* first message object
* @var ConversationMessage
- protected $firstMessage = null;
+ protected $firstMessage;
* @inheritDoc
* conversation object
* @var ConversationEditor
- protected $conversation = null;
+ protected $conversation;
* list of conversation data modifications
* label list object
* @var ConversationLabelList
- public $labelList = null;
+ public $labelList;
* @inheritDoc
* conversation object
* @var Conversation
- public $conversation = null;
+ public $conversation;
* conversation label list object
* @var ConversationLabelList
- public $labelList = null;
+ public $labelList;
* @inheritDoc
* conversation object
* @var Conversation
- protected $conversation = null;
+ protected $conversation;
* @inheritDoc
* conversation object
* @var Conversation
- public $conversation = null;
+ public $conversation;
/** @noinspection PhpMissingParentCallCommonInspection */
* user profile object
* @var UserProfile
- protected $userProfile = null;
+ protected $userProfile;
* Returns the user profile object.
* attachment list
* @var GroupedAttachmentList
- protected $attachmentList = null;
+ protected $attachmentList;
* max post time
* conversation object
* @var Conversation
- protected $conversation = null;
+ protected $conversation;
* @inheritDoc
* user profile object
* @var UserProfile
- protected $userProfile = null;
+ protected $userProfile;
* Returns readable representation of current log entry.
* label list object
* @var ConversationLabelList
- public $labelList = null;
+ public $labelList;
* number of conversations (no filter)
* list of conversations
* @var Conversation[]
- public $conversations = null;
+ public $conversations;
* @inheritDoc