--- /dev/null
+{if $userTrophyList|count}
+ <ol class="containerList jsUserTrophyList">
+ {foreach from=$userTrophyList item=userTrophy}
+ <li data-object-id="{@$userTrophy->userTrophyID}">
+ <div class="box48">
+ <div><a href="{link controller='Trophy' object=$userTrophy->getTrophy()}{/link}">{@$userTrophy->getTrophy()->renderTrophy(48)}</a></div>
+ <div class="containerHeadline">
+ <h3><a href="{link controller='Trophy' object=$userTrophy->getTrophy()}{/link}">{@$userTrophy->getTrophy()->getTitle()}</a></h3>
+ <small>{@$userTrophy->getDescription()} - {@$userTrophy->time|time}</small>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </li>
+ {/foreach}
+ </ol>
+ <div class="paginationBottom jsPagination"></div>
+ <p>{lang}wcf.user.trophy.noTrophies{/lang}</p>
+ {if MODULE_TROPHY && $__wcf->session->getPermission('user.profile.trophy.canSeeTrophies')}
+ require(['WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/User/Trophy/List'], function (UserTrophyList) {
+ new UserTrophyList();
+ });
+ {/if}
{event name='javascriptInit'}
{if $executeCronjobs}
<dt><a href="#" class="activityPointsDisplay jsTooltip" title="{lang}wcf.user.activityPoint.showActivityPoints{/lang}" data-user-id="{@$user->userID}">{lang}wcf.user.activityPoint{/lang}</a></dt>
+{if MODULE_TROPHY && $__wcf->session->getPermission('user.profile.trophy.canSeeTrophies') && ($user->isAccessible('canViewTrophies') || $user->userID == $__wcf->session->userID)}
+ <dt><a href="#" class="trophyPoints jsTooltip userTrophyOverlayList" data-user-id="{$user->userID}" data-username="" title="{lang}wcf.user.trophy.showTrophies{/lang}">{lang}wcf.user.trophy.trophyPoints{/lang}</a></dt>
+ <dd>{#$user->trophyPoints}</dd>
--- /dev/null
+ * Handles the user trophy dialog.
+ *
+ * @author Joshua Ruesweg
+ * @copyright 2001-2017 WoltLab GmbH
+ * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php>
+ * @module WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/User/Trophy/List
+ */
+define(['Ajax', 'Core', 'Dictionary', 'Dom/Util', 'Ui/Dialog', 'WoltLabSuite/Core/Ui/Pagination'], function(Ajax, Core, Dictionary, DomUtil, UiDialog, UiPagination) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function UiUserTrophyList() { this.init(); }
+ UiUserTrophyList.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * Initializes the user trophy list.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options list of initialization options
+ */
+ init: function() {
+ this._cache = new Dictionary();
+ this._options = {
+ className: 'wcf\\data\\user\\trophy\\UserTrophyAction',
+ parameters: {}
+ };
+ elBySelAll('.userTrophyOverlayList', undefined, (function (element) {
+ element.addEventListener(WCF_CLICK_EVENT, this._open.bind(this, elData(element, 'user-id')));
+ }).bind(this));
+ },
+ /**
+ * Opens the user trophy list for a specific user.
+ */
+ _open: function(userID) {
+ this._currentPageNo = 1;
+ this._currentUser = userID;
+ this._showPage();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Shows the current or given page.
+ *
+ * @param {int=} pageNo page number
+ */
+ _showPage: function(pageNo) {
+ if (pageNo !== undefined) {
+ this._currentPageNo = pageNo;
+ }
+ if (this._cache.has(this._currentUser)) {
+ // validate pageNo
+ if (this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('pageCount') !== 0 && (this._currentPageNo < 1 || this._currentPageNo > this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('pageCount'))) {
+ throw new RangeError("pageNo must be between 1 and " + this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('pageCount') + " (" + this._currentPageNo + " given).");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // init user page cache
+ this._cache.set(this._currentUser, new Dictionary());
+ }
+ if (this._cache.get(this._currentUser).has(this._currentPageNo)) {
+ var dialog = UiDialog.open(this, this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get(this._currentPageNo));
+ UiDialog.setTitle('userTrophyListOverlay', this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('title'));
+ if (this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('pageCount') > 1) {
+ var element = elBySel('.jsPagination', dialog.content);
+ if (element !== null) {
+ new UiPagination(element, {
+ activePage: this._currentPageNo,
+ maxPage: this._cache.get(this._currentUser).get('pageCount'),
+ callbackSwitch: this._showPage.bind(this)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ this._options.parameters.pageNo = this._currentPageNo;
+ this._options.parameters.userID = this._currentUser;
+ Ajax.api(this, {
+ parameters: this._options.parameters
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _ajaxSuccess: function(data) {
+ if (data.returnValues.pageCount !== undefined) {
+ this._cache.get(this._currentUser).set('pageCount', ~~data.returnValues.pageCount);
+ }
+ this._cache.get(this._currentUser).set(this._currentPageNo, data.returnValues.template);
+ this._cache.get(this._currentUser).set('title', data.returnValues.title);
+ this._showPage();
+ },
+ _ajaxSetup: function() {
+ return {
+ data: {
+ actionName: 'getGroupedUserTrophyList',
+ className: this._options.className
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ _dialogSetup: function() {
+ return {
+ id: 'userTrophyListOverlay',
+ options: {
+ title: ""
+ },
+ source: null
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ return UiUserTrophyList;
namespace wcf\data\user\trophy;
use wcf\data\user\UserAction;
use wcf\data\AbstractDatabaseObjectAction;
+use wcf\system\cache\runtime\UserProfileRuntimeCache;
+use wcf\system\exception\IllegalLinkException;
use wcf\system\exception\PermissionDeniedException;
use wcf\system\user\notification\object\UserTrophyNotificationObject;
use wcf\system\user\notification\UserNotificationHandler;
+use wcf\system\WCF;
* Provides user trophy actions.
