Let's rename the
+script and run it to see the default output:
+# mv perf-script.py syscall-counts.py
+# perf script -s syscall-counts.py
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847582083 7506 perf id=1, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847595764 7506 perf id=1, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847620860 7506 perf id=1, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847710478 6533 npviewer.bin id=78, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847719204 6533 npviewer.bin id=142, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847755445 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847775601 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
+raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847781820 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
+Of course, for this script, we're not interested in printing every
+trace event, but rather aggregating it in a useful way. So we'll get
+rid of everything to do with printing as well as the trace_begin() and
+trace_unhandled() functions, which we won't be using. That leaves us
+with this minimalistic skeleton:
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/perf-script-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+from perf_trace_context import *
+from Core import *
+def trace_end():
+ print "in trace_end"
+def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
+ common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
+ id, args):
+In trace_end(), we'll simply print the results, but first we need to
+generate some results to print. To do that we need to have our
+sys_enter() handler do the necessary tallying until all events have
+been counted. A hash table indexed by syscall id is a good way to
+store that information; every time the sys_enter() handler is called,
+we simply increment a count associated with that hash entry indexed by
+that syscall id:
+ syscalls = autodict()
+ try:
+ syscalls[id] += 1
+ except TypeError:
+ syscalls[id] = 1
+The syscalls 'autodict' object is a special kind of Python dictionary
+(implemented in Core.py) that implements Perl's 'autovivifying' hashes
+in Python i.e. with autovivifying hashes, you can assign nested hash
+values without having to go to the trouble of creating intermediate
+levels if they don't exist e.g syscalls[comm][pid][id] = 1 will create
+the intermediate hash levels and finally assign the value 1 to the
+hash entry for 'id' (because the value being assigned isn't a hash
+object itself, the initial value is assigned in the TypeError
+exception. Well, there may be a better way to do this in Python but
+that's what works for now).
+Putting that code into the raw_syscalls__sys_enter() handler, we
+effectively end up with a single-level dictionary keyed on syscall id
+and having the counts we've tallied as values.
+The print_syscall_totals() function iterates over the entries in the
+dictionary and displays a line for each entry containing the syscall
+name (the dictonary keys contain the syscall ids, which are passed to
+the Util function syscall_name(), which translates the raw syscall
+numbers to the corresponding syscall name strings). The output is
+displayed after all the events in the trace have been processed, by
+calling the print_syscall_totals() function from the trace_end()
+handler called at the end of script processing.
+The final script producing the output shown above is shown in its
+entirety below (syscall_name() helper is not yet available, you can
+only deal with id's for now):
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/perf-script-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+from perf_trace_context import *
+from Core import *
+from Util import *
+syscalls = autodict()
+def trace_end():
+ print_syscall_totals()
+def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
+ common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
+ id, args):
+ try:
+ syscalls[id] += 1
+ except TypeError:
+ syscalls[id] = 1
+def print_syscall_totals():
+ if for_comm is not None:
+ print "\nsyscall events for %s:\n\n" % (for_comm),
+ else:
+ print "\nsyscall events:\n\n",
+ print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("event", "count"),
+ print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("----------------------------------------", \
+ "-----------"),
+ for id, val in sorted(syscalls.iteritems(), key = lambda(k, v): (v, k), \
+ reverse = True):
+ print "%-40s %10d\n" % (syscall_name(id), val),
+The script can be run just as before:
+ # perf script -s syscall-counts.py
+So those are the essential steps in writing and running a script. The
+process can be generalized to any tracepoint or set of tracepoints
+you're interested in - basically find the tracepoint(s) you're
+interested in by looking at the list of available events shown by
+'perf list' and/or look in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing events for
+detailed event and field info, record the corresponding trace data
+using 'perf record', passing it the list of interesting events,
+generate a skeleton script using 'perf script -g python' and modify the
+code to aggregate and display it for your particular needs.
+After you've done that you may end up with a general-purpose script
+that you want to keep around and have available for future use. By
+writing a couple of very simple shell scripts and putting them in the
+right place, you can have your script listed alongside the other
+scripts listed by the 'perf script -l' command e.g.:
+root@tropicana:~# perf script -l
+List of available trace scripts:
+ workqueue-stats workqueue stats (ins/exe/create/destroy)
+ wakeup-latency system-wide min/max/avg wakeup latency
+ rw-by-file <comm> r/w activity for a program, by file
+ rw-by-pid system-wide r/w activity
+A nice side effect of doing this is that you also then capture the
+probably lengthy 'perf record' command needed to record the events for
+the script.
+To have the script appear as a 'built-in' script, you write two simple
+scripts, one for recording and one for 'reporting'.
+The 'record' script is a shell script with the same base name as your
+script, but with -record appended. The shell script should be put
+into the perf/scripts/python/bin directory in the kernel source tree.
+In that script, you write the 'perf record' command-line needed for
+your script:
+# cat kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/syscall-counts-record
+perf record -a -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter
+The 'report' script is also a shell script with the same base name as
+your script, but with -report appended. It should also be located in
+the perf/scripts/python/bin directory. In that script, you write the
+'perf script -s' command-line needed for running your script:
+# cat kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/syscall-counts-report
+# description: system-wide syscall counts
+perf script -s ~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python/syscall-counts.py
+Note that the location of the Python script given in the shell script
+is in the libexec/perf-core/scripts/python directory - this is where
+the script will be copied by 'make install' when you install perf.
+For the installation to install your script there, your script needs
+to be located in the perf/scripts/python directory in the kernel
+source tree:
+# ls -al kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python
+root@tropicana:/home/trz/src/tip# ls -al tools/perf/scripts/python
+total 32
+drwxr-xr-x 4 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:30 .
+drwxr-xr-x 4 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:29 ..
+drwxr-xr-x 2 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:29 bin
+-rw-r--r-- 1 trz trz 2548 2010-01-26 22:29 check-perf-script.py
+drwxr-xr-x 3 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:49 perf-script-Util
+-rw-r--r-- 1 trz trz 1462 2010-01-26 22:30 syscall-counts.py
+Once you've done that (don't forget to do a new 'make install',
+otherwise your script won't show up at run-time), 'perf script -l'
+should show a new entry for your script:
+root@tropicana:~# perf script -l
+List of available trace scripts:
+ workqueue-stats workqueue stats (ins/exe/create/destroy)
+ wakeup-latency system-wide min/max/avg wakeup latency
+ rw-by-file <comm> r/w activity for a program, by file
+ rw-by-pid system-wide r/w activity
+ syscall-counts system-wide syscall counts
+You can now perform the record step via 'perf script record':
+ # perf script record syscall-counts
+and display the output using 'perf script report':
+ # perf script report syscall-counts
+You can quickly get started writing a script for a particular set of
+trace data by generating a skeleton script using 'perf script -g
+python' in the same directory as an existing perf.data trace file.
+That will generate a starter script containing a handler for each of
+the event types in the trace file; it simply prints every available
+field for each event in the trace file.
+You can also look at the existing scripts in
+~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python for typical examples showing how to
+do basic things like aggregate event data, print results, etc. Also,
+the check-perf-script.py script, while not interesting for its results,
+attempts to exercise all of the main scripting features.
+When perf script is invoked using a trace script, a user-defined
+'handler function' is called for each event in the trace. If there's
+no handler function defined for a given event type, the event is
+ignored (or passed to a 'trace_handled' function, see below) and the
+next event is processed.
+Most of the event's field values are passed as arguments to the
+handler function; some of the less common ones aren't - those are
+available as calls back into the perf executable (see below).
+As an example, the following perf record command can be used to record
+all sched_wakeup events in the system:
+ # perf record -a -e sched:sched_wakeup
+Traces meant to be processed using a script should be recorded with
+the above option: -a to enable system-wide collection.
+The format file for the sched_wakep event defines the following fields
+(see /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/format):
+ format:
+ field:unsigned short common_type;
+ field:unsigned char common_flags;
+ field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;
+ field:int common_pid;
+ field:int common_lock_depth;
+ field:char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
+ field:pid_t pid;
+ field:int prio;
+ field:int success;
+ field:int target_cpu;
+The handler function for this event would be defined as:
+def sched__sched_wakeup(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs,
+ common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
+ comm, pid, prio, success, target_cpu):
+ pass
+The handler function takes the form subsystem__event_name.
+The common_* arguments in the handler's argument list are the set of
+arguments passed to all event handlers; some of the fields correspond
+to the common_* fields in the format file, but some are synthesized,
+and some of the common_* fields aren't common enough to to be passed
+to every event as arguments but are available as library functions.
+Here's a brief description of each of the invariant event args:
+ event_name the name of the event as text
+ context an opaque 'cookie' used in calls back into perf
+ common_cpu the cpu the event occurred on
+ common_secs the secs portion of the event timestamp
+ common_nsecs the nsecs portion of the event timestamp
+ common_pid the pid of the current task
+ common_comm the name of the current process
+All of the remaining fields in the event's format file have
+counterparts as handler function arguments of the same name, as can be
+seen in the example above.
+The above provides the basics needed to directly access every field of
+every event in a trace, which covers 90% of what you need to know to
+write a useful trace script. The sections below cover the rest.
+Every perf script Python script should start by setting up a Python
+module search path and 'import'ing a few support modules (see module
+descriptions below):
+ import os
+ import sys
+ sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
+ '/scripts/python/perf-script-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
+ from perf_trace_context import *
+ from Core import *
+The rest of the script can contain handler functions and support
+functions in any order.
+Aside from the event handler functions discussed above, every script
+can implement a set of optional functions:
+*trace_begin*, if defined, is called before any event is processed and
+gives scripts a chance to do setup tasks:
+def trace_begin:
+ pass
+*trace_end*, if defined, is called after all events have been
+ processed and gives scripts a chance to do end-of-script tasks, such
+ as display results:
+def trace_end:
+ pass
+*trace_unhandled*, if defined, is called after for any event that
+ doesn't have a handler explicitly defined for it. The standard set
+ of common arguments are passed into it:
+def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs,
+ common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm):
+ pass
+The remaining sections provide descriptions of each of the available
+built-in perf script Python modules and their associated functions.
