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Package Installation Plugins#

Package Installation Plugins (PIPs) are interfaces to deploy and edit content as well as components.

For XML-based PIPs: <![CDATA[]]> must be used for language items and page contents. In all other cases it may only be used when necessary.

Built-In PIPs#

Name Description
aclOption Customizable permissions for individual objects
acpMenu Admin panel menu categories and items
acpSearchProvider Data provider for the admin panel search
acpTemplate Admin panel templates
bbcode BBCodes for rich message formatting
box Boxes that can be placed anywhere on a page
clipboardAction Perform bulk operations on marked objects
coreObject Access Singletons from within the template
cronjob Periodically execute code with customizable intervals
eventListener Register listeners for the event system
file Deploy any type of files with the exception of templates
language Language items
mediaProvider Detect and convert links to media providers
menu Side-wide and custom per-page menus
menuItem Menu items for menus created through the menu PIP
objectType Flexible type registry based on definitions
objectTypeDefinition Groups objects and classes by functionality
option Side-wide configuration options
page Register page controllers and text-based pages
pip Package Installation Plugins
script Execute arbitrary PHP code during installation, update and uninstallation
smiley Smileys
sql Execute SQL instructions using a MySQL-flavored syntax (also see database PHP API)
style Style
template Frontend templates
templateListener Embed template code into templates without altering the original
userGroupOption Permissions for user groups
userMenu User menu categories and items
userNotificationEvent Events of the user notification system
userOption User settings
userProfileMenu User profile tabs