* @package WoltLabSuite\Core\System\Package */ class PackageInstallationNodeBuilder { /** * true if current node is empty * @var bool */ public $emptyNode = true; /** * active package installation dispatcher * @var PackageInstallationDispatcher */ public $installation; /** * current installation node * @var string */ public $node = ''; /** * current parent installation node * @var string */ public $parentNode = ''; /** * list of requirements to be checked before package installation * @var mixed[][] */ public $requirements = []; /** * current sequence number within one node * @var int */ public $sequenceNo = 0; /** * list of packages about to be installed * @var string[] */ protected static $pendingPackages = []; /** * Creates a new instance of PackageInstallationNodeBuilder * * @param PackageInstallationDispatcher $installation */ public function __construct(PackageInstallationDispatcher $installation) { $this->installation = $installation; } /** * Sets parent node. * * @param string $parentNode */ public function setParentNode($parentNode) { $this->parentNode = $parentNode; } /** * Builds nodes for current installation queue. */ public function buildNodes() { // required packages $this->buildRequirementNodes(); // register package version self::$pendingPackages[$this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('name')] = $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('version'); // install package itself if ($this->installation->queue->action == 'install') { $this->buildPackageNode(); } // package installation plugins $this->buildPluginNodes(); // optional packages (ignored on update) if ($this->installation->queue->action == 'install') { $this->buildOptionalNodes(); } if ($this->installation->queue->action == 'update') { $this->buildPackageNode(); } // child queues $this->buildChildQueues(); } /** * Returns the succeeding node. * * @param string $parentNode * @return string */ public function getNextNode($parentNode = '') { $sql = "SELECT node FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE processNo = ? AND parentNode = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->processNo, $parentNode, ]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); if (!$row) { return ''; } return $row['node']; } /** * Returns package name associated with given queue id. * * @param int $queueID * @return string */ public function getPackageNameByQueue($queueID) { $sql = "SELECT packageName FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_queue WHERE queueID = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([$queueID]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); if (!$row) { return ''; } return $row['packageName']; } /** * Returns installation type by queue id. * * @param int $queueID * @return string */ public function getInstallationTypeByQueue($queueID) { $sql = "SELECT action FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_queue WHERE queueID = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([$queueID]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); return $row['action']; } /** * Returns data for current node. * * @param string $node * @return array */ public function getNodeData($node) { $sql = "SELECT nodeType, nodeData, sequenceNo FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE processNo = ? AND node = ? ORDER BY sequenceNo ASC"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->processNo, $node, ]); return $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Marks a node as completed. * * @param string $node */ public function completeNode($node) { $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node SET done = 1 WHERE processNo = ? AND node = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->processNo, $node, ]); } /** * Removes all nodes associated with queue's process no. * * CAUTION: This method SHOULD NOT be called within the installation process! */ public function purgeNodes() { $sql = "DELETE FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE processNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->processNo, ]); $sql = "DELETE FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_form WHERE queueID = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->queueID, ]); } /** * Calculates current setup process. * * @param string $node * @return int */ public function calculateProgress($node) { $progress = [ 'done' => 0, 'outstanding' => 0, ]; $sql = "SELECT done FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE processNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->processNo, ]); while ($row = $statement->fetchArray()) { if ($row['done']) { $progress['done']++; } else { $progress['outstanding']++; } } if (!$progress['done']) { return 0; } elseif (!