+The following sections describe the functions and variables available
+via the various perf script Python modules. To use the functions and
+variables from the given module, add the corresponding 'from XXXX
+import' line to your perf script script.
+Core.py Module
+These functions provide some essential functions to user scripts.
+The *flag_str* and *symbol_str* functions provide human-readable
+strings for flag and symbolic fields. These correspond to the strings
+and values parsed from the 'print fmt' fields of the event format
+ flag_str(event_name, field_name, field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to field_value for the flag field field_name of event event_name
+ symbol_str(event_name, field_name, field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to field_value for the symbolic field field_name of event event_name
+The *autodict* function returns a special kind of Python
+dictionary that implements Perl's 'autovivifying' hashes in Python
+i.e. with autovivifying hashes, you can assign nested hash values
+without having to go to the trouble of creating intermediate levels if
+they don't exist.
+ autodict() - returns an autovivifying dictionary instance
+perf_trace_context Module
+Some of the 'common' fields in the event format file aren't all that
+common, but need to be made accessible to user scripts nonetheless.
+perf_trace_context defines a set of functions that can be used to
+access this data in the context of the current event. Each of these
+functions expects a context variable, which is the same as the
+context variable passed into every event handler as the second
+ common_pc(context) - returns common_preempt count for the current event
+ common_flags(context) - returns common_flags for the current event
+ common_lock_depth(context) - returns common_lock_depth for the current event
+Util.py Module
+Various utility functions for use with perf script:
+ nsecs(secs, nsecs) - returns total nsecs given secs/nsecs pair
+ nsecs_secs(nsecs) - returns whole secs portion given nsecs
+ nsecs_nsecs(nsecs) - returns nsecs remainder given nsecs
+ nsecs_str(nsecs) - returns printable string in the form secs.nsecs
+ avg(total, n) - returns average given a sum and a total number of values
--- /dev/null
+perf-script - Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display trace output
+'perf script' [<options>]
+'perf script' [<options>] record <script> [<record-options>] <command>
+'perf script' [<options>] report <script> [script-args]
+'perf script' [<options>] <script> <required-script-args> [<record-options>] <command>
+'perf script' [<options>] <top-script> [script-args]
+This command reads the input file and displays the trace recorded.
+There are several variants of perf script:
+ 'perf script' to see a detailed trace of the workload that was
+ recorded.
+ You can also run a set of pre-canned scripts that aggregate and
+ summarize the raw trace data in various ways (the list of scripts is
+ available via 'perf script -l'). The following variants allow you to
+ record and run those scripts:
+ 'perf script record <script> <command>' to record the events required
+ for 'perf script report'. <script> is the name displayed in the
+ output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any
+ language extension. If <command> is not specified, the events are
+ recorded using the -a (system-wide) 'perf record' option.
+ 'perf script report <script> [args]' to run and display the results
+ of <script>. <script> is the name displayed in the output of 'perf
+ trace --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any language
+ extension. The perf.data output from a previous run of 'perf script
+ record <script>' is used and should be present for this command to
+ succeed. [args] refers to the (mainly optional) args expected by
+ the script.
+ 'perf script <script> <required-script-args> <command>' to both
+ record the events required for <script> and to run the <script>
+ using 'live-mode' i.e. without writing anything to disk. <script>
+ is the name displayed in the output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the
+ actual script name minus any language extension. If <command> is
+ not specified, the events are recorded using the -a (system-wide)
+ 'perf record' option. If <script> has any required args, they
+ should be specified before <command>. This mode doesn't allow for
+ optional script args to be specified; if optional script args are
+ desired, they can be specified using separate 'perf script record'
+ and 'perf script report' commands, with the stdout of the record step
+ piped to the stdin of the report script, using the '-o -' and '-i -'
+ options of the corresponding commands.
+ 'perf script <top-script>' to both record the events required for
+ <top-script> and to run the <top-script> using 'live-mode'
+ i.e. without writing anything to disk. <top-script> is the name
+ displayed in the output of 'perf script --list' i.e. the actual
+ script name minus any language extension; a <top-script> is defined
+ as any script name ending with the string 'top'.
+ [<record-options>] can be passed to the record steps of 'perf script
+ record' and 'live-mode' variants; this isn't possible however for
+ <top-script> 'live-mode' or 'perf script report' variants.
+ See the 'SEE ALSO' section for links to language-specific
+ information on how to write and run your own trace scripts.
+ Any command you can specify in a shell.
+ Display verbose dump of the trace data.
+ Show latency attributes (irqs/preemption disabled, etc).
+ Display a list of available trace scripts.
+-s ['lang']::
+ Process trace data with the given script ([lang]:script[.ext]).
+ If the string 'lang' is specified in place of a script name, a
+ list of supported languages will be displayed instead.
+ Generate perf-script.[ext] starter script for given language,
+ using current perf.data.
+ Force system-wide collection. Scripts run without a <command>
+ normally use -a by default, while scripts run with a <command>
+ normally don't - this option allows the latter to be run in
+ system-wide mode.
+linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-script-perl[1],
+++ /dev/null
-perf-trace-perl - Process trace data with a Perl script
-'perf trace' [-s [Perl]:script[.pl] ]
-This perf trace option is used to process perf trace data using perf's
-built-in Perl interpreter. It reads and processes the input file and
-displays the results of the trace analysis implemented in the given
-Perl script, if any.
-You can avoid reading the rest of this document by running 'perf trace
--g perl' in the same directory as an existing perf.data trace file.
-That will generate a starter script containing a handler for each of
-the event types in the trace file; it simply prints every available
-field for each event in the trace file.
-You can also look at the existing scripts in
-~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/perl for typical examples showing how to
-do basic things like aggregate event data, print results, etc. Also,
-the check-perf-trace.pl script, while not interesting for its results,
-attempts to exercise all of the main scripting features.
-When perf trace is invoked using a trace script, a user-defined
-'handler function' is called for each event in the trace. If there's
-no handler function defined for a given event type, the event is
-ignored (or passed to a 'trace_handled' function, see below) and the
-next event is processed.
-Most of the event's field values are passed as arguments to the
-handler function; some of the less common ones aren't - those are
-available as calls back into the perf executable (see below).
-As an example, the following perf record command can be used to record
-all sched_wakeup events in the system:
- # perf record -a -e sched:sched_wakeup
-Traces meant to be processed using a script should be recorded with
-the above option: -a to enable system-wide collection.
-The format file for the sched_wakep event defines the following fields
-(see /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/format):
- format:
- field:unsigned short common_type;
- field:unsigned char common_flags;
- field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;
- field:int common_pid;
- field:int common_lock_depth;
- field:char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
- field:pid_t pid;
- field:int prio;
- field:int success;
- field:int target_cpu;
-The handler function for this event would be defined as:
-sub sched::sched_wakeup
- my ($event_name, $context, $common_cpu, $common_secs,
- $common_nsecs, $common_pid, $common_comm,
- $comm, $pid, $prio, $success, $target_cpu) = @_;
-The handler function takes the form subsystem::event_name.
-The $common_* arguments in the handler's argument list are the set of
-arguments passed to all event handlers; some of the fields correspond
-to the common_* fields in the format file, but some are synthesized,
-and some of the common_* fields aren't common enough to to be passed
-to every event as arguments but are available as library functions.
-Here's a brief description of each of the invariant event args:
- $event_name the name of the event as text
- $context an opaque 'cookie' used in calls back into perf
- $common_cpu the cpu the event occurred on
- $common_secs the secs portion of the event timestamp
- $common_nsecs the nsecs portion of the event timestamp
- $common_pid the pid of the current task
- $common_comm the name of the current process
-All of the remaining fields in the event's format file have
-counterparts as handler function arguments of the same name, as can be
-seen in the example above.
-The above provides the basics needed to directly access every field of
-every event in a trace, which covers 90% of what you need to know to
-write a useful trace script. The sections below cover the rest.
-Every perf trace Perl script should start by setting up a Perl module
-search path and 'use'ing a few support modules (see module
-descriptions below):
- use lib "$ENV{'PERF_EXEC_PATH'}/scripts/perl/Perf-Trace-Util/lib";
- use lib "./Perf-Trace-Util/lib";
- use Perf::Trace::Core;
- use Perf::Trace::Context;
- use Perf::Trace::Util;
-The rest of the script can contain handler functions and support
-functions in any order.
-Aside from the event handler functions discussed above, every script
-can implement a set of optional functions:
-*trace_begin*, if defined, is called before any event is processed and
-gives scripts a chance to do setup tasks:
- sub trace_begin
- {
- }
-*trace_end*, if defined, is called after all events have been
- processed and gives scripts a chance to do end-of-script tasks, such
- as display results:
-sub trace_end
-*trace_unhandled*, if defined, is called after for any event that
- doesn't have a handler explicitly defined for it. The standard set
- of common arguments are passed into it:
-sub trace_unhandled
- my ($event_name, $context, $common_cpu, $common_secs,
- $common_nsecs, $common_pid, $common_comm) = @_;
-The remaining sections provide descriptions of each of the available
-built-in perf trace Perl modules and their associated functions.
-The following sections describe the functions and variables available
-via the various Perf::Trace::* Perl modules. To use the functions and
-variables from the given module, add the corresponding 'use
-Perf::Trace::XXX' line to your perf trace script.
-Perf::Trace::Core Module
-These functions provide some essential functions to user scripts.
-The *flag_str* and *symbol_str* functions provide human-readable
-strings for flag and symbolic fields. These correspond to the strings
-and values parsed from the 'print fmt' fields of the event format
- flag_str($event_name, $field_name, $field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to $field_value for the flag field $field_name of event $event_name
- symbol_str($event_name, $field_name, $field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to $field_value for the symbolic field $field_name of event $event_name
-Perf::Trace::Context Module
-Some of the 'common' fields in the event format file aren't all that
-common, but need to be made accessible to user scripts nonetheless.
