staging: comedi: usbduxsigma: round down AO scan_begin_arg at step 4.
The return value of the `cmdtest` handler for a subdevice checks the
prospective new command in various steps and returns the step number at
which any problem was detected, or 0 if no problem was detected. It is
allowed to modify the command in various ways at each step. Corrections
for out-of-range values are generally made at step 3, and minor
adjustments such as rounding are generally made at step 4.
The `cmdtest` handler for the AO subdevice (`usbduxsigma_ao_cmdtest()`)
currently range checks the timings at step 3. Since the running command
will round down the timings, add code to round them down at step 4.
Signed-off-by: Ian Abbott <>
Reviewed-by: Bernd Porr <>
Reviewed-by: H Hartley Sweeten <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>