$progress['outstanding']) { return 100; } else { $total = $progress['done'] + $progress['outstanding']; return \round(($progress['done'] / $total) * 100); } } /** * Duplicates a node by re-inserting it and moving all descendants into a new tree. * * @param string $node * @param int $sequenceNo */ public function cloneNode($node, $sequenceNo) { $newNode = $this->getToken(); // update descendants $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node SET parentNode = ? WHERE parentNode = ? AND processNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $newNode, $node, $this->installation->queue->processNo, ]); // create a copy of current node (prevents empty nodes) $sql = "SELECT nodeType, nodeData, done FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE node = ? AND processNo = ? AND sequenceNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $node, $this->installation->queue->processNo, $sequenceNo, ]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node (queueID, processNo, sequenceNo, node, parentNode, nodeType, nodeData, done) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->queueID, $this->installation->queue->processNo, 0, $newNode, $node, $row['nodeType'], $row['nodeData'], $row['done'], ]); // move other child-nodes greater than $sequenceNo into new node $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node SET parentNode = ?, node = ?, sequenceNo = (sequenceNo - ?) WHERE node = ? AND processNo = ? AND sequenceNo > ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $node, $newNode, $sequenceNo, $node, $this->installation->queue->processNo, $sequenceNo, ]); } /** * Inserts a node before given target node. Will shift all target * nodes to provide to be descendants of the new node. If you intend * to insert more than a single node, you should prefer shiftNodes(). * * @param string $beforeNode * @param callable $callback */ public function insertNode($beforeNode, callable $callback) { $newNode = $this->getToken(); // update descendants $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node SET parentNode = ? WHERE parentNode = ? AND processNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $newNode, $beforeNode, $this->installation->queue->processNo, ]); // execute callback $callback($beforeNode, $newNode); } /** * Shifts nodes to allow dynamic inserts at runtime. * * @param string $oldParentNode * @param string $newParentNode */ public function shiftNodes($oldParentNode, $newParentNode) { $sql = "UPDATE wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node SET parentNode = ? WHERE parentNode = ? AND processNo = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $newParentNode, $oldParentNode, $this->installation->queue->processNo, ]); } /** * Builds package node used to install the package itself. */ protected function buildPackageNode() { if (!empty($this->node)) { $this->parentNode = $this->node; $this->sequenceNo = 0; } $this->node = $this->getToken(); $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node (queueID, processNo, sequenceNo, node, parentNode, nodeType, nodeData) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->queueID, $this->installation->queue->processNo, $this->sequenceNo, $this->node, $this->parentNode, 'package', \serialize([ 'package' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('name'), 'packageName' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageName'), 'packageDescription' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageDescription'), 'packageVersion' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('version'), 'packageDate' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('date'), 'packageURL' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('packageURL'), 'isApplication' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('isApplication'), 'author' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getAuthorInfo('author'), 'authorURL' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getAuthorInfo('authorURL') !== null ? $this->installation->getArchive()->getAuthorInfo('authorURL') : '', 'installDate' => TIME_NOW, 'updateDate' => TIME_NOW, 'requirements' => $this->requirements, 'applicationDirectory' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('applicationDirectory') ?: '', ]), ]); } /** * Builds nodes for required packages, whereas each has it own node. * * @return string * @throws SystemException */ protected function buildRequirementNodes() { $queue = $this->installation->queue; // handle requirements $requiredPackages = $this->installation->getArchive()->getOpenRequirements(); foreach ($requiredPackages as $packageName => $package) { if (!isset($package['file'])) { if ( isset(self::$pendingPackages[$packageName]) && (!isset($package['minversion']) || Package::compareVersion( self::$pendingPackages[$packageName], $package['minversion'] ) >= 0) ) { // the package will already be installed and no // minversion is given or the package which will be // installed satisfies the minversion, thus we can // ignore this