-Perf::Trace::Context defines a set of functions that can be used to
-access this data in the context of the current event. Each of these
-functions expects a $context variable, which is the same as the
-$context variable passed into every event handler as the second
- common_pc($context) - returns common_preempt count for the current event
- common_flags($context) - returns common_flags for the current event
- common_lock_depth($context) - returns common_lock_depth for the current event
-Perf::Trace::Util Module
-Various utility functions for use with perf trace:
- nsecs($secs, $nsecs) - returns total nsecs given secs/nsecs pair
- nsecs_secs($nsecs) - returns whole secs portion given nsecs
- nsecs_nsecs($nsecs) - returns nsecs remainder given nsecs
- nsecs_str($nsecs) - returns printable string in the form secs.nsecs
- avg($total, $n) - returns average given a sum and a total number of values
+++ /dev/null
-perf-trace-python - Process trace data with a Python script
-'perf trace' [-s [Python]:script[.py] ]
-This perf trace option is used to process perf trace data using perf's
-built-in Python interpreter. It reads and processes the input file and
-displays the results of the trace analysis implemented in the given
-Python script, if any.
-This section shows the process, start to finish, of creating a working
-Python script that aggregates and extracts useful information from a
-raw perf trace stream. You can avoid reading the rest of this
-document if an example is enough for you; the rest of the document
-provides more details on each step and lists the library functions
-available to script writers.
-This example actually details the steps that were used to create the
-'syscall-counts' script you see when you list the available perf trace
-scripts via 'perf trace -l'. As such, this script also shows how to
-integrate your script into the list of general-purpose 'perf trace'
-scripts listed by that command.
-The syscall-counts script is a simple script, but demonstrates all the
-basic ideas necessary to create a useful script. Here's an example
-of its output (syscall names are not yet supported, they will appear
-as numbers):
-syscall events:
-event count
----------------------------------------- -----------
-sys_write 455067
-sys_getdents 4072
-sys_close 3037
-sys_swapoff 1769
-sys_read 923
-sys_sched_setparam 826
-sys_open 331
-sys_newfstat 326
-sys_mmap 217
-sys_munmap 216
-sys_futex 141
-sys_select 102
-sys_poll 84
-sys_setitimer 12
-sys_writev 8
-15 8
-sys_lseek 7
-sys_rt_sigprocmask 6
-sys_wait4 3
-sys_ioctl 3
-sys_set_robust_list 1
-sys_exit 1
-56 1
-sys_access 1
-Basically our task is to keep a per-syscall tally that gets updated
-every time a system call occurs in the system. Our script will do
-that, but first we need to record the data that will be processed by
-that script. Theoretically, there are a couple of ways we could do
-- we could enable every event under the tracing/events/syscalls
- directory, but this is over 600 syscalls, well beyond the number
- allowable by perf. These individual syscall events will however be
- useful if we want to later use the guidance we get from the
- general-purpose scripts to drill down and get more detail about
- individual syscalls of interest.
-- we can enable the sys_enter and/or sys_exit syscalls found under
- tracing/events/raw_syscalls. These are called for all syscalls; the
- 'id' field can be used to distinguish between individual syscall
- numbers.
-For this script, we only need to know that a syscall was entered; we
-don't care how it exited, so we'll use 'perf record' to record only
-the sys_enter events:
-# perf record -a -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter
-^C[ perf record: Woken up 1 times to write data ]
-[ perf record: Captured and wrote 56.545 MB perf.data (~2470503 samples) ]
-The options basically say to collect data for every syscall event
-system-wide and multiplex the per-cpu output into a single stream.
-That single stream will be recorded in a file in the current directory
-called perf.data.
-Once we have a perf.data file containing our data, we can use the -g
-'perf trace' option to generate a Python script that will contain a
-callback handler for each event type found in the perf.data trace
-stream (for more details, see the STARTER SCRIPTS section).
-# perf trace -g python
-generated Python script: perf-trace.py
-The output file created also in the current directory is named
-perf-trace.py. Here's the file in its entirety:
-# perf trace event handlers, generated by perf trace -g python
-# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2
-# The common_* event handler fields are the most useful fields common to
-# all events. They don't necessarily correspond to the 'common_*' fields
-# in the format files. Those fields not available as handler params can
-# be retrieved using Python functions of the form common_*(context).
-# See the perf-trace-python Documentation for the list of available functions.
-import os
-import sys
-sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
- '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
-from perf_trace_context import *
-from Core import *
-def trace_begin():
- print "in trace_begin"
-def trace_end():
- print "in trace_end"
-def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
- common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
- id, args):
- print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
- common_pid, common_comm)
- print "id=%d, args=%s\n" % \
- (id, args),
-def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
- common_pid, common_comm):
- print_header(event_name, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs,
- common_pid, common_comm)
-def print_header(event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm):
- print "%-20s %5u %05u.%09u %8u %-20s " % \
- (event_name, cpu, secs, nsecs, pid, comm),
-At the top is a comment block followed by some import statements and a
-path append which every perf trace script should include.
-Following that are a couple generated functions, trace_begin() and
-trace_end(), which are called at the beginning and the end of the
-script respectively (for more details, see the SCRIPT_LAYOUT section
-Following those are the 'event handler' functions generated one for
-every event in the 'perf record' output. The handler functions take
-the form subsystem__event_name, and contain named parameters, one for
-each field in the event; in this case, there's only one event,
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter(). (see the EVENT HANDLERS section below for
-more info on event handlers).
-The final couple of functions are, like the begin and end functions,
-generated for every script. The first, trace_unhandled(), is called
-every time the script finds an event in the perf.data file that
-doesn't correspond to any event handler in the script. This could
-mean either that the record step recorded event types that it wasn't
-really interested in, or the script was run against a trace file that
-doesn't correspond to the script.
-The script generated by -g option simply prints a line for each
-event found in the trace stream i.e. it basically just dumps the event
-and its parameter values to stdout. The print_header() function is
-simply a utility function used for that purpose. Let's rename the
-script and run it to see the default output:
-# mv perf-trace.py syscall-counts.py
-# perf trace -s syscall-counts.py
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847582083 7506 perf id=1, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847595764 7506 perf id=1, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847620860 7506 perf id=1, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847710478 6533 npviewer.bin id=78, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847719204 6533 npviewer.bin id=142, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847755445 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847775601 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
-raw_syscalls__sys_enter 1 00840.847781820 6533 npviewer.bin id=3, args=
-Of course, for this script, we're not interested in printing every
-trace event, but rather aggregating it in a useful way. So we'll get
-rid of everything to do with printing as well as the trace_begin() and
-trace_unhandled() functions, which we won't be using. That leaves us
-with this minimalistic skeleton:
-import os
-import sys
-sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
- '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
-from perf_trace_context import *
-from Core import *
-def trace_end():
- print "in trace_end"
-def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
- common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
- id, args):
-In trace_end(), we'll simply print the results, but first we need to
-generate some results to print. To do that we need to have our
-sys_enter() handler do the necessary tallying until all events have
-been counted. A hash table indexed by syscall id is a good way to
-store that information; every time the sys_enter() handler is called,
-we simply increment a count associated with that hash entry indexed by
-that syscall id:
- syscalls = autodict()
- try:
- syscalls[id] += 1
- except TypeError:
- syscalls[id] = 1
-The syscalls 'autodict' object is a special kind of Python dictionary
-(implemented in Core.py) that implements Perl's 'autovivifying' hashes
-in Python i.e. with autovivifying hashes, you can assign nested hash
-values without having to go to the trouble of creating intermediate
-levels if they don't exist e.g syscalls[comm][pid][id] = 1 will create
-the intermediate hash levels and finally assign the value 1 to the
-hash entry for 'id' (because the value being assigned isn't a hash
-object itself, the initial value is assigned in the TypeError
-exception. Well, there may be a better way to do this in Python but
-that's what works for now).
-Putting that code into the raw_syscalls__sys_enter() handler, we
-effectively end up with a single-level dictionary keyed on syscall id
-and having the counts we've tallied as values.
-The print_syscall_totals() function iterates over the entries in the
-dictionary and displays a line for each entry containing the syscall
-name (the dictonary keys contain the syscall ids, which are passed to
-the Util function syscall_name(), which translates the raw syscall
-numbers to the corresponding syscall name strings). The output is
-displayed after all the events in the trace have been processed, by
-calling the print_syscall_totals() function from the trace_end()
-handler called at the end of script processing.
-The final script producing the output shown above is shown in its
-entirety below (syscall_name() helper is not yet available, you can
-only deal with id's for now):
-import os
-import sys
-sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
- '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
-from perf_trace_context import *
-from Core import *
-from Util import *
-syscalls = autodict()
-def trace_end():
- print_syscall_totals()
-def raw_syscalls__sys_enter(event_name, context, common_cpu,
- common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
- id, args):
- try:
- syscalls[id] += 1
- except TypeError:
- syscalls[id] = 1
-def print_syscall_totals():
- if for_comm is not None:
- print "\nsyscall events for %s:\n\n" % (for_comm),
- else:
- print "\nsyscall events:\n\n",
- print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("event", "count"),
- print "%-40s %10s\n" % ("----------------------------------------", \
- "-----------"),
- for id, val in sorted(syscalls.iteritems(), key = lambda(k, v): (v, k), \
- reverse = True):
- print "%-40s %10d\n" % (syscall_name(id), val),
-The script can be run just as before:
- # perf trace -s syscall-counts.py
-So those are the essential steps in writing and running a script. The
-process can be generalized to any tracepoint or set of tracepoints
-you're interested in - basically find the tracepoint(s) you're
-interested in by looking at the list of available events shown by
-'perf list' and/or look in /sys/kernel/debug/tracing events for
-detailed event and field info, record the corresponding trace data
-using 'perf record', passing it the list of interesting events,
-generate a skeleton script using 'perf trace -g python' and modify the
-code to aggregate and display it for your particular needs.
-After you've done that you may end up with a general-purpose script
-that you want to keep around and have available for future use. By
-writing a couple of very simple shell scripts and putting them in the
-right place, you can have your script listed alongside the other
-scripts listed by the 'perf trace -l' command e.g.:
-root@tropicana:~# perf trace -l
-List of available trace scripts:
- workqueue-stats workqueue stats (ins/exe/create/destroy)
- wakeup-latency system-wide min/max/avg wakeup latency
- rw-by-file <comm> r/w activity for a program, by file
- rw-by-pid system-wide r/w activity
-A nice side effect of doing this is that you also then capture the
-probably lengthy 'perf record' command needed to record the events for
-the script.
