/** @var {Element} */
var _wrapper;
+ var _resetLastPosition = window.debounce(function () {
+ _lastPosition = -1;
+ }, 50, false);
* @exports WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Page/Action
+ var debounce = window.debounce(this._onScroll.bind(this), 100, false);
- 'scroll',
- window.debounce(this._onScroll.bind(this), 100, false),
+ "scroll",
+ function () {
+ if (_lastPosition === -1) {
+ _lastPosition = window.pageYOffset;
+ // Invoke the scroll handler once to immediately respond to
+ // the user action before debouncing all further calls.
+ window.setTimeout(function () {
+ this._onScroll();
+ _lastPosition = window.pageYOffset;
+ }.bind(this), 60);
+ }
+ debounce();
+ }.bind(this),
{passive: true}
+ window.addEventListener("touchstart", function () {
+ // Force a reset of the scroll position to trigger an immediate reaction
+ // when the user touches the display again.
+ if (_lastPosition !== -1) {
+ _lastPosition = -1;
+ }
+ }, {passive: true});
return button;
- /**
- * @param {Event=} event
- */
- _onScroll: function (event) {
+ _onScroll: function () {
if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('disableScrolling')) {
// Ignore any scroll events that take place while body scrolling is disabled,
// because it messes up the scroll offsets.
if (offset === _lastPosition) {
// Ignore any scroll event that is fired but without a position change. This can
// happen after closing a dialog that prevented the body from being scrolled.
+ _resetLastPosition();
_wrapper.classList[offset < _lastPosition ? 'remove' : 'add']('scrolledDown');
- _lastPosition = offset;
+ _lastPosition = -1;