requirement continue; } // requirements will be checked once package is about to be installed $this->requirements[$packageName] = [ 'minVersion' => $package['minversion'] ?? '', 'packageID' => $package['packageID'], ]; continue; } if ($this->node == '' && !empty($this->parentNode)) { $this->node = $this->parentNode; } // extract package $index = $this->installation->getArchive()->getTar()->getIndexByFilename($package['file']); if ($index === false) { // workaround for WCFSetup if (!PACKAGE_ID && $packageName == 'com.woltlab.wcf') { continue; } throw new SystemException("Unable to find required package '" . $package['file'] . "' within archive of package '" . $this->installation->queue->package . "'."); } $fileName = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename( 'package_', \preg_replace('!^.*(?=\.(?:tar\.gz|tgz|tar)$)!i', '', \basename($package['file'])) ); $this->installation->getArchive()->getTar()->extract($index, $fileName); // get archive data $archive = new PackageArchive($fileName); $archive->openArchive(); // check if delivered package has correct identifier if ($archive->getPackageInfo('name') != $packageName) { throw new SystemException("Invalid package file delivered for '" . $packageName . "' requirement of package '" . $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('name') . "' (delivered package: '" . $archive->getPackageInfo('name') . "')."); } // check if delivered version satisfies minversion if ( isset($package['minversion']) && Package::compareVersion( $package['minversion'], $archive->getPackageInfo('version') ) > 0 ) { throw new SystemException("Package '" . $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('name') . "' requires package '" . $packageName . "' at least in version " . $package['minversion'] . ", but only delivers version " . $archive->getPackageInfo('version') . "."); } // get package id $sql = "SELECT packageID FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package WHERE package = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([$archive->getPackageInfo('name')]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); $packageID = ($row === false) ? null : $row['packageID']; // check if package will already be installed if (isset(self::$pendingPackages[$packageName])) { if ( Package::compareVersion( self::$pendingPackages[$packageName], $archive->getPackageInfo('version') ) >= 0 ) { // the version to be installed satisfies the required version continue; } else { // the new delivered required version of the package has a // higher version number, thus update/replace the existing // package installation queue } } if ($archive->getPackageInfo('name') === 'com.woltlab.wcf') { WCF::checkWritability(); } // create new queue $queue = PackageInstallationQueueEditor::create([ 'parentQueueID' => $queue->queueID, 'processNo' => $queue->processNo, 'userID' => WCF::getUser()->userID, 'package' => $archive->getPackageInfo('name'), 'packageID' => $packageID, 'packageName' => $archive->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageName'), 'archive' => $fileName, 'action' => $packageID ? 'update' : 'install', ]); self::$pendingPackages[$archive->getPackageInfo('name')] = $archive->getPackageInfo('version'); // spawn nodes $installation = new PackageInstallationDispatcher($queue); $installation->nodeBuilder->setParentNode($this->node); $installation->nodeBuilder->buildNodes(); $this->node = $installation->nodeBuilder->getCurrentNode(); } } /** * Returns current node * * @return string */ public function getCurrentNode() { return $this->node; } /** * Builds package installation plugin nodes, whereas pips could be grouped within * one node, differ from each by nothing but the sequence number. * * @return string */ protected function buildPluginNodes() { if (!empty($this->node)) { $this->parentNode = $this->node; $this->sequenceNo = 0; } $this->node = $this->getToken(); $pluginNodes = []; $this->emptyNode = true; $instructions = ($this->installation->getAction() == 'install') ? $this->installation->getArchive()->getInstallInstructions() : $this->installation->getArchive()->getUpdateInstructions(); $count = \count($instructions); $i = 0; foreach ($instructions as $pip) { $i++; if (isset($pip['attributes']['run']) && ($pip['attributes']['run'] == 'standalone')) { // move into a new node unless current one is empty if (!