-To have the script appear as a 'built-in' script, you write two simple
-scripts, one for recording and one for 'reporting'.
-The 'record' script is a shell script with the same base name as your
-script, but with -record appended. The shell script should be put
-into the perf/scripts/python/bin directory in the kernel source tree.
-In that script, you write the 'perf record' command-line needed for
-your script:
-# cat kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/syscall-counts-record
-perf record -a -e raw_syscalls:sys_enter
-The 'report' script is also a shell script with the same base name as
-your script, but with -report appended. It should also be located in
-the perf/scripts/python/bin directory. In that script, you write the
-'perf trace -s' command-line needed for running your script:
-# cat kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python/bin/syscall-counts-report
-# description: system-wide syscall counts
-perf trace -s ~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python/syscall-counts.py
-Note that the location of the Python script given in the shell script
-is in the libexec/perf-core/scripts/python directory - this is where
-the script will be copied by 'make install' when you install perf.
-For the installation to install your script there, your script needs
-to be located in the perf/scripts/python directory in the kernel
-source tree:
-# ls -al kernel-source/tools/perf/scripts/python
-root@tropicana:/home/trz/src/tip# ls -al tools/perf/scripts/python
-total 32
-drwxr-xr-x 4 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:30 .
-drwxr-xr-x 4 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:29 ..
-drwxr-xr-x 2 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:29 bin
--rw-r--r-- 1 trz trz 2548 2010-01-26 22:29 check-perf-trace.py
-drwxr-xr-x 3 trz trz 4096 2010-01-26 22:49 Perf-Trace-Util
--rw-r--r-- 1 trz trz 1462 2010-01-26 22:30 syscall-counts.py
-Once you've done that (don't forget to do a new 'make install',
-otherwise your script won't show up at run-time), 'perf trace -l'
-should show a new entry for your script:
-root@tropicana:~# perf trace -l
-List of available trace scripts:
- workqueue-stats workqueue stats (ins/exe/create/destroy)
- wakeup-latency system-wide min/max/avg wakeup latency
- rw-by-file <comm> r/w activity for a program, by file
- rw-by-pid system-wide r/w activity
- syscall-counts system-wide syscall counts
-You can now perform the record step via 'perf trace record':
- # perf trace record syscall-counts
-and display the output using 'perf trace report':
- # perf trace report syscall-counts
-You can quickly get started writing a script for a particular set of
-trace data by generating a skeleton script using 'perf trace -g
-python' in the same directory as an existing perf.data trace file.
-That will generate a starter script containing a handler for each of
-the event types in the trace file; it simply prints every available
-field for each event in the trace file.
-You can also look at the existing scripts in
-~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python for typical examples showing how to
-do basic things like aggregate event data, print results, etc. Also,
-the check-perf-trace.py script, while not interesting for its results,
-attempts to exercise all of the main scripting features.
-When perf trace is invoked using a trace script, a user-defined
-'handler function' is called for each event in the trace. If there's
-no handler function defined for a given event type, the event is
-ignored (or passed to a 'trace_handled' function, see below) and the
-next event is processed.
-Most of the event's field values are passed as arguments to the
-handler function; some of the less common ones aren't - those are
-available as calls back into the perf executable (see below).
-As an example, the following perf record command can be used to record
-all sched_wakeup events in the system:
- # perf record -a -e sched:sched_wakeup
-Traces meant to be processed using a script should be recorded with
-the above option: -a to enable system-wide collection.
-The format file for the sched_wakep event defines the following fields
-(see /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/sched/sched_wakeup/format):
- format:
- field:unsigned short common_type;
- field:unsigned char common_flags;
- field:unsigned char common_preempt_count;
- field:int common_pid;
- field:int common_lock_depth;
- field:char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN];
- field:pid_t pid;
- field:int prio;
- field:int success;
- field:int target_cpu;
-The handler function for this event would be defined as:
-def sched__sched_wakeup(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs,
- common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm,
- comm, pid, prio, success, target_cpu):
- pass
-The handler function takes the form subsystem__event_name.
-The common_* arguments in the handler's argument list are the set of
-arguments passed to all event handlers; some of the fields correspond
-to the common_* fields in the format file, but some are synthesized,
-and some of the common_* fields aren't common enough to to be passed
-to every event as arguments but are available as library functions.
-Here's a brief description of each of the invariant event args:
- event_name the name of the event as text
- context an opaque 'cookie' used in calls back into perf
- common_cpu the cpu the event occurred on
- common_secs the secs portion of the event timestamp
- common_nsecs the nsecs portion of the event timestamp
- common_pid the pid of the current task
- common_comm the name of the current process
-All of the remaining fields in the event's format file have
-counterparts as handler function arguments of the same name, as can be
-seen in the example above.
-The above provides the basics needed to directly access every field of
-every event in a trace, which covers 90% of what you need to know to
-write a useful trace script. The sections below cover the rest.
-Every perf trace Python script should start by setting up a Python
-module search path and 'import'ing a few support modules (see module
-descriptions below):
- import os
- import sys
- sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
- '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
- from perf_trace_context import *
- from Core import *
-The rest of the script can contain handler functions and support
-functions in any order.
-Aside from the event handler functions discussed above, every script
-can implement a set of optional functions:
-*trace_begin*, if defined, is called before any event is processed and
-gives scripts a chance to do setup tasks:
-def trace_begin:
- pass
-*trace_end*, if defined, is called after all events have been
- processed and gives scripts a chance to do end-of-script tasks, such
- as display results:
-def trace_end:
- pass
-*trace_unhandled*, if defined, is called after for any event that
- doesn't have a handler explicitly defined for it. The standard set
- of common arguments are passed into it:
-def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, common_cpu, common_secs,
- common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm):
- pass
-The remaining sections provide descriptions of each of the available
-built-in perf trace Python modules and their associated functions.
-The following sections describe the functions and variables available
-via the various perf trace Python modules. To use the functions and
-variables from the given module, add the corresponding 'from XXXX
-import' line to your perf trace script.
-Core.py Module
-These functions provide some essential functions to user scripts.
-The *flag_str* and *symbol_str* functions provide human-readable
-strings for flag and symbolic fields. These correspond to the strings
-and values parsed from the 'print fmt' fields of the event format
- flag_str(event_name, field_name, field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to field_value for the flag field field_name of event event_name
- symbol_str(event_name, field_name, field_value) - returns the string represention corresponding to field_value for the symbolic field field_name of event event_name
-The *autodict* function returns a special kind of Python
-dictionary that implements Perl's 'autovivifying' hashes in Python
-i.e. with autovivifying hashes, you can assign nested hash values
-without having to go to the trouble of creating intermediate levels if
-they don't exist.
- autodict() - returns an autovivifying dictionary instance
-perf_trace_context Module
-Some of the 'common' fields in the event format file aren't all that
-common, but need to be made accessible to user scripts nonetheless.
-perf_trace_context defines a set of functions that can be used to
-access this data in the context of the current event. Each of these
-functions expects a context variable, which is the same as the
-context variable passed into every event handler as the second
- common_pc(context) - returns common_preempt count for the current event
- common_flags(context) - returns common_flags for the current event
- common_lock_depth(context) - returns common_lock_depth for the current event
-Util.py Module
-Various utility functions for use with perf trace:
- nsecs(secs, nsecs) - returns total nsecs given secs/nsecs pair
- nsecs_secs(nsecs) - returns whole secs portion given nsecs
- nsecs_nsecs(nsecs) - returns nsecs remainder given nsecs
- nsecs_str(nsecs) - returns printable string in the form secs.nsecs
- avg(total, n) - returns average given a sum and a total number of values
+++ /dev/null
-perf-trace - Read perf.data (created by perf record) and display trace output
-'perf trace' [<options>]
-'perf trace' [<options>] record <script> [<record-options>] <command>
-'perf trace' [<options>] report <script> [script-args]
-'perf trace' [<options>] <script> <required-script-args> [<record-options>] <command>
-'perf trace' [<options>] <top-script> [script-args]
-This command reads the input file and displays the trace recorded.
-There are several variants of perf trace:
- 'perf trace' to see a detailed trace of the workload that was
- recorded.
- You can also run a set of pre-canned scripts that aggregate and
- summarize the raw trace data in various ways (the list of scripts is
- available via 'perf trace -l'). The following variants allow you to
- record and run those scripts:
- 'perf trace record <script> <command>' to record the events required
- for 'perf trace report'. <script> is the name displayed in the
- output of 'perf trace --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any
- language extension. If <command> is not specified, the events are
- recorded using the -a (system-wide) 'perf record' option.
- 'perf trace report <script> [args]' to run and display the results
- of <script>. <script> is the name displayed in the output of 'perf
- trace --list' i.e. the actual script name minus any language
- extension. The perf.data output from a previous run of 'perf trace
- record <script>' is used and should be present for this command to
- succeed. [args] refers to the (mainly optional) args expected by
- the script.
- 'perf trace <script> <required-script-args> <command>' to both
- record the events required for <script> and to run the <script>
- using 'live-mode' i.e. without writing anything to disk. <script>
- is the name displayed in the output of 'perf trace --list' i.e. the
- actual script name minus any language extension. If <command> is
- not specified, the events are recorded using the -a (system-wide)
- 'perf record' option. If <script> has any required args, they
- should be specified before <command>. This mode doesn't allow for
- optional script args to be specified; if optional script args are
- desired, they can be specified using separate 'perf trace record'
- and 'perf trace report' commands, with the stdout of the record step
- piped to the stdin of the report script, using the '-o -' and '-i -'
- options of the corresponding commands.
- 'perf trace <top-script>' to both record the events required for
- <top-script> and to run the <top-script> using 'live-mode'
- i.e. without writing anything to disk. <top-script> is the name
- displayed in the output of 'perf trace --list' i.e. the actual
- script name minus any language extension; a <top-script> is defined
- as any script name ending with the string 'top'.
- [<record-options>] can be passed to the record steps of 'perf trace
- record' and 'live-mode' variants; this isn't possible however for
- <top-script> 'live-mode' or 'perf trace report' variants.
