Merge branch '5.5' into 6.0
[GitHub/WoltLab/] / mkdocs.yml
1 site_name: WoltLab Suite Documentation
2 theme:
3 name: material
4 language: en
5 custom_dir: overrides
6 logo: assets/logo.png
7 favicon: assets/default.favicon.ico
8 palette:
9 primary: teal
10 font: false
11 features:
12 - navigation.tracking
13 copyright: Copyright © 2020 WoltLab GmbH
14 site_url:
15 repo_url:
16 edit_uri: edit/6.0/docs/
18 nav:
19 - 'Getting Started': ''
21 - 'PHP API':
22 - 'Pages': 'php/'
23 - 'Database Objects': 'php/'
24 - 'Database Access': 'php/'
25 - 'Exceptions': 'php/'
26 - 'API':
27 - 'Caches':
28 - 'Overview': 'php/api/'
29 - 'Persistent Caches': 'php/api/'
30 - 'Runtime Caches': 'php/api/'
31 - 'Comments': 'php/api/'
32 - 'Cronjobs': 'php/api/'
33 - 'Events': 'php/api/'
34 - 'Form Builder':
35 - 'Overview': 'php/api/form_builder/'
36 - 'Structure': 'php/api/form_builder/'
37 - 'Fields': 'php/api/form_builder/'
38 - 'Validation and Data': 'php/api/form_builder/'
39 - 'Dependencies': 'php/api/form_builder/'
40 - 'Package Installation Plugins': 'php/api/'
41 - 'User Activity Points': 'php/api/'
42 - 'User Notifications': 'php/api/'
43 - 'Sitemaps': 'php/api/'
44 - 'Code Style': 'php/'
45 - 'Apps': 'php/'
46 - 'GDPR': 'php/'
48 - 'Languages, Templates & CSS':
49 - 'Languages': 'view/'
50 - 'Templates': 'view/'
51 - 'Template Plugins': 'view/'
52 - 'CSS': 'view/'
54 - 'TypeScript and JavaScript API':
55 - 'General Usage': 'javascript/'
56 - 'TypeScript': 'javascript/'
57 - 'Components':
58 - 'Confirmation': 'javascript/'
59 - 'Dialog': 'javascript/'
60 - 'Google Maps': 'javascript/'
61 - 'Pagination': 'javascript/'
62 - 'New API':
63 - 'Writing a module': 'javascript/'
64 - 'Core Functions': 'javascript/'
65 - 'DOM': 'javascript/'
66 - 'Event Handling': 'javascript/'
67 - 'Ajax': 'javascript/'
68 - 'Dialogs': 'javascript/'
69 - 'Browser and Screen Sizes': 'javascript/'
70 - 'User Interface': 'javascript/'
71 - 'Legacy API': 'javascript/'
72 - 'Code Snippets': 'javascript/'
74 - 'Package Components':
75 - 'package.xml': 'package/'
76 - 'PIPs':
77 - 'Overview': 'package/'
78 - 'aclOption': 'package/pip/'
79 - 'acpMenu': 'package/pip/'
80 - 'acpSearchProvider': 'package/pip/'
81 - 'acpTemplate': 'package/pip/'
82 - 'acpTemplateDelete': 'package/pip/'
83 - 'bbcode': 'package/pip/'
84 - 'box': 'package/pip/'
85 - 'clipboardAction': 'package/pip/'
86 - 'coreObject': 'package/pip/'
87 - 'cronjob': 'package/pip/'
88 - 'database': 'package/pip/'
89 - 'eventListener': 'package/pip/'
90 - 'file': 'package/pip/'
91 - 'fileDelete': 'package/pip/'
92 - 'language': 'package/pip/'
93 - 'mediaProvider': 'package/pip/'
94 - 'menu': 'package/pip/'
95 - 'menuItem': 'package/pip/'
96 - 'objectType': 'package/pip/'
97 - 'objectTypeDefinition': 'package/pip/'
98 - 'option': 'package/pip/'
99 - 'page': 'package/pip/'
100 - 'pip': 'package/pip/'
101 - 'script': 'package/pip/'
102 - 'smiley': 'package/pip/'
103 - 'sql': 'package/pip/'
104 - 'style': 'package/pip/'
105 - 'template': 'package/pip/'
106 - 'templateDelete': 'package/pip/'
107 - 'templateListener': 'package/pip/'
108 - 'userGroupOption': 'package/pip/'
109 - 'userMenu': 'package/pip/'
110 - 'userNotificationEvent': 'package/pip/'
111 - 'userOption': 'package/pip/'
112 - 'userProfileMenu': 'package/pip/'
113 - 'Database PHP API': 'package/'
115 - 'Migration':
116 - 'From WoltLab Suite 5.5':
117 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc55/'
118 - 'TypeScript and JavaScript': 'migration/wsc55/'
119 - 'Templates': 'migration/wsc55/'
120 - 'Icons': 'migration/wsc55/'
121 - 'Dialogs': 'migration/wsc55/'
122 - 'Third Party Libraries': 'migration/wsc55/'
123 - 'Deprecations and Removals': 'migration/wsc55/'
124 - 'From WoltLab Suite 5.4':
125 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc54/'
126 - 'TypeScript and JavaScript': 'migration/wsc54/'
127 - 'Templates': 'migration/wsc54/'
128 - 'Third Party Libraries': 'migration/wsc54/'
129 - 'Deprecations and Removals': 'migration/wsc54/'
130 - 'From WoltLab Suite 5.3':
131 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc53/'
132 - 'Session Handling and Authentication': 'migration/wsc53/'
133 - 'TypeScript and JavaScript': 'migration/wsc53/'
134 - 'Templates': 'migration/wsc53/'
135 - 'Third Party Libraries': 'migration/wsc53/'
136 - 'From WoltLab Suite 5.2':
137 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc52/'
138 - 'Templates and Languages': 'migration/wsc52/'
139 - 'Third Party Libraries': 'migration/wsc52/'
140 - 'From WoltLab Suite 3.1':
141 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc31/'
142 - 'From WoltLab Suite 3.0':
143 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wsc30/'
144 - 'JavaScript API': 'migration/wsc30/'
145 - 'Templates': 'migration/wsc30/'
146 - 'CSS': 'migration/wsc30/'
147 - 'Package Components': 'migration/wsc30/'
148 - 'From WCF 2.1':
149 - 'PHP API': 'migration/wcf21/'
150 - 'Templates': 'migration/wcf21/'
151 - 'CSS': 'migration/wcf21/'
152 - 'Package Components': 'migration/wcf21/'
154 - 'Tutorials':
155 - 'Tutorial Series':
156 - 'Overview': 'tutorial/series/'
157 - 'Part 1': 'tutorial/series/'
158 - 'Part 2': 'tutorial/series/'
159 - 'Part 3': 'tutorial/series/'
160 - 'Part 4': 'tutorial/series/'
161 - 'Part 5': 'tutorial/series/'
162 - 'Part 6': 'tutorial/series/'
164 plugins:
165 - git-revision-date
166 - search
167 - macros:
168 j2_comment_start_string: "{jinja#"
169 j2_variable_start_string: "{jinja{"
171 markdown_extensions:
172 - toc:
173 permalink: "#"
174 toc_depth: 4
175 - admonition
176 - abbr
177 - pymdownx.highlight:
178 linenums: true
179 extend_pygments_lang:
180 - name: php
181 lang: php
182 options:
183 startinline: true
184 - pymdownx.superfences
185 - pymdownx.snippets:
186 base_path: "snippets/"
188 extra_css:
189 - stylesheets/extra.css
191 extra:
192 version:
193 provider: mike
194 social: true