$this->emptyNode) { $this->parentNode = $this->node; $this->node = $this->getToken(); $this->sequenceNo = 0; } $pluginNodes[] = [ 'data' => $pip, 'node' => $this->node, 'parentNode' => $this->parentNode, 'sequenceNo' => $this->sequenceNo, ]; // create a new node for following PIPs, unless it is the last one if ($i < $count) { $this->parentNode = $this->node; $this->node = $this->getToken(); $this->sequenceNo = 0; $this->emptyNode = true; } } else { $this->sequenceNo++; $pluginNodes[] = [ 'data' => $pip, 'node' => $this->node, 'parentNode' => $this->parentNode, 'sequenceNo' => $this->sequenceNo, ]; $this->emptyNode = false; } } // insert nodes if (!empty($pluginNodes)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node (queueID, processNo, sequenceNo, node, parentNode, nodeType, nodeData) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); foreach ($pluginNodes as $nodeData) { $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->queueID, $this->installation->queue->processNo, $nodeData['sequenceNo'], $nodeData['node'], $nodeData['parentNode'], 'pip', \serialize($nodeData['data']), ]); } } } /** * Builds nodes for optional packages, whereas each package exists within * one node with the same parent node, separated by sequence no (which does * not really matter at this point). */ protected function buildOptionalNodes() { $packages = []; $optionalPackages = $this->installation->getArchive()->getOptionals(); foreach ($optionalPackages as $package) { // check if already installed if (Package::isAlreadyInstalled($package['name'])) { continue; } // extract package $index = $this->installation->getArchive()->getTar()->getIndexByFilename($package['file']); if ($index === false) { throw new SystemException("Unable to find required package '" . $package['file'] . "' within archive."); } $fileName = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename( 'package_', \preg_replace('!^.*(?=\.(?:tar\.gz|tgz|tar)$)!i', '', \basename($package['file'])) ); $this->installation->getArchive()->getTar()->extract($index, $fileName); // get archive data $archive = new PackageArchive($fileName); $archive->openArchive(); // check if all requirements are met $isInstallable = true; foreach ($archive->getOpenRequirements() as $packageName => $requiredPackage) { if (!isset($requiredPackage['file'])) { // requirement is neither installed nor shipped, check if it is about to be installed if (!isset(self::$pendingPackages[$packageName])) { $isInstallable = false; break; } } } // check for exclusions $excludedPackages = $archive->getConflictedExcludedPackages(); if (!empty($excludedPackages)) { $isInstallable = false; } $excludingPackages = $archive->getConflictedExcludingPackages(); if (!empty($excludingPackages)) { $isInstallable = false; } $packages[] = [ 'archive' => $fileName, 'isInstallable' => $isInstallable, 'package' => $archive->getPackageInfo('name'), 'packageName' => $archive->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageName'), 'packageDescription' => $archive->getLocalizedPackageInfo('packageDescription'), 'selected' => 0, ]; self::$pendingPackages[$archive->getPackageInfo('name')] = $archive->getPackageInfo('version'); } if (!empty($packages)) { $this->parentNode = $this->node; $this->node = $this->getToken(); $this->sequenceNo = 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node (queueID, processNo, sequenceNo, node, parentNode, nodeType, nodeData) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $this->installation->queue->queueID, $this->installation->queue->processNo, $this->sequenceNo, $this->node, $this->parentNode, 'optionalPackages', \serialize($packages), ]); } } /** * Recursively build nodes for child queues. */ protected function buildChildQueues() { $queueList = new PackageInstallationQueueList(); $queueList->getConditionBuilder()->add( "package_installation_queue.parentQueueID = ?", [$this->installation->queue->queueID] ); $queueList->getConditionBuilder()->add("package_installation_queue.queueID NOT IN ( SELECT queueID FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node )"); $queueList->readObjects(); foreach ($queueList as $queue) { $installation = new PackageInstallationDispatcher($queue); // work-around for iterative package updates if ($this->installation->queue->action == 'update' && $queue->package == $this->installation->queue->package) { $installation->setPreviousPackage([ 'package' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('name'), 'packageVersion' => $this->installation->getArchive()->getPackageInfo('version'), ]); } $installation->nodeBuilder->setParentNode($this->node); $installation->nodeBuilder->buildNodes(); $this->node = $installation->nodeBuilder->getCurrentNode(); } } /** * Returns a short SHA1-hash. * * @return string */ protected function getToken() { return \mb_substr(StringUtil::getRandomID(), 0, 8); } /** * Returns queue id based upon current node. * * @param int $processNo * @param string $node * @return int|null */ public function getQueueByNode($processNo, $node) { $sql = "SELECT queueID FROM wcf" . WCF_N . "_package_installation_node WHERE processNo = ? AND node = ?"; $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute([ $processNo, $node, ]); $row = $statement->fetchArray(); if ($row === false) { // PHP <7.4 _silently_ returns `null` when attempting to read an array index // when the source value equals `false`. return null; } return $row['queueID']; } }