- See the 'SEE ALSO' section for links to language-specific
- information on how to write and run your own trace scripts.
- Any command you can specify in a shell.
- Display verbose dump of the trace data.
- Show latency attributes (irqs/preemption disabled, etc).
- Display a list of available trace scripts.
--s ['lang']::
- Process trace data with the given script ([lang]:script[.ext]).
- If the string 'lang' is specified in place of a script name, a
- list of supported languages will be displayed instead.
- Generate perf-trace.[ext] starter script for given language,
- using current perf.data.
- Force system-wide collection. Scripts run without a <command>
- normally use -a by default, while scripts run with a <command>
- normally don't - this option allows the latter to be run in
- system-wide mode.
-linkperf:perf-record[1], linkperf:perf-trace-perl[1],
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-stat.o
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-timechart.o
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-top.o
-BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-trace.o
+BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-script.o
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-probe.o
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-kmem.o
BUILTIN_OBJS += $(OUTPUT)builtin-lock.o
usage_with_options(report_usage, report_options);
- } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "trace")) {
- /* Aliased to 'perf trace' */
- return cmd_trace(argc, argv, prefix);
+ } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "script")) {
+ /* Aliased to 'perf script' */
+ return cmd_script(argc, argv, prefix);
} else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "info")) {
if (argc) {
argc = parse_options(argc, argv,
usage_with_options(sched_usage, sched_options);
- * Aliased to 'perf trace' for now:
+ * Aliased to 'perf script' for now:
- if (!strcmp(argv[0], "trace"))
- return cmd_trace(argc, argv, prefix);
+ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "script"))
+ return cmd_script(argc, argv, prefix);
if (!strncmp(argv[0], "rec", 3)) {
--- /dev/null
+#include "builtin.h"
+#include "perf.h"
+#include "util/cache.h"
+#include "util/debug.h"
+#include "util/exec_cmd.h"
+#include "util/header.h"
+#include "util/parse-options.h"
+#include "util/session.h"
+#include "util/symbol.h"
+#include "util/thread.h"
+#include "util/trace-event.h"
+#include "util/parse-options.h"
+#include "util/util.h"
+static char const *script_name;
+static char const *generate_script_lang;
+static bool debug_mode;
+static u64 last_timestamp;
+static u64 nr_unordered;
+extern const struct option record_options[];
+static int default_start_script(const char *script __unused,
+ int argc __unused,
+ const char **argv __unused)
+ return 0;
+static int default_stop_script(void)
+ return 0;
+static int default_generate_script(const char *outfile __unused)
+ return 0;
+static struct scripting_ops default_scripting_ops = {
+ .start_script = default_start_script,
+ .stop_script = default_stop_script,
+ .process_event = print_event,
+ .generate_script = default_generate_script,
+static struct scripting_ops *scripting_ops;
+static void setup_scripting(void)
+ setup_perl_scripting();
+ setup_python_scripting();
+ scripting_ops = &default_scripting_ops;
+static int cleanup_scripting(void)
+ pr_debug("\nperf script stopped\n");
+ return scripting_ops->stop_script();
+static char const *input_name = "perf.data";
+static int process_sample_event(event_t *event, struct perf_session *session)
+ struct sample_data data;
+ struct thread *thread;
+ memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
+ data.time = -1;
+ data.cpu = -1;
+ data.period = 1;
+ event__parse_sample(event, session->sample_type, &data);
+ dump_printf("(IP, %d): %d/%d: %#Lx period: %Ld\n", event->header.misc,
+ data.pid, data.tid, data.ip, data.period);
+ thread = perf_session__findnew(session, event->ip.pid);
+ if (thread == NULL) {
+ pr_debug("problem processing %d event, skipping it.\n",
+ event->header.type);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (session->sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_RAW) {
+ if (debug_mode) {
+ if (data.time < last_timestamp) {
+ pr_err("Samples misordered, previous: %llu "
+ "this: %llu\n", last_timestamp,
+ data.time);
+ nr_unordered++;
+ }
+ last_timestamp = data.time;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * FIXME: better resolve from pid from the struct trace_entry
+ * field, although it should be the same than this perf
+ * event pid
+ */
+ scripting_ops->process_event(data.cpu, data.raw_data,
+ data.raw_size,
+ data.time, thread->comm);
+ }
+ session->hists.stats.total_period += data.period;
+ return 0;
+static u64 nr_lost;
+static int process_lost_event(event_t *event, struct perf_session *session __used)
+ nr_lost += event->lost.lost;
+ return 0;
+static struct perf_event_ops event_ops = {
+ .sample = process_sample_event,
+ .comm = event__process_comm,
+ .attr = event__process_attr,
+ .event_type = event__process_event_type,
+ .tracing_data = event__process_tracing_data,
+ .build_id = event__process_build_id,
+ .lost = process_lost_event,
+ .ordered_samples = true,
+extern volatile int session_done;
+static void sig_handler(int sig __unused)
+ session_done = 1;
+static int __cmd_script(struct perf_session *session)
+ int ret;
+ signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
+ ret = perf_session__process_events(session, &event_ops);
+ if (debug_mode) {
+ pr_err("Misordered timestamps: %llu\n", nr_unordered);
+ pr_err("Lost events: %llu\n", nr_lost);
+ }
+ return ret;
+struct script_spec {
+ struct list_head node;
+ struct scripting_ops *ops;
+ char spec[0];
+static struct script_spec *script_spec__new(const char *spec,
+ struct scripting_ops *ops)
+ struct script_spec *s = malloc(sizeof(*s) + strlen(spec) + 1);
+ if (s != NULL) {
+ strcpy(s->spec, spec);
+ s->ops = ops;
+ }
+ return s;
+static void script_spec__delete(struct script_spec *s)
+ free(s->spec);
+ free(s);
+static void script_spec__add(struct script_spec *s)
+ list_add_tail(&s->node, &script_specs);
+static struct script_spec *script_spec__find(const char *spec)
+ struct script_spec *s;
+ list_for_each_entry(s, &script_specs, node)
+ if (strcasecmp(s->spec, spec) == 0)
+ return s;
+ return NULL;
+static struct script_spec *script_spec__findnew(const char *spec,
+ struct scripting_ops *ops)
+ struct script_spec *s = script_spec__find(spec);
+ if (s)
+ return s;
+ s = script_spec__new(spec, ops);
+ if (!s)
+ goto out_delete_spec;
+ script_spec__add(s);
+ return s;
+ script_spec__delete(s);
+ return NULL;
+int script_spec_register(const char *spec, struct scripting_ops *ops)
+ struct script_spec *s;
+ s = script_spec__find(spec);
+ if (s)
+ return -1;
+ s = script_spec__findnew(spec, ops);
+ if (!s)
+ return -1;
+ return 0;
+static struct scripting_ops *script_spec__lookup(const char *spec)
+ struct script_spec *s = script_spec__find(spec);
+ if (!s)
+ return NULL;
+ return s->ops;
+static void list_available_languages(void)
+ struct script_spec *s;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "Scripting language extensions (used in "
+ "perf script -s [spec:]script.[spec]):\n\n");
+ list_for_each_entry(s, &script_specs, node)
+ fprintf(stderr, " %-42s [%s]\n", s->spec, s->ops->name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+static int parse_scriptname(const struct option *opt __used,
+ const char *str, int unset __used)
+ char spec[PATH_MAX];
+ const char *script, *ext;
+ int len;
+ if (strcmp(str, "lang") == 0) {
+ list_available_languages();
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ script = strchr(str, ':');
+ if (script) {
+ len = script - str;
+ if (len >= PATH_MAX) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ strncpy(spec, str, len);
+ spec[len] = '\0';
+ scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(spec);
+ if (!scripting_ops) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ script++;
+ } else {
+ script = str;
+ ext = strrchr(script, '.');
+ if (!ext) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid script extension");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(++ext);
+ if (!scripting_ops) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid script extension");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ script_name = strdup(script);
+ return 0;
+#define for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) \
+ while (!readdir_r(scripts_dir, &lang_dirent, &lang_next) && \
+ lang_next) \
+ if (lang_dirent.d_type == DT_DIR && \
+ (strcmp(lang_dirent.d_name, ".")) && \
+ (strcmp(lang_dirent.d_name, "..")))
+#define for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) \
+ while (!readdir_r(lang_dir, &script_dirent, &script_next) && \
+ script_next) \
+ if (script_dirent.d_type != DT_DIR)
+#define RECORD_SUFFIX "-record"
+#define REPORT_SUFFIX "-report"
+struct script_desc {
+ struct list_head node;
+ char *name;
+ char *half_liner;
+ char *args;
+static struct script_desc *script_desc__new(const char *name)
+ struct script_desc *s = zalloc(sizeof(*s));
+ if (s != NULL && name)
+ s->name = strdup(name);
+ return s;
+static void script_desc__delete(struct script_desc *s)
+ free(s->name);
+ free(s->half_liner);
+ free(s->args);
+ free(s);
+static void script_desc__add(struct script_desc *s)
+ list_add_tail(&s->node, &script_descs);
+static struct script_desc *script_desc__find(const char *name)
+ struct script_desc *s;
+ list_for_each_entry(s, &script_descs, node)
+ if (strcasecmp(s->name, name) == 0)
+ return s;
+ return NULL;
+static struct script_desc *script_desc__findnew(const char *name)
+ struct script_desc *s = script_desc__find(name);
+ if (s)
+ return s;
+ s = script_desc__new(name);
+ if (!s)
+ goto out_delete_desc;
+ script_desc__add(s);
+ return s;
+ script_desc__delete(s);
+ return NULL;
+static char *ends_with(char *str, const char *suffix)
+ size_t suffix_len = strlen(suffix);
+ char *p = str;
+ if (strlen(str) > suffix_len) {
+ p = str + strlen(str) - suffix_len;
+ if (!strncmp(p, suffix, suffix_len))
+ return p;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static char *ltrim(char *str)
+ int len = strlen(str);
+ while (len && isspace(*str)) {
+ len--;
+ str++;
+ }
+ return str;
+static int read_script_info(struct script_desc *desc, const char *filename)
+ char line[BUFSIZ], *p;
+ FILE *fp;
+ fp = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!fp)
+ return -1;
+ while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
+ p = ltrim(line);
+ if (strlen(p) == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (*p != '#')
+ continue;
+ p++;
+ if (strlen(p) && *p == '!')
