a5xelte: overlay: Disable config_cleanupUnusedFingerprints
[GitHub/LineageOS/android_device_samsung_a7xelte.git] / overlay / frameworks / base / core / res / res / values / config.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <!--
3 /*
4 ** Copyright 2013, The CyanogenMod Project
5 ** Copyright 2018, The LineageOS Project
6 **
7 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 **
11 ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 **
13 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17 ** limitations under the License.
18 */
19 -->
21 <!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
22 for different hardware and product builds. -->
23 <resources>
25 <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of radio
26 attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
27 based on the hardware -->
28 <!-- An Array of "[ConnectivityManager connectionType],
29 [# simultaneous connection types]" -->
30 <string-array translatable="false" name="radioAttributes">
31 <!-- DEFAULT -->
32 <item>"1,1"</item>
33 <!-- MOBILE -->
34 <item>"0,1"</item>
35 <!-- BLUETOOTH -->
36 <item>"7,1"</item>
37 </string-array>
39 <!-- Power Management: Specifies whether to decouple the interactive state of the
40 device from the display on/off state. -->
41 <bool name="config_powerDecoupleInteractiveModeFromDisplay">false</bool>
43 <!-- Screen brightness used to dim the screen while dozing in a very low power state.
44 May be less than the minimum allowed brightness setting
45 that can be set by the user. -->
46 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDoze">1</integer>
48 <!-- If true, the doze component is not started until after the screen has been
49 turned off and the screen off animation has been performed. -->
50 <bool name="config_dozeAfterScreenOffByDefault">true</bool>
52 <!-- ComponentName of a dream to show whenever the system would otherwise have
53 gone to sleep. When the PowerManager is asked to go to sleep, it will instead
54 try to start this dream if possible. The dream should typically call startDozing()
55 to put the display into a low power state and allow the application processor
56 to be suspended. When the dream ends, the system will go to sleep as usual.
57 Specify the component name or an empty string if none.
58 Note that doze dreams are not subject to the same start conditions as ordinary dreams.
59 Doze dreams will run whenever the power manager is in a dozing state. -->
60 <string name="config_dozeComponent">com.android.systemui/com.android.systemui.doze.DozeService</string>
62 <!-- Boolean indicating if restoring network selection should be skipped -->
63 <!-- The restoring is handled by modem if it is true -->
64 <bool translatable="false" name="skip_restoring_network_selection">true</bool>
66 <!-- Indicate whether closing the lid causes the device to go to sleep and opening
67 it causes the device to wake up.
68 The default is false. -->
69 <bool name="config_lidControlsSleep">true</bool>
71 <!-- Flag specifying whether VoLTE TTY is supported -->
72 <bool name="config_carrier_volte_tty_supported">true</bool>
74 <!-- Configure mobile tcp buffer sizes in the form:
75 rat-name:rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max
76 If no value is found for the rat-name in use, the system default will be applied.
77 -->
78 <string-array name="config_mobile_tcp_buffers">
79 <item>lte:1048576,3145728,4194304,1048576,3145728,4194304</item>
80 <item>umts:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
81 <item>hspa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
82 <item>hsupa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
83 <item>hsdpa:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
84 <item>hspap:4094,87380,1220608,4096,16384,1220608</item>
85 </string-array>
87 <!-- Configure wifi tcp buffersizes in the form:
88 rmem_min,rmem_def,rmem_max,wmem_min,wmem_def,wmem_max -->
89 <string name="config_wifi_tcp_buffers" translatable="false">524288,1048576,2097152,262144,524288,1048576</string>
91 <!-- Flag indicating which package name can access the persistent data partition -->
92 <string name="config_persistentDataPackageName" translatable="false">com.google.android.gms</string>
94 <!-- This string array should be overridden by the device to present a list of network
95 attributes. This is used by the connectivity manager to decide which networks can coexist
96 based on the hardware -->
97 <!-- An Array of "[Connection name],[ConnectivityManager.TYPE_xxxx],
98 [associated radio-type],[priority],[restoral-timer(ms)],[dependencyMet] -->
