.pageAction { bottom: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; left: 10px; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; right: 10px; z-index: 400; .pageActionButtons { display: flex; flex: 0 auto; overflow: auto; } .pageActionButtons, .pageActionButtonToTop { pointer-events: all; } .pageActionButton { display: flex; flex: 0 0 auto; white-space: nowrap; &:not(:first-child) { margin-left: 5px; } &.remove { opacity: 0 !important; visibility: hidden !important; } } .pageActionButton, .pageActionButtonToTop { opacity: 0; transition: visibility 0.12s linear, opacity 0.12s linear; visibility: hidden; &[aria-hidden="false"] { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } } .pageActionButtonToTop { align-self: flex-start; flex: 0 0 auto; margin-left: 5px; padding: 2px; } @include screen-sm-down { /* The iOS bottom touch zone is approximately 44px high. Any touches within will show the menu instead of registering any touch on a button. */ bottom: 44px; &.scrolledDown .pageActionButton, &.scrolledDown .pageActionButtonToTop { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; transition-delay: 0.4s; } } } .pageOverlayActive .pageAction { display: none; } @include screen-xs { .redactorActive .pageAction { display: none !important; } }