The return value of `getSaveValue()` is the integer representation of the boolean value, i.e. `0` or `1`.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, and `IImmutableFormField`.
+ ->label('')
+ ->value(true)
### `CheckboxFormField`
`CheckboxFormField` extends `BooleanFormField` and offers a simple HTML checkbox.
+ ->label('')
### `ClassNameFormField`
Additionally, the default id of a `ClassNameFormField` object is `className`, the default label is `wcf.form.field.className`, and if either an interface or a parent class is required, a default description is set if no description has already been set (`wcf.form.field.className.description.interface` and `wcf.form.field.className.description.parentClass`, respectively).
+ ->label('')
+ ->classExists()
+ ->implementedInterface(ExampleInterface::class)
### `CurrencyFormField`
- `supportTime($supportsTime = true)` and `supportsTime()` can be used to toggle whether, in addition to a date, a time can also be specified.
By default, specifying a time is disabled.
+ ->label('')
+ ->saveValueFormat('Y-m-d')
+ ->value(DateUtil::format(DateUtil::getDateTimeByTimestamp(TIME_NOW), 'Y-m-d'))
### `DescriptionFormField`
`DescriptionFormField` is a [multi-line text form field](#multilinetextformfield) with `description` as the default id and `` as the default label.
### `EmailFormField`
`EmailFormField` is a form field to enter an email address which is internally validated using `UserUtil::isValidEmail()`.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `IAutoFocusFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IPatternFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
+ ->label('')
### `FloatFormField`
`FloatFormField` is an implementation of [AbstractNumericFormField](#abstractnumericformfield) for floating point numbers.
+ ->label('')
+ ->value(0.5)
### `HiddenFormField`
Even though the form field is invisible to the user, the value can still be modified by the user, e.g. by leveraging the web browsers developer tools.
The `HiddenFormField` *must not* be used to transfer sensitive information or information that the user should not be able to modify.
+ ->value('hidden value')
### `IconFormField`
`IconFormField` is a form field to select a FontAwesome icon.
+ ->label('')
### `IntegerFormField`
`IntegerFormField` is an implementation of [AbstractNumericFormField](#abstractnumericformfield) for integers.
+ ->label('')
+ ->value(10)
### `IsDisabledFormField`
`IsDisabledFormField` is a [boolean form field](#booleanformfield) with `isDisabled` as the default id.
+ ->label('')
### `ItemListFormField`
If `ItemListFormField::SAVE_VALUE_TYPE_ARRAY` is used as save value type, `ItemListFormField` objects register a [custom form field data processor]( to add the relevant array into the `$parameters` array directly using the object property as the array key.
+ ->label('')
+ ->saveValueType(ItemListFormField::SAVE_VALUE_TYPE_CSV)
### `LanguageItemFormNode`
The default number of rows is `10`.
These methods do **not**, however, restrict the number of text rows that can be entered.
+ ->label('')
+ ->maximumLength(5000)
+ ->rows(5)
### `MultipleSelectionFormField`
`MultipleSelectionFormField` is a form fields that allows the selection of multiple options out of a predefined list of available options.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, `IFilterableSelectionFormField`, and `IImmutableFormField`.
+ ->label('')
+ ->options([
+ 1 => 'one',
+ 2 => 'two',
+ ])
### `NoticeFormNode`
`RadioButtonFormField` is a form fields that allows the selection of a single option out of a predefined list of available options using radiobuttons.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `ISelectionFormField`.
+ ->label('')
+ ->options([
+ 1 => 'one',
+ 2 => 'two',
+ ])
### `RatingFormField`
If a rating values is set, the first `getValue()` icons will instead use the classes that can be set and gotten via `activeCssClasses(array $cssClasses)` and `getActiveCssClasses()`.
By default, the only default class is `star-o` and the active classes are `star` and `orange`.
+ ->label('')
+ ->minimum(1)
+ ->maximum(5)
### `SelectFormField`
!!! info "It is important that the relevant object property is always kept updated. Whenever a new object is added or an existing object is edited or delete, the values of the other objects have to be adjusted to ensure consecutive numbering."
+ ->options(new FooList())
### `SingleSelectionFormField`
The class implements `ICssClassFormField`, `IFilterableSelectionFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, and `INullableFormField`.
If the field is nullable and the current form field value is considered `empty` by PHP, `null` is returned as the save value.
+ ->options(['option1', 'option2', 'option3'])
### `SortOrderFormField`
`SingleSelectionFormField` is a [single selection form field](#singleselectionformfield) with default id `sortOrder`, default label `` and default options `ASC:` and `DESC:`.
### `TextFormField`
`TextFormField` is a form field that allows entering a single line of text.
The class implements `IAttributeFormField`, `IAutoCompleteFormField`, `ICssClassFormField`, `IImmutableFormField`, `II18nFormField`, `IInputModeFormField`, `IMaximumLengthFormField`, `IMinimumLengthFormField`, `IPatternFormField`, and `IPlaceholderFormField`.
+ ->label('')
### `TitleFormField`
`TitleFormField` is a [text form field](#textformfield) with `title` as the default id and `` as the default label.
### `UrlFormField`
`UrlFormField` is a [text form field](#textformfield) whose values are checked via `Url::is()`.
+ ->label('')
## Specific Fields