$.Redactor.prototype.WoltLabSmiley = function() {
"use strict";
+ var _index = 0;
return {
init: function() {
require(['EventHandler'], (function(EventHandler) {
_insert: function(data) {
- this.insert.html(data.img.cloneNode().outerHTML);
+ var id = 'wscSmiley_' + this.uuid + '_' + _index++;
+ var smiley = data.img.cloneNode();
+ smiley.id = id;
+ this.insert.html(smiley.outerHTML);
+ // Firefox and Safari tend to ignore the `srcset` attribute, all though
+ // it is clearly present in the DOM. Overwriting the element with itself
+ // is somehow fixing that issue, yay!
+ smiley = elById(id);
+ //noinspection SillyAssignmentJS
+ smiley.outerHTML = smiley.outerHTML;