99 <!-- the 5th element "resore-time" indicates the number of milliseconds to delay
100 before automatically restore the default connection. Set -1 if the connection
101 does not require auto-restore. -->
102 <!-- the 6th element indicates boot-time dependency-met value. -->
103 <string-array translatable="false" name="networkAttributes">
104 <item>wifi,1,1,1,-1,true</item>
105 <item>mobile,0,0,0,-1,true</item>
106 <item>mobile_mms,2,0,2,240000,true</item>
107 <item>mobile_supl,3,0,2,60000,true</item>
108 <item>mobile_dun,4,0,2,60000,true</item>
109 <item>mobile_hipri,5,0,3,60000,true</item>
110 <item>bluetooth,7,7,0,-1,true</item>
111 <item>ethernet,9,9,2,-1,true</item>
112 <item>mobile_fota,10,0,2,60000,true</item>
113 <item>mobile_ims,11,0,1,-1,true</item>
114 <item>mobile_cbs,12,0,2,60000,true</item>
115 <item>wifi_p2p,13,1,0,-1,true</item>
116 <item>mobile_ia,14,0,2,-1,true</item>
117 <item>mobile_emergency,15,0,2,-1,true</item>
118 <item>mobile_bip,23,0,2,60000,true</item>
119 <item>mobile_cas,24,0,3,60000,true</item>
120 <item>mobile_xcap,27,0,2,60000,true</item>
121 <item>mobile_ent1,28,0,2,-1,true</item>
122 </string-array>
124 <!-- Flag indicating whether we should enable the automatic brightness in Settings.
125 Software implementation will be used if config_hardware_auto_brightness_available is not set -->
126 <bool name="config_automatic_brightness_available">true</bool>
128 <!-- The default iface on which to monitor data use -->
129 <string name="config_datause_iface" translatable="false">rmnet0</string>
131 <!-- Stability requirements in milliseconds for accepting a new brightness level. This is used
132 for debouncing the light sensor. Different constants are used to debounce the light sensor
133 when adapting to brighter or darker environments. This parameter controls how quickly
134 brightness changes occur in response to an observed change in light level that exceeds the
135 hysteresis threshold. -->
136 <integer name="config_autoBrightnessBrighteningLightDebounce">2000</integer>
137 <integer name="config_autoBrightnessDarkeningLightDebounce">4000</integer>
139 <!-- Array of light sensor LUX values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
140 The N entries of this array define N 1 zones as follows:
141 Zone 0: 0 <= LUX < array[0]
142 Zone 1: array[0] <= LUX < array[1]
143 ...
144 Zone N: array[N - 1] <= LUX < array[N]
145 Zone N + 1 array[N] <= LUX < infinity
146 Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
147 <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
148 <item>9</item>
149 <item>30</item>
150 <item>100</item>
151 <item>325</item>
152 <item>1250</item>
153 <item>3500</item>
154 <item>10000</item>
155 <item>20000</item>
156 </integer-array>
158 <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the LUX values
159 in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. This array should have size one greater
160 than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
161 This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
162 <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
163 <!-- 9 --> <item>18</item>
164 <!-- 30 --> <item>30</item>
165 <!-- 100 --> <item>59</item>
166 <!-- 325 --> <item>74</item>
167 <!-- 1250 --> <item>92</item>
168 <!-- 3500 --> <item>118</item>
169 <!-- 10000 --> <item>155</item>
170 <!-- 20000 --> <item>222</item>
171 <item>255</item>
172 </integer-array>
174 <!-- Minimum screen brightness setting allowed by the power manager.
175 The user is forbidden from setting the brightness below this level. -->
176 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingMinimum">0</integer>
178 <!-- Default screen brightness setting.
179 Must be in the range specified by minimum and maximum. -->
180 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessSettingDefault">134</integer>
182 <!-- Screen brightness used to dim the screen when the user activity
183 timeout expires. May be less than the minimum allowed brightness setting
184 that can be set by the user. -->
185 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDim">19</integer>
187 <!-- Control the behavior when the user long presses the home button.
188 0 - Nothing
189 1 - Menu key
190 2 - Recent apps view in SystemUI
191 3 - Launch assist intent
192 4 - Voice Search
193 5 - In-app Search
194 This needs to match the constants in
195 policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.java
196 -->
197 <integer name="config_longPressOnHomeBehavior">3</integer>
199 <!-- Control the behavior when the user double-taps the home button.