+ continue;
+ p = ltrim(p);
+ if (strlen(p) && p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n')
+ p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
+ if (!strncmp(p, "description:", strlen("description:"))) {
+ p += strlen("description:");
+ desc->half_liner = strdup(ltrim(p));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(p, "args:", strlen("args:"))) {
+ p += strlen("args:");
+ desc->args = strdup(ltrim(p));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fp);
+ return 0;
+static int list_available_scripts(const struct option *opt __used,
+ const char *s __used, int unset __used)
+ struct dirent *script_next, *lang_next, script_dirent, lang_dirent;
+ char scripts_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ DIR *scripts_dir, *lang_dir;
+ char script_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char lang_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ struct script_desc *desc;
+ char first_half[BUFSIZ];
+ char *script_root;
+ char *str;
+ snprintf(scripts_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/scripts", perf_exec_path());
+ scripts_dir = opendir(scripts_path);
+ if (!scripts_dir)
+ return -1;
+ for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) {
+ snprintf(lang_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s/bin", scripts_path,
+ lang_dirent.d_name);
+ lang_dir = opendir(lang_path);
+ if (!lang_dir)
+ continue;
+ for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) {
+ script_root = strdup(script_dirent.d_name);
+ str = ends_with(script_root, REPORT_SUFFIX);
+ if (str) {
+ *str = '\0';
+ desc = script_desc__findnew(script_root);
+ snprintf(script_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",
+ lang_path, script_dirent.d_name);
+ read_script_info(desc, script_path);
+ }
+ free(script_root);
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout, "List of available trace scripts:\n");
+ list_for_each_entry(desc, &script_descs, node) {
+ sprintf(first_half, "%s %s", desc->name,
+ desc->args ? desc->args : "");
+ fprintf(stdout, " %-36s %s\n", first_half,
+ desc->half_liner ? desc->half_liner : "");
+ }
+ exit(0);
+static char *get_script_path(const char *script_root, const char *suffix)
+ struct dirent *script_next, *lang_next, script_dirent, lang_dirent;
+ char scripts_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char script_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ DIR *scripts_dir, *lang_dir;
+ char lang_path[MAXPATHLEN];
+ char *str, *__script_root;
+ char *path = NULL;
+ snprintf(scripts_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/scripts", perf_exec_path());
+ scripts_dir = opendir(scripts_path);
+ if (!scripts_dir)
+ return NULL;
+ for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) {
+ snprintf(lang_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s/bin", scripts_path,
+ lang_dirent.d_name);
+ lang_dir = opendir(lang_path);
+ if (!lang_dir)
+ continue;
+ for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) {
+ __script_root = strdup(script_dirent.d_name);
+ str = ends_with(__script_root, suffix);
+ if (str) {
+ *str = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(__script_root, script_root))
+ continue;
+ snprintf(script_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",
+ lang_path, script_dirent.d_name);
+ path = strdup(script_path);
+ free(__script_root);
+ break;
+ }
+ free(__script_root);
+ }
+ }
+ return path;
+static bool is_top_script(const char *script_path)
+ return ends_with((char *)script_path, "top") == NULL ? false : true;
+static int has_required_arg(char *script_path)
+ struct script_desc *desc;
+ int n_args = 0;
+ char *p;
+ desc = script_desc__new(NULL);
+ if (read_script_info(desc, script_path))
+ goto out;
+ if (!desc->args)
+ goto out;
+ for (p = desc->args; *p; p++)
+ if (*p == '<')
+ n_args++;
+ script_desc__delete(desc);
+ return n_args;
+static const char * const script_usage[] = {
+ "perf script [<options>]",
+ "perf script [<options>] record <script> [<record-options>] <command>",
+ "perf script [<options>] report <script> [script-args]",
+ "perf script [<options>] <script> [<record-options>] <command>",
+ "perf script [<options>] <top-script> [script-args]",
+static const struct option options[] = {
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('D', "dump-raw-trace", &dump_trace,
+ "dump raw trace in ASCII"),
+ OPT_INCR('v', "verbose", &verbose,
+ "be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('L', "Latency", &latency_format,
+ "show latency attributes (irqs/preemption disabled, etc)"),
+ OPT_CALLBACK_NOOPT('l', "list", NULL, NULL, "list available scripts",
+ list_available_scripts),
+ OPT_CALLBACK('s', "script", NULL, "name",
+ "script file name (lang:script name, script name, or *)",
+ parse_scriptname),
+ OPT_STRING('g', "gen-script", &generate_script_lang, "lang",
+ "generate perf-script.xx script in specified language"),
+ OPT_STRING('i', "input", &input_name, "file",
+ "input file name"),
+ OPT_BOOLEAN('d', "debug-mode", &debug_mode,
+ "do various checks like samples ordering and lost events"),
+static bool have_cmd(int argc, const char **argv)
+ char **__argv = malloc(sizeof(const char *) * argc);
+ if (!__argv)
+ die("malloc");
+ memcpy(__argv, argv, sizeof(const char *) * argc);
+ argc = parse_options(argc, (const char **)__argv, record_options,
+ free(__argv);
+ return argc != 0;
+int cmd_script(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix __used)
+ char *rec_script_path = NULL;
+ char *rep_script_path = NULL;
+ struct perf_session *session;
+ char *script_path = NULL;
+ const char **__argv;
+ bool system_wide;
+ int i, j, err;
+ setup_scripting();
+ argc = parse_options(argc, argv, options, script_usage,
+ if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[0], "rec", strlen("rec"))) {
+ rec_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], RECORD_SUFFIX);
+ if (!rec_script_path)
+ return cmd_record(argc, argv, NULL);
+ }
+ if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[0], "rep", strlen("rep"))) {
+ rep_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], REPORT_SUFFIX);
+ if (!rep_script_path) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Please specify a valid report script"
+ "(see 'perf script -l' for listing)\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* make sure PERF_EXEC_PATH is set for scripts */
+ perf_set_argv_exec_path(perf_exec_path());
+ if (argc && !script_name && !rec_script_path && !rep_script_path) {
+ int live_pipe[2];
+ int rep_args;
+ pid_t pid;
+ rec_script_path = get_script_path(argv[0], RECORD_SUFFIX);
+ rep_script_path = get_script_path(argv[0], REPORT_SUFFIX);
+ if (!rec_script_path && !rep_script_path) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't find script %s\n\n See perf"
+ " script -l for available scripts.\n", argv[0]);
+ usage_with_options(script_usage, options);
+ }
+ if (is_top_script(argv[0])) {
+ rep_args = argc - 1;
+ } else {
+ int rec_args;
+ rep_args = has_required_arg(rep_script_path);
+ rec_args = (argc - 1) - rep_args;
+ if (rec_args < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " %s script requires options."
+ "\n\n See perf script -l for available "
+ "scripts and options.\n", argv[0]);
+ usage_with_options(script_usage, options);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pipe(live_pipe) < 0) {
+ perror("failed to create pipe");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid < 0) {
+ perror("failed to fork");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (!pid) {
+ system_wide = true;
+ j = 0;
+ dup2(live_pipe[1], 1);
+ close(live_pipe[0]);
+ if (!is_top_script(argv[0]))
+ system_wide = !have_cmd(argc - rep_args,
+ &argv[rep_args]);
+ __argv = malloc((argc + 6) * sizeof(const char *));
+ if (!__argv)
+ die("malloc");
+ __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
+ __argv[j++] = rec_script_path;
+ if (system_wide)
+ __argv[j++] = "-a";
+ __argv[j++] = "-q";
+ __argv[j++] = "-o";
+ __argv[j++] = "-";
+ for (i = rep_args + 1; i < argc; i++)
+ __argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ __argv[j++] = NULL;
+ execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
+ free(__argv);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ dup2(live_pipe[0], 0);
+ close(live_pipe[1]);
+ __argv = malloc((argc + 4) * sizeof(const char *));
+ if (!__argv)
+ die("malloc");
+ j = 0;
+ __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
+ __argv[j++] = rep_script_path;
+ for (i = 1; i < rep_args + 1; i++)
+ __argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ __argv[j++] = "-i";
+ __argv[j++] = "-";
+ __argv[j++] = NULL;
+ execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
+ free(__argv);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (rec_script_path)
+ script_path = rec_script_path;
+ if (rep_script_path)
+ script_path = rep_script_path;
+ if (script_path) {
+ system_wide = false;
+ j = 0;
+ if (rec_script_path)
+ system_wide = !have_cmd(argc - 1, &argv[1]);
+ __argv = malloc((argc + 2) * sizeof(const char *));
+ if (!__argv)
+ die("malloc");
+ __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
+ __argv[j++] = script_path;
+ if (system_wide)
+ __argv[j++] = "-a";
+ for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
+ __argv[j++] = argv[i];
+ __argv[j++] = NULL;
+ execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
+ free(__argv);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (symbol__init() < 0)
+ return -1;
+ if (!script_name)
+ setup_pager();
+ session = perf_session__new(input_name, O_RDONLY, 0, false);
+ if (session == NULL)
