Change font-sizes in CKEditor (#5746)
[GitHub/WoltLab/WCF.git] / wcfsetup / install / files / js / WoltLabSuite / Core / Component / Ckeditor / Configuration.js
1 /**
2 * Helper class to construct the CKEditor configuration.
3 *
4 * @author Alexander Ebert
5 * @copyright 2001-2023 WoltLab GmbH
6 * @license GNU Lesser General Public License <>
7 * @since 6.0
8 * @woltlabExcludeBundle tiny
9 */
10 define(["require", "exports", "../../Language"], function (require, exports, Language_1) {
11 "use strict";
12 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
13 exports.createConfigurationFor = void 0;
14 class ConfigurationBuilder {
15 #features;
16 #divider = "|";
17 #removePlugins = [];
18 #toolbar = [];
19 #toolbarGroups = {};
20 constructor(features) {
21 this.#features = features;
22 }
23 #setupUndo() {
24 if (this.#features.undo) {
25 this.#toolbar.push("undo", "redo");
26 }
27 else {
28 this.#removePlugins.push("Undo");
29 }
30 }
31 #setupBasicFormat() {
32 this.#toolbar.push("bold", "italic");
33 }
34 #setupTextFormat() {
35 const items = [];
36 if (this.#features.heading) {
37 items.push("heading");
38 }
39 else {
40 this.#removePlugins.push("Heading");
41 }
42 if (this.#features.underline) {
43 items.push("underline");
44 }
45 else {
46 this.#removePlugins.push("Underline");
47 }
48 if (this.#features.strikethrough) {
49 items.push("strikethrough");
50 }
51 else {
52 this.#removePlugins.push("Strikethrough");
53 }
54 items.push(this.#divider);
55 if (this.#features.mark) {
56 items.push("highlight");
57 }
58 else {
59 this.#removePlugins.push("Highlight");
60 }
61 if (this.#features.fontColor) {
62 items.push("fontColor");
63 }
64 else {
65 this.#removePlugins.push("FontColor");
66 }
67 if (this.#features.fontFamily) {
68 items.push("fontFamily");
69 }
70 else {
71 this.#removePlugins.push("FontFamily");
72 }
73 if (this.#features.fontSize) {
74 items.push("fontSize");
75 }
76 else {
77 this.#removePlugins.push("FontSize");
78 }
79 items.push(this.#divider);
80 if (this.#features.subscript) {
81 items.push("subscript");
82 }
83 else {
84 this.#removePlugins.push("Subscript");
85 }
86 if (this.#features.superscript) {
87 items.push("superscript");
88 }
89 else {
90 this.#removePlugins.push("Superscript");
91 }
92 if (items.length !== 0) {
93 items.push(this.#divider, "removeFormat");
94 }
95 if (items.length > 0) {
96 this.#toolbar.push({
97 label: "woltlabToolbarGroup_format",
98 items,
99 });
100 this.#toolbarGroups["format"] = {
101 icon: "ellipsis;false",
102 label: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)(""),
103 };
104 }
105 }
106 #setupList() {
107 if (this.#features.list) {
108 this.#toolbar.push({
109 label: "woltlabToolbarGroup_list",
110 items: ["bulletedList", "numberedList", "outdent", "indent"],
111 });
112 this.#toolbarGroups["list"] = {
113 icon: "list;false",
114 label: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)(""),
115 };
116 }
117 else {
118 this.#removePlugins.push("List");
119 }
120 }
121 #setupAlignment() {
122 if (this.#features.alignment) {
123 this.#toolbar.push("alignment");
124 }
125 else {
126 this.#removePlugins.push("Alignment");
127 }
128 }
129 #setupLink() {
130 if ( {
131 this.#toolbar.push("link");
132 }
133 else {
134 this.#removePlugins.push("Link", "LinkImage");
135 }
136 }
137 #setupImage() {
138 if (this.#features.image) {
139 this.#toolbar.push("insertImage");
140 if (!this.#features.attachment) {
141 this.#removePlugins.push("ImageUpload", "ImageUploadUI", "WoltlabAttachment");
142 }
143 }
144 else {
145 this.#removePlugins.push("ImageInsertUI");
146 if ( {
147 this.#removePlugins.push("LinkImage");
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 #setupCodeFormat() {
152 if (this.#features.codeBlock) {
153 this.#toolbar.push("codeBlock");
154 }
155 else {
156 this.#removePlugins.push("CodeBlock", "WoltlabCodeBlock");
157 }
158 if (this.#features.code) {
159 this.#toolbar.push("code");
160 }
161 else {
162 this.#removePlugins.push("Code", "WoltlabCode");
163 }
164 }
165 #setupBlocks() {
166 if (this.#features.table) {
167 this.#toolbar.push("insertTable");
168 }
169 else {
170 this.#removePlugins.push("Table", "TableToolbar");
171 }
172 if (this.#features.quoteBlock) {
173 this.#toolbar.push("blockQuote");
174 }
175 else {
176 this.#removePlugins.push("BlockQuote", "WoltlabBlockQuote");
177 }
178 if (this.#features.spoiler) {
179 this.#toolbar.push("spoiler");
180 }
181 else {
182 this.#removePlugins.push("WoltlabSpoiler");
183 }
184 if (this.#features.html) {