protected $permissionsDelete = ['admin.trophy.canAwardTrophy'];
+ /**
+ * @inheritDoc
+ */
+ protected $allowGuestAccess = ['getGroupedUserTrophyList'];
* @inheritDoc
return $returnValues;
+ /**
+ * Validates the getGroupedUserTrophyList method.
+ */
+ public function validateGetGroupedUserTrophyList() {
+ throw new IllegalLinkException();
+ }
+ WCF::getSession()->checkPermissions(['user.profile.trophy.canSeeTrophies']);
+ $this->readInteger('pageNo');
+ $this->readInteger('userID');
+ $this->userProfile = UserProfileRuntimeCache::getInstance()->getObject($this->parameters['userID']);
+ if (!$this->userProfile->isAccessible('canViewTrophies') && !($this->userProfile->userID == WCF::getSession()->userID)) {
+ throw new PermissionDeniedException();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a viewable user trophy list for a specific user.
+ */
+ public function getGroupedUserTrophyList() {
+ $userTrophyList = new UserTrophyList();
+ $userTrophyList->getConditionBuilder()->add('userID = ?', [$this->parameters['userID']]);
+ if (!empty($userTrophyList->sqlJoins)) $userTrophyList->sqlJoins .= ' ';
+ if (!empty($userTrophyList->sqlConditionJoins)) $userTrophyList->sqlConditionJoins .= ' ';
+ $userTrophyList->sqlJoins .= 'LEFT JOIN wcf'. WCF_N . '_trophy trophy ON user_trophy.trophyID = trophy.trophyID';
+ $userTrophyList->sqlConditionJoins .= 'LEFT JOIN wcf'. WCF_N . '_trophy trophy ON user_trophy.trophyID = trophy.trophyID';
+ // trophy category join
+ $userTrophyList->sqlJoins .= ' LEFT JOIN wcf'. WCF_N . '_category category ON trophy.categoryID = category.categoryID';
+ $userTrophyList->sqlConditionJoins .= ' LEFT JOIN wcf'. WCF_N . '_category category ON trophy.categoryID = category.categoryID';
+ $userTrophyList->getConditionBuilder()->add('trophy.isDisabled = ?', [0]);
+ $userTrophyList->getConditionBuilder()->add('category.isDisabled = ?', [0]);
+ $userTrophyList->sqlLimit = 10;
+ $userTrophyList->sqlOffset = ($this->parameters['pageNo'] - 1) * 10;
+ $userTrophyList->sqlOrderBy = 'time DESC';
+ $pageCount = ceil($userTrophyList->countObjects() / 10);
+ $userTrophyList->readObjects();
+ return [
+ 'pageCount' => $pageCount,
+ 'title' => WCF::getLanguage()->getDynamicVariable('wcf.user.trophy.dialogTitle', ['username' => $this->userProfile->username]),
+ 'template' => WCF::getTPL()->fetch('groupedUserTrophyList', 'wcf', [
+ 'userTrophyList' => $userTrophyList
+ ])
+ ];
+ }
<p><small><em>Quelle: <a href="http://www.mustervorlage.net/disclaimer-muster" class="externalURL">Mustervorlage.net</a></em></small></p>]]></item>
+ <category name="wcf.user.trophy">
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.trophyPoints"><![CDATA[Trophäen]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.showTrophies"><![CDATA[Trophäen von {$user->username} anzeigen]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.noTrophies"><![CDATA[Der Benutzer hat noch keine Trophäen]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.dialogTitle"><![CDATA[Trophäen von {$username}]]></item>
+ </category>
<category name="wcf.acp.trophy">
<item name="wcf.acp.trophy"><![CDATA[Trophäe]]></item>
<item name="wcf.acp.trophy.description"><![CDATA[Beschreibung]]></item>
<p><small><em>Source: <a href="http://www.mustervorlage.net/disclaimer-muster" class="externalURL">Mustervorlage.net</a></em></small></p>]]></item>
+ <category name="wcf.user.trophy">
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.trophyPoints"><![CDATA[Trophies]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.showTrophies"><![CDATA[Display Trophies of {$user->username}]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.noTrophies"><![CDATA[The user has no trophies]]></item>
+ <item name="wcf.user.trophy.dialogTitle"><![CDATA[Trophies of {$username}]]></item>
+ </category>
<category name="wcf.acp.trophy">
<item name="wcf.acp.trophy"><![CDATA[Trophy]]></item>
<item name="wcf.acp.trophy.description"><![CDATA[Description]]></item>