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ if (strcmp(input_name, "-") &&
+ !perf_session__has_traces(session, "record -R"))
+ return -EINVAL;
+ if (generate_script_lang) {
+ struct stat perf_stat;
+ int input = open(input_name, O_RDONLY);
+ if (input < 0) {
+ perror("failed to open file");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ err = fstat(input, &perf_stat);
+ if (err < 0) {
+ perror("failed to stat file");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (!perf_stat.st_size) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "zero-sized file, nothing to do!\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(generate_script_lang);
+ if (!scripting_ops) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ err = scripting_ops->generate_script("perf-script");
+ goto out;
+ }
+ if (script_name) {
+ err = scripting_ops->start_script(script_name, argc, argv);
+ if (err)
+ goto out;
+ pr_debug("perf script started with script %s\n\n", script_name);
+ }
+ err = __cmd_script(session);
+ perf_session__delete(session);
+ cleanup_scripting();
+ return err;
+++ /dev/null
-#include "builtin.h"
-#include "perf.h"
-#include "util/cache.h"
-#include "util/debug.h"
-#include "util/exec_cmd.h"
-#include "util/header.h"
-#include "util/parse-options.h"
-#include "util/session.h"
-#include "util/symbol.h"
-#include "util/thread.h"
-#include "util/trace-event.h"
-#include "util/parse-options.h"
-#include "util/util.h"
-static char const *script_name;
-static char const *generate_script_lang;
-static bool debug_mode;
-static u64 last_timestamp;
-static u64 nr_unordered;
-extern const struct option record_options[];
-static int default_start_script(const char *script __unused,
- int argc __unused,
- const char **argv __unused)
- return 0;
-static int default_stop_script(void)
- return 0;
-static int default_generate_script(const char *outfile __unused)
- return 0;
-static struct scripting_ops default_scripting_ops = {
- .start_script = default_start_script,
- .stop_script = default_stop_script,
- .process_event = print_event,
- .generate_script = default_generate_script,
-static struct scripting_ops *scripting_ops;
-static void setup_scripting(void)
- setup_perl_scripting();
- setup_python_scripting();
- scripting_ops = &default_scripting_ops;
-static int cleanup_scripting(void)
- pr_debug("\nperf trace script stopped\n");
- return scripting_ops->stop_script();
-static char const *input_name = "perf.data";
-static int process_sample_event(event_t *event, struct perf_session *session)
- struct sample_data data;
- struct thread *thread;
- memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
- data.time = -1;
- data.cpu = -1;
- data.period = 1;
- event__parse_sample(event, session->sample_type, &data);
- dump_printf("(IP, %d): %d/%d: %#Lx period: %Ld\n", event->header.misc,
- data.pid, data.tid, data.ip, data.period);
- thread = perf_session__findnew(session, event->ip.pid);
- if (thread == NULL) {
- pr_debug("problem processing %d event, skipping it.\n",
- event->header.type);
- return -1;
- }
- if (session->sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_RAW) {
- if (debug_mode) {
- if (data.time < last_timestamp) {
- pr_err("Samples misordered, previous: %llu "
- "this: %llu\n", last_timestamp,
- data.time);
- nr_unordered++;
- }
- last_timestamp = data.time;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * FIXME: better resolve from pid from the struct trace_entry
- * field, although it should be the same than this perf
- * event pid
- */
- scripting_ops->process_event(data.cpu, data.raw_data,
- data.raw_size,
- data.time, thread->comm);
- }
- session->hists.stats.total_period += data.period;
- return 0;
-static u64 nr_lost;
-static int process_lost_event(event_t *event, struct perf_session *session __used)
- nr_lost += event->lost.lost;
- return 0;
-static struct perf_event_ops event_ops = {
- .sample = process_sample_event,
- .comm = event__process_comm,
- .attr = event__process_attr,
- .event_type = event__process_event_type,
- .tracing_data = event__process_tracing_data,
- .build_id = event__process_build_id,
- .lost = process_lost_event,
- .ordered_samples = true,
-extern volatile int session_done;
-static void sig_handler(int sig __unused)
- session_done = 1;
-static int __cmd_trace(struct perf_session *session)
- int ret;
- signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
- ret = perf_session__process_events(session, &event_ops);
- if (debug_mode) {
- pr_err("Misordered timestamps: %llu\n", nr_unordered);
- pr_err("Lost events: %llu\n", nr_lost);
- }
- return ret;
-struct script_spec {
- struct list_head node;
- struct scripting_ops *ops;
- char spec[0];
-static struct script_spec *script_spec__new(const char *spec,
- struct scripting_ops *ops)
- struct script_spec *s = malloc(sizeof(*s) + strlen(spec) + 1);
- if (s != NULL) {
- strcpy(s->spec, spec);
- s->ops = ops;
- }
- return s;
-static void script_spec__delete(struct script_spec *s)
- free(s->spec);
- free(s);
-static void script_spec__add(struct script_spec *s)
- list_add_tail(&s->node, &script_specs);
-static struct script_spec *script_spec__find(const char *spec)
- struct script_spec *s;
- list_for_each_entry(s, &script_specs, node)
- if (strcasecmp(s->spec, spec) == 0)
- return s;
- return NULL;
-static struct script_spec *script_spec__findnew(const char *spec,
- struct scripting_ops *ops)
- struct script_spec *s = script_spec__find(spec);
- if (s)
- return s;
- s = script_spec__new(spec, ops);
- if (!s)
- goto out_delete_spec;
- script_spec__add(s);
- return s;
- script_spec__delete(s);
- return NULL;
-int script_spec_register(const char *spec, struct scripting_ops *ops)
- struct script_spec *s;
- s = script_spec__find(spec);
- if (s)
- return -1;
- s = script_spec__findnew(spec, ops);
- if (!s)
- return -1;
- return 0;
-static struct scripting_ops *script_spec__lookup(const char *spec)
- struct script_spec *s = script_spec__find(spec);
- if (!s)
- return NULL;
- return s->ops;
-static void list_available_languages(void)
- struct script_spec *s;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Scripting language extensions (used in "
- "perf trace -s [spec:]script.[spec]):\n\n");
- list_for_each_entry(s, &script_specs, node)
- fprintf(stderr, " %-42s [%s]\n", s->spec, s->ops->name);
- fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-static int parse_scriptname(const struct option *opt __used,
- const char *str, int unset __used)
- char spec[PATH_MAX];
- const char *script, *ext;
- int len;
- if (strcmp(str, "lang") == 0) {
- list_available_languages();
- exit(0);
- }
- script = strchr(str, ':');
- if (script) {
- len = script - str;
- if (len >= PATH_MAX) {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
- return -1;
- }
- strncpy(spec, str, len);
- spec[len] = '\0';
- scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(spec);
- if (!scripting_ops) {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
- return -1;
- }
- script++;
- } else {
- script = str;
- ext = strrchr(script, '.');
- if (!ext) {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid script extension");
- return -1;
- }
- scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(++ext);
- if (!scripting_ops) {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid script extension");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- script_name = strdup(script);
- return 0;
-#define for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) \
- while (!readdir_r(scripts_dir, &lang_dirent, &lang_next) && \
- lang_next) \
- if (lang_dirent.d_type == DT_DIR && \
- (strcmp(lang_dirent.d_name, ".")) && \
- (strcmp(lang_dirent.d_name, "..")))
-#define for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) \
- while (!readdir_r(lang_dir, &script_dirent, &script_next) && \
- script_next) \
- if (script_dirent.d_type != DT_DIR)
-#define RECORD_SUFFIX "-record"
-#define REPORT_SUFFIX "-report"
-struct script_desc {
- struct list_head node;
- char *name;
- char *half_liner;
- char *args;
-static struct script_desc *script_desc__new(const char *name)
- struct script_desc *s = zalloc(sizeof(*s));
- if (s != NULL && name)
- s->name = strdup(name);
- return s;
-static void script_desc__delete(struct script_desc *s)
- free(s->name);
- free(s->half_liner);
- free(s->args);
- free(s);
-static void script_desc__add(struct script_desc *s)
- list_add_tail(&s->node, &script_descs);
-static struct script_desc *script_desc__find(const char *name)
- struct script_desc *s;
- list_for_each_entry(s, &script_descs, node)
- if (strcasecmp(s->name, name) == 0)
- return s;
- return NULL;
-static struct script_desc *script_desc__findnew(const char *name)
- struct script_desc *s = script_desc__find(name);
- if (s)
- return s;
- s = script_desc__new(name);
- if (!s)
- goto out_delete_desc;
- script_desc__add(s);
- return s;
- script_desc__delete(s);
- return NULL;
-static char *ends_with(char *str, const char *suffix)
- size_t suffix_len = strlen(suffix);
- char *p = str;
- if (strlen(str) > suffix_len) {
- p = str + strlen(str) - suffix_len;
- if (!strncmp(p, suffix, suffix_len))
- return p;
- }
- return NULL;
-static char *ltrim(char *str)
- int len = strlen(str);
- while (len && isspace(*str)) {
- len--;
- str++;
- }
- return str;
-static int read_script_info(struct script_desc *desc, const char *filename)
- char line[BUFSIZ], *p;
- FILE *fp;
- fp = fopen(filename, "r");
- if (!fp)
- return -1;
- while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)) {
- p = ltrim(line);
- if (strlen(p) == 0)
- continue;
- if (*p != '#')
- continue;
- p++;
- if (strlen(p) && *p == '!')
