[GitHub/WoltLab/WCF.git] / wcfsetup / install / files / style / bootstrap / reset.scss
1 /**
2 * Parts taken from
3 * http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
4 * v2.0 | 20110126
5 * License: none (public domain)
6 * modifyed to meet the needs of WoltLab
7 */
9 html,
10 body,
11 applet,
12 object,
13 iframe,
14 h1,
15 h2,
16 h3,
17 h4,
18 h5,
19 h6,
20 p,
21 blockquote,
22 pre,
23 address,
24 big,
25 cite,
26 code,
27 q,
28 dl,
29 dt,
30 dd,
31 ol,
32 ul,
33 li,
34 fieldset,
35 form,
36 label,
37 legend,
38 table,
39 caption,
40 tbody,
41 tfoot,
42 thead,
43 tr,
44 th,
45 td,
46 canvas,
47 embed,
48 figure,
49 figcaption,
50 audio,
51 video {
52 margin: 0;
53 padding: 0;
54 border: 0;
55 }
57 img {
58 border: 0;
59 }
61 h1,
62 h2,
63 h3,
64 h4,
65 h5,
66 h6 {
67 font-weight: normal;
68 font-size: 100%;
69 }
71 ol,
72 ul {
73 list-style: none;
74 }
76 blockquote,
77 q {
78 quotes: none;
79 }
81 blockquote::before,
82 blockquote::after,
83 q::before,
84 q::after {
85 content: "";
86 content: none;
87 }
89 address {
90 font-style: normal;
91 }
93 /**
94 * sane box-sizing value for all elements
95 *
96 * https://css-tricks.com/box-sizing/
97 */
98 html {
99 box-sizing: border-box;
100 }
102 *,
103 *::before,
104 *::after {
105 box-sizing: inherit;
106 min-width: 0;
107 }
109 html {
110 // prevent iOS Safari from blowing up font size when in landscape mode
111 -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;
112 }