* @package WoltLabSuite\Core\Data */ abstract class DatabaseObjectList implements \Countable, ITraversableObject { /** * class name * @var string */ public $className = ''; /** * class name of the object decorator; if left empty, no decorator is used * @var string */ public $decoratorClassName = ''; /** * object class name * @var string */ public $objectClassName = ''; /** * result objects * @var DatabaseObject[] */ public $objects = []; /** * ids of result objects * @var integer[] */ public $objectIDs = null; /** * sql offset * @var integer */ public $sqlOffset = 0; /** * sql limit * @var integer */ public $sqlLimit = 0; /** * sql order by statement * @var string */ public $sqlOrderBy = ''; /** * sql select parameters * @var string */ public $sqlSelects = ''; /** * sql select joins which are necessary for where statements * @var string */ public $sqlConditionJoins = ''; /** * sql select joins * @var string */ public $sqlJoins = ''; /** * enables the automatic usage of the qualified shorthand * @var boolean */ public $useQualifiedShorthand = true; /** * sql conditions * @var PreparedStatementConditionBuilder */ protected $conditionBuilder = null; /** * current iterator index * @var integer */ protected $index = 0; /** * list of index to object relation * @var integer[] */ protected $indexToObject = null; /** * Creates a new DatabaseObjectList object. */ public function __construct() { // set class name if (empty($this->className)) { $className = get_called_class(); if (mb_substr($className, -4) == 'List') { $this->className = mb_substr($className, 0, -4); } } if (!empty($this->decoratorClassName)) { // validate decorator class name if (!is_subclass_of($this->decoratorClassName, DatabaseObjectDecorator::class)) { throw new SystemException("'".$this->decoratorClassName."' should extend '".DatabaseObjectDecorator::class."'"); } $objectClassName = $this->objectClassName ?: $this->className; $baseClassName = call_user_func([$this->decoratorClassName, 'getBaseClass']); if ($objectClassName != $baseClassName && !is_subclass_of($baseClassName, $objectClassName)) { throw new SystemException("'".$this->decoratorClassName."' can't decorate objects of class '".$objectClassName."'"); } } $this->conditionBuilder = new PreparedStatementConditionBuilder(); EventHandler::getInstance()->fireAction($this, 'init'); } /** * Counts the number of objects. * * @return integer */ public function countObjects() { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->getDatabaseTableName()." ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias()." ".$this->sqlConditionJoins." ".$this->getConditionBuilder(); $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute($this->getConditionBuilder()->getParameters()); return $statement->fetchSingleColumn(); } /** * Reads the object ids from database. */ public function readObjectIDs() { $this->objectIDs = []; $sql = "SELECT ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias().".".$this->getDatabaseTableIndexName()." AS objectID FROM ".$this->getDatabaseTableName()." ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias()." ".$this->sqlConditionJoins." ".$this->getConditionBuilder()." ".(!empty($this->sqlOrderBy) ? "ORDER BY ".$this->sqlOrderBy : ''); $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql, $this->sqlLimit, $this->sqlOffset); $statement->execute($this->getConditionBuilder()->getParameters()); $this->objectIDs = $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); } /** * Reads the objects from database. */ public function readObjects() { if ($this->objectIDs !== null) { if (empty($this->objectIDs)) { return; } $sql = "SELECT ".(!empty($this->sqlSelects) ? $this->sqlSelects.($this->useQualifiedShorthand ? ',' : '') : '')." ".($this->useQualifiedShorthand ? $this->getDatabaseTableAlias().'.*' : '')." FROM ".$this->getDatabaseTableName()." ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias()." ".$this->sqlJoins." WHERE ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias().".".$this->getDatabaseTableIndexName()." IN (?".str_repeat(',?', count($this->objectIDs) - 1).") ".(!empty($this->sqlOrderBy) ? "ORDER BY ".$this->sqlOrderBy : ''); $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql); $statement->execute($this->objectIDs); $this->objects = $statement->fetchObjects(($this->objectClassName ?: $this->className)); } else { $sql = "SELECT ".(!empty($this->sqlSelects) ? $this->sqlSelects.($this->useQualifiedShorthand ? ',' : '') : '')." ".($this->useQualifiedShorthand ? $this->getDatabaseTableAlias().'.*' : '')." FROM ".$this->getDatabaseTableName()." ".$this->getDatabaseTableAlias()." ".$this->sqlJoins." ".$this->getConditionBuilder()." ".(!empty($this->sqlOrderBy) ? "ORDER BY ".$this->sqlOrderBy : ''); $statement = WCF::getDB()->prepareStatement($sql, $this->sqlLimit, $this->sqlOffset); $statement->execute($this->getConditionBuilder()->getParameters()); $this->objects = $statement->fetchObjects(($this->objectClassName ?: $this->className)); } // decorate objects if (!empty($this->decoratorClassName)) { foreach ($this->objects as &$object) { $object = new $this->decoratorClassName($object); } unset($object); } // use table index as array index $objects = $this->indexToObject = []; foreach ($this->objects as $object) { $objectID = $object->getObjectID(); $objects[$objectID] = $object; $this->indexToObject[] = $objectID; } $this->objectIDs = $this->indexToObject; $this->objects = $objects; } /** * Returns the object ids of the list. * * @return integer[] */ public function getObjectIDs() { return $this->objectIDs; } /** * Sets the object ids. * * @param integer[] $objectIDs */ public function setObjectIDs(array $objectIDs) { $this->objectIDs = array_merge($objectIDs); } /** * Returns the objects of the list. * * @return DatabaseObject[] */ public function getObjects() { return $this->objects; } /** * Returns the condition builder object. * * @return PreparedStatementConditionBuilder */ public function getConditionBuilder() { return $this->conditionBuilder; } /** * Sets the condition builder dynamically. * * @param PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $conditionBuilder * @since 5.3 */ public function setConditionBuilder(PreparedStatementConditionBuilder $conditionBuilder) { $this->conditionBuilder = $conditionBuilder; } /** * Returns the name of the database table. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseTableName() { return call_user_func([$this->className, 'getDatabaseTableName']); } /** * Returns the name of the database table. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseTableIndexName() { return call_user_func([$this->className, 'getDatabaseTableIndexName']); } /** * Returns the name of the database table alias. * * @return string */ public function getDatabaseTableAlias() { return call_user_func([$this->className, 'getDatabaseTableAlias']); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function count() { return count($this->objects); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function current() { $objectID = $this->indexToObject[$this->index]; return $this->objects[$objectID]; } /** * CAUTION: This methods does not return the current iterator index, * but the object key which maps to that index. * * @see \Iterator::key() */ public function key() { return $this->indexToObject[$this->index]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function next() { ++$this->index; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function rewind() { $this->index = 0; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function valid() { return isset($this->indexToObject[$this->index]); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function seek($index) { $this->index = $index; if (!$this->valid()) { throw new \OutOfBoundsException(); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function seekTo($objectID) { $this->index = array_search($objectID, $this->indexToObject); if ($this->index === false) { throw new SystemException("object id '".$objectID."' is invalid"); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function search($objectID) { try { $this->seekTo($objectID); return $this->current(); } catch (SystemException $e) { return null; } } /** * Returns the only object in this list or `null` if the list is empty. * * @return DatabaseObject|null * @throws \BadMethodCallException if list contains more than one object */ public function getSingleObject() { if (count($this->objects) > 1) { throw new \BadMethodCallException("Cannot get a single object when the list contains " . count($this->objects) . " objects."); } if (empty($this->objects)) { return null; } return reset($this->objects); } }