185 this.#toolbar.push("htmlEmbed");
186 }
187 else {
188 this.#removePlugins.push("HtmlEmbed", "WoltlabHtmlEmbed");
189 }
190 }
191 #insertDivider() {
192 this.#toolbar.push(this.#divider);
193 }
194 #setupMedia() {
195 if (! {
196 this.#removePlugins.push("WoltlabMedia");
197 }
198 }
199 #setupMention() {
200 if (!this.#features.mention) {
201 this.#removePlugins.push("Mention", "WoltlabMention");
202 }
203 }
204 #getToolbar() {
205 let allowDivider = false;
206 const toolbar = this.#toolbar.filter((item) => {
207 if (typeof item === "string" && item === this.#divider) {
208 if (!allowDivider) {
209 return false;
210 }
211 allowDivider = false;
212 return true;
213 }
214 allowDivider = true;
215 return true;
216 });
217 return toolbar;
218 }
219 build() {
220 if (this.#removePlugins.length > 0 || this.#toolbar.length > 0) {
221 throw new Error("Cannot build the configuration twice.");
222 }
223 this.#setupUndo();
224 this.#insertDivider();
225 this.#insertDivider();
226 this.#setupBasicFormat();
227 this.#setupLink();
228 this.#setupTextFormat();
229 this.#insertDivider();
230 this.#setupList();
231 this.#setupAlignment();
232 this.#insertDivider();
233 this.#setupImage();
234 this.#setupCodeFormat();
235 this.#setupBlocks();
236 this.#insertDivider();
237 this.#setupMedia();
238 this.#setupMention();
239 }
240 toConfig() {
241 const language = Object.keys(window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS).find((language) => language !== "en");
242 const key = language ? language : "en";
243 const { dictionary } = window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS[key];
244 dictionary["Author"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("");
245 dictionary["Filename"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.code.fileName");
246 dictionary["Line number"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.code.lineNumber");
247 dictionary["Quote"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.quote");
248 dictionary["Quote from %0"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.quoteFrom");
249 dictionary["Spoiler"] = (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.editor.button.spoiler");
250 // TODO: The typings are both incompleted and outdated.
251 return {
252 alignment: {
253 options: [
254 { name: "left", className: "text-left" },
255 { name: "center", className: "text-center" },
256 { name: "right", className: "text-right" },
257 { name: "justify", className: "text-justify" },
258 ],
259 },
260 highlight: {
261 options: [
262 {
263 model: "markerWarning",
264 class: "marker-warning",
265 title: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.marker.warning"),
266 color: "var(--marker-warning)",
267 type: "marker",
268 },
269 {
270 model: "markerError",
271 class: "marker-error",
272 title: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.marker.error"),
273 color: "var(--marker-error)",
274 type: "marker",
275 },
276 {
277 model: "markerInfo",
278 class: "marker-info",
279 title: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)(""),
280 color: "var(--marker-info)",
281 type: "marker",
282 },
283 {
284 model: "markerSuccess",
285 class: "marker-success",
286 title: (0, Language_1.getPhrase)("wcf.ckeditor.marker.success"),
287 color: "var(--marker-success)",
288 type: "marker",
289 },
290 ],
291 },
292 language,
293 link: {
294 defaultProtocol: "https://",
295 },
296 removePlugins: this.#removePlugins,
297 fontFamily: {
298 options: [
299 "default",
300 "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
301 "Comic Sans MS, Marker Felt, cursive",
302 "Consolas, Courier New, Courier, monospace",
303 "Georgia, serif",
304 "Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif",
305 "Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif",
306 "Times New Roman, Times, serif",
307 'Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif',
308 "Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif",
309 ],
310 },
311 fontSize: {
312 options: [12, "default", 18, 23, 28],
313 },
314 toolbar: this.#getToolbar(),
315 ui: {
316 poweredBy: {
317 label: null,
318 },
319 viewportOffset: {
320 top: 50,
321 },
322 },
323 woltlabToolbarGroup: this.#toolbarGroups,
324 extraPlugins: [],
325 };
326 }
327 }
328 function createConfigurationFor(features) {
329 const configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder(features);
331 return configuration.toConfig();
332 }
333 exports.createConfigurationFor = createConfigurationFor;
334 });