The restorecon_recursive directive in init is only applied if the
file_contexts file changed between builds, but not necessarily if any
file or folder inside /efs or /persist has changed.
The restorecon code checks whether an xattr named
"security.sehash" contains a string that matches the current
combined hashes of the SELinux context files and skips restoring labels
if there is a match, see
Change-Id: Ic0cd848836ee550499d9236f56ed6e939e35f01e
setrlimit 8 67108864 67108864
on post-fs-data
+ exec u:r:vendor_toolbox:s0 -- /vendor/bin/toybox_vendor find /data/vendor -type d \
+ -exec /vendor/bin/toybox_vendor setfattr -x security.sehash {} \;
+ restorecon_recursive /data/vendor
# Exynos Data folder
mkdir /data/vendor 0775 root system
mkdir /data/vendor/log 0771 root system