- continue;
- p = ltrim(p);
- if (strlen(p) && p[strlen(p) - 1] == '\n')
- p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
- if (!strncmp(p, "description:", strlen("description:"))) {
- p += strlen("description:");
- desc->half_liner = strdup(ltrim(p));
- continue;
- }
- if (!strncmp(p, "args:", strlen("args:"))) {
- p += strlen("args:");
- desc->args = strdup(ltrim(p));
- continue;
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
-static int list_available_scripts(const struct option *opt __used,
- const char *s __used, int unset __used)
- struct dirent *script_next, *lang_next, script_dirent, lang_dirent;
- char scripts_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- DIR *scripts_dir, *lang_dir;
- char script_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- char lang_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- struct script_desc *desc;
- char first_half[BUFSIZ];
- char *script_root;
- char *str;
- snprintf(scripts_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/scripts", perf_exec_path());
- scripts_dir = opendir(scripts_path);
- if (!scripts_dir)
- return -1;
- for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) {
- snprintf(lang_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s/bin", scripts_path,
- lang_dirent.d_name);
- lang_dir = opendir(lang_path);
- if (!lang_dir)
- continue;
- for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) {
- script_root = strdup(script_dirent.d_name);
- str = ends_with(script_root, REPORT_SUFFIX);
- if (str) {
- *str = '\0';
- desc = script_desc__findnew(script_root);
- snprintf(script_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",
- lang_path, script_dirent.d_name);
- read_script_info(desc, script_path);
- }
- free(script_root);
- }
- }
- fprintf(stdout, "List of available trace scripts:\n");
- list_for_each_entry(desc, &script_descs, node) {
- sprintf(first_half, "%s %s", desc->name,
- desc->args ? desc->args : "");
- fprintf(stdout, " %-36s %s\n", first_half,
- desc->half_liner ? desc->half_liner : "");
- }
- exit(0);
-static char *get_script_path(const char *script_root, const char *suffix)
- struct dirent *script_next, *lang_next, script_dirent, lang_dirent;
- char scripts_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- char script_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- DIR *scripts_dir, *lang_dir;
- char lang_path[MAXPATHLEN];
- char *str, *__script_root;
- char *path = NULL;
- snprintf(scripts_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/scripts", perf_exec_path());
- scripts_dir = opendir(scripts_path);
- if (!scripts_dir)
- return NULL;
- for_each_lang(scripts_dir, lang_dirent, lang_next) {
- snprintf(lang_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s/bin", scripts_path,
- lang_dirent.d_name);
- lang_dir = opendir(lang_path);
- if (!lang_dir)
- continue;
- for_each_script(lang_dir, script_dirent, script_next) {
- __script_root = strdup(script_dirent.d_name);
- str = ends_with(__script_root, suffix);
- if (str) {
- *str = '\0';
- if (strcmp(__script_root, script_root))
- continue;
- snprintf(script_path, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s",
- lang_path, script_dirent.d_name);
- path = strdup(script_path);
- free(__script_root);
- break;
- }
- free(__script_root);
- }
- }
- return path;
-static bool is_top_script(const char *script_path)
- return ends_with((char *)script_path, "top") == NULL ? false : true;
-static int has_required_arg(char *script_path)
- struct script_desc *desc;
- int n_args = 0;
- char *p;
- desc = script_desc__new(NULL);
- if (read_script_info(desc, script_path))
- goto out;
- if (!desc->args)
- goto out;
- for (p = desc->args; *p; p++)
- if (*p == '<')
- n_args++;
- script_desc__delete(desc);
- return n_args;
-static const char * const trace_usage[] = {
- "perf trace [<options>]",
- "perf trace [<options>] record <script> [<record-options>] <command>",
- "perf trace [<options>] report <script> [script-args]",
- "perf trace [<options>] <script> [<record-options>] <command>",
- "perf trace [<options>] <top-script> [script-args]",
-static const struct option options[] = {
- OPT_BOOLEAN('D', "dump-raw-trace", &dump_trace,
- "dump raw trace in ASCII"),
- OPT_INCR('v', "verbose", &verbose,
- "be more verbose (show symbol address, etc)"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('L', "Latency", &latency_format,
- "show latency attributes (irqs/preemption disabled, etc)"),
- OPT_CALLBACK_NOOPT('l', "list", NULL, NULL, "list available scripts",
- list_available_scripts),
- OPT_CALLBACK('s', "script", NULL, "name",
- "script file name (lang:script name, script name, or *)",
- parse_scriptname),
- OPT_STRING('g', "gen-script", &generate_script_lang, "lang",
- "generate perf-trace.xx script in specified language"),
- OPT_STRING('i', "input", &input_name, "file",
- "input file name"),
- OPT_BOOLEAN('d', "debug-mode", &debug_mode,
- "do various checks like samples ordering and lost events"),
-static bool have_cmd(int argc, const char **argv)
- char **__argv = malloc(sizeof(const char *) * argc);
- if (!__argv)
- die("malloc");
- memcpy(__argv, argv, sizeof(const char *) * argc);
- argc = parse_options(argc, (const char **)__argv, record_options,
- free(__argv);
- return argc != 0;
-int cmd_trace(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix __used)
- char *rec_script_path = NULL;
- char *rep_script_path = NULL;
- struct perf_session *session;
- char *script_path = NULL;
- const char **__argv;
- bool system_wide;
- int i, j, err;
- setup_scripting();
- argc = parse_options(argc, argv, options, trace_usage,
- if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[0], "rec", strlen("rec"))) {
- rec_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], RECORD_SUFFIX);
- if (!rec_script_path)
- return cmd_record(argc, argv, NULL);
- }
- if (argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[0], "rep", strlen("rep"))) {
- rep_script_path = get_script_path(argv[1], REPORT_SUFFIX);
- if (!rep_script_path) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Please specify a valid report script"
- "(see 'perf trace -l' for listing)\n");
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /* make sure PERF_EXEC_PATH is set for scripts */
- perf_set_argv_exec_path(perf_exec_path());
- if (argc && !script_name && !rec_script_path && !rep_script_path) {
- int live_pipe[2];
- int rep_args;
- pid_t pid;
- rec_script_path = get_script_path(argv[0], RECORD_SUFFIX);
- rep_script_path = get_script_path(argv[0], REPORT_SUFFIX);
- if (!rec_script_path && !rep_script_path) {
- fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't find script %s\n\n See perf"
- " trace -l for available scripts.\n", argv[0]);
- usage_with_options(trace_usage, options);
- }
- if (is_top_script(argv[0])) {
- rep_args = argc - 1;
- } else {
- int rec_args;
- rep_args = has_required_arg(rep_script_path);
- rec_args = (argc - 1) - rep_args;
- if (rec_args < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, " %s script requires options."
- "\n\n See perf trace -l for available "
- "scripts and options.\n", argv[0]);
- usage_with_options(trace_usage, options);
- }
- }
- if (pipe(live_pipe) < 0) {
- perror("failed to create pipe");
- exit(-1);
- }
- pid = fork();
- if (pid < 0) {
- perror("failed to fork");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (!pid) {
- system_wide = true;
- j = 0;
- dup2(live_pipe[1], 1);
- close(live_pipe[0]);
- if (!is_top_script(argv[0]))
- system_wide = !have_cmd(argc - rep_args,
- &argv[rep_args]);
- __argv = malloc((argc + 6) * sizeof(const char *));
- if (!__argv)
- die("malloc");
- __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
- __argv[j++] = rec_script_path;
- if (system_wide)
- __argv[j++] = "-a";
- __argv[j++] = "-q";
- __argv[j++] = "-o";
- __argv[j++] = "-";
- for (i = rep_args + 1; i < argc; i++)
- __argv[j++] = argv[i];
- __argv[j++] = NULL;
- execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
- free(__argv);
- exit(-1);
- }
- dup2(live_pipe[0], 0);
- close(live_pipe[1]);
- __argv = malloc((argc + 4) * sizeof(const char *));
- if (!__argv)
- die("malloc");
- j = 0;
- __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
- __argv[j++] = rep_script_path;
- for (i = 1; i < rep_args + 1; i++)
- __argv[j++] = argv[i];
- __argv[j++] = "-i";
- __argv[j++] = "-";
- __argv[j++] = NULL;
- execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
- free(__argv);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (rec_script_path)
- script_path = rec_script_path;
- if (rep_script_path)
- script_path = rep_script_path;
- if (script_path) {
- system_wide = false;
- j = 0;
- if (rec_script_path)
- system_wide = !have_cmd(argc - 1, &argv[1]);
- __argv = malloc((argc + 2) * sizeof(const char *));
- if (!__argv)
- die("malloc");
- __argv[j++] = "/bin/sh";
- __argv[j++] = script_path;
- if (system_wide)
- __argv[j++] = "-a";
- for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
- __argv[j++] = argv[i];
- __argv[j++] = NULL;
- execvp("/bin/sh", (char **)__argv);
- free(__argv);
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (symbol__init() < 0)
- return -1;
- if (!script_name)
- setup_pager();
- session = perf_session__new(input_name, O_RDONLY, 0, false);
- if (session == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (strcmp(input_name, "-") &&
- !perf_session__has_traces(session, "record -R"))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (generate_script_lang) {
- struct stat perf_stat;
- int input = open(input_name, O_RDONLY);
- if (input < 0) {
- perror("failed to open file");
- exit(-1);
- }
- err = fstat(input, &perf_stat);
- if (err < 0) {
- perror("failed to stat file");
- exit(-1);
- }
- if (!perf_stat.st_size) {
- fprintf(stderr, "zero-sized file, nothing to do!\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- scripting_ops = script_spec__lookup(generate_script_lang);
- if (!scripting_ops) {
- fprintf(stderr, "invalid language specifier");
- return -1;
- }
- err = scripting_ops->generate_script("perf-trace");
- goto out;
- }
- if (script_name) {
- err = scripting_ops->start_script(script_name, argc, argv);
- if (err)
- goto out;
- pr_debug("perf trace started with script %s\n\n", script_name);
- }
- err = __cmd_trace(session);
- perf_session__delete(session);
- cleanup_scripting();
- return err;
extern int cmd_stat(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
extern int cmd_timechart(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
extern int cmd_top(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
-extern int cmd_trace(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
+extern int cmd_script(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
extern int cmd_version(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
extern int cmd_probe(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
extern int cmd_kmem(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);
{ "top", cmd_top, 0 },
{ "annotate", cmd_annotate, 0 },
{ "version", cmd_version, 0 },
- { "trace", cmd_trace, 0 },
+ { "script", cmd_script, 0 },
{ "sched", cmd_sched, 0 },
{ "probe", cmd_probe, 0 },
{ "kmem", cmd_kmem, 0 },
- * Context.c. Python interfaces for perf trace.
+ * Context.c. Python interfaces for perf script.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Tom Zanussi <tzanussi@gmail.com>
- * trace-event-perl. Feed perf trace events to an embedded Perl interpreter.
+ * trace-event-perl. Feed perf script events to an embedded Perl interpreter.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Zanussi <tzanussi@gmail.com>
return -1;
- fprintf(ofp, "# perf trace event handlers, "
- "generated by perf trace -g perl\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "# perf script event handlers, "
+ "generated by perf script -g perl\n");
fprintf(ofp, "# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL"
" License version 2\n\n");
fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open %s\n", fname);
return -1;
- fprintf(ofp, "# perf trace event handlers, "
- "generated by perf trace -g python\n");
+ fprintf(ofp, "# perf script event handlers, "
+ "generated by perf script -g python\n");
fprintf(ofp, "# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL"
" License version 2\n\n");