* @inheritDoc
protected function countObjects() {
- if ($this->count === null) {
- // reset count
- $this->count = 0;
- // read sitemaps
- $sitemapObjects = ObjectTypeCache::getInstance()->getObjectTypes('com.woltlab.wcf.sitemap.object');
- foreach ($sitemapObjects as $sitemapObject) {
- if ($sitemapObject->isDisabled === null || !$sitemapObject->isDisabled) {
- $this->sitemapObjects[] = $sitemapObject;
+ // changes session owner to 'System' during the building of sitemaps
+ $this->changeUserToGuest();
+ try {
+ if ($this->count === null) {
+ // reset count
+ $this->count = 0;
+ // read sitemaps
+ $sitemapObjects = ObjectTypeCache::getInstance()->getObjectTypes('com.woltlab.wcf.sitemap.object');
+ foreach ($sitemapObjects as $sitemapObject) {
$processor = $sitemapObject->getProcessor();
- $list = $processor->getObjectList();
- if (!($list instanceof DatabaseObjectList)) {
- throw new ParentClassException(get_class($list), DatabaseObjectList::class);
+ if ($processor->isAvailableType() && ($sitemapObject->isDisabled === null || !$sitemapObject->isDisabled)) {
+ $this->sitemapObjects[] = $sitemapObject;
+ $list = $processor->getObjectList();
+ if (!($list instanceof DatabaseObjectList)) {
+ throw new ParentClassException(get_class($list), DatabaseObjectList::class);
+ }
+ if (SITEMAP_INDEX_TIME_FRAME > 0 && $processor->getLastModifiedColumn() !== null) {
+ $list->getConditionBuilder()->add($processor->getLastModifiedColumn() . " > ?", [
+ TIME_NOW - SITEMAP_INDEX_TIME_FRAME * 86400 // one day (60 * 60 * 24)
+ ]);
+ }
+ // modify count, because we handle only one sitemap object per call
+ $this->count += max(1, ceil($list->countObjects() / $this->limit)) * $this->limit;
- if (SITEMAP_INDEX_TIME_FRAME > 0 && $processor->getLastModifiedColumn() !== null) {
- $list->getConditionBuilder()->add($processor->getLastModifiedColumn() . " > ?", [
- TIME_NOW - SITEMAP_INDEX_TIME_FRAME * 86400 // one day (60 * 60 * 24)
- ]);
- }
- // modify count, because we handle only one sitemap object per call
- $this->count += max(1, ceil($list->countObjects() / $this->limit)) * $this->limit;
+ finally {
+ // change session owner back to the actual user
+ $this->changeToActualUser();
+ }