200 0 - Nothing
201 1 - Menu
202 2 - Recent apps view in SystemUI
203 3 - Launch assist intent
204 4 - Voice Search
205 5 - In-app Search
206 This needs to match the constants in
207 policy/src/com/android/internal/policy/impl/PhoneWindowManager.java
208 -->
209 <integer name="config_doubleTapOnHomeBehavior">2</integer>
211 <!-- These resources are around just to allow their values to be customized
212 for different hardware and product builds. -->
213 <string name="config_radio_access_family">GSM | WCDMA | LTE</string>
215 <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has dual frequency band support -->
216 <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_dual_band_support">false</bool>
218 <!-- Boolean indicating whether the wifi chipset has background scan support -->
219 <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_background_scan_support">true</bool>
221 <!-- Wifi driver supports batched scan -->
222 <bool translatable="false" name="config_wifi_batched_scan_supported">false</bool>
224 <!-- Indicate whether the SD card is accessible without removing the battery. -->
225 <bool name="config_batterySdCardAccessibility">true</bool>
227 <!-- Display low battery warning when battery level dips to this value.
228 Also, the battery stats are flushed to disk when we hit this level. -->
229 <integer name="config_criticalBatteryWarningLevel">10</integer>
231 <!-- Display low battery warning when battery level dips to this value -->
232 <integer name="config_lowBatteryWarningLevel">20</integer>
234 <!-- Shutdown if the battery temperature exceeds (this value * 0.1) Celsius. -->
235 <integer name="config_shutdownBatteryTemperature">600</integer>
237 <!-- Minimum allowable screen brightness to use in a very dark room.
238 This value sets the floor for the darkest possible auto-brightness
239 adjustment. It is expected to be somewhat less than the first entry in
240 config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues so as to allow the user to have
241 some range of adjustment to dim the screen further than usual in very
242 dark rooms. The contents of the screen must still be clearly visible
243 in darkness (although they may not be visible in a bright room). -->
244 <integer name="config_screenBrightnessDark">1</integer>
246 <!-- Slow brightness animation ramp rate in brightness units per second-->
247 <integer translatable="false" name="config_brightness_ramp_rate_slow">80</integer>
249 <!-- Light sensor event rate in milliseconds for automatic brightness control. -->
250 <integer name="config_autoBrightnessLightSensorRate">250</integer>
252 <!-- Initial light sensor event rate in milliseconds for automatic brightness control. This is
253 used for obtaining the first light sample when the device stops dozing.
254 Set this to 0 to disable this feature. -->
255 <integer name="config_autoBrightnessInitialLightSensorRate">250</integer>
257 <!-- Period of time in which to consider light samples in milliseconds. -->
258 <integer name="config_autoBrightnessAmbientLightHorizon">5000</integer>
260 <!-- Amount of time it takes for the light sensor to warm up in milliseconds.
261 For this time after the screen turns on, the Power Manager
262 will not debounce light sensor readings -->
263 <integer name="config_lightSensorWarmupTime">0</integer>
265 <!-- Allow automatic adjusting of the screen brightness while dozing in low power state. -->
266 <bool name="config_allowAutoBrightnessWhileDozing">true</bool>
268 <!-- If we allow automatic adjustment of screen brightness while dozing, how many times we want
269 to reduce it to preserve the battery. Value of 100% means no scaling. -->
270 <fraction name="config_screenAutoBrightnessDozeScaleFactor">50%</fraction>
272 <!-- Enable OLED burn-in protection -->
273 <bool name="config_enableBurnInProtection">true</bool>
275 <!-- Boolean indicating if current platform supports BLE peripheral mode -->
276 <bool name="config_bluetooth_le_peripheral_mode_supported">true</bool>
278 <!-- reference volume index for music stream to limit headphone volume and display warning -->
279 <integer name="config_safe_media_volume_index">10</integer>
281 <!-- Whether to post reset runnable for all clients. Needed for some older
282 vendor fingerprint HAL implementations. -->
283 <bool name="config_fingerprintPostResetRunnableForAllClients">true</bool>
285 <!-- For performance and storage reasons, limit the number of fingerprints per user -->
286 <integer name="config_fingerprintMaxTemplatesPerUser">4</integer>
288 <!-- Whether to cleanup fingerprints upon connection to the daemon and when user switches -->
289 <bool name="config_cleanupUnusedFingerprints">false</bool>
290 </resources>