Improve backwards compatibility of AbstractModificationLogHandler
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1# Changelog
3## 2.2 (Vortex)
5### 2.2.0 Alpha 1 (XXXX-YY-ZZ)
7* Clipboard support for tags in ACP ("delete" and "set as synonyms").
8* `wcf\data\user\UserProfileCache` for caching user profiles during runtime.
9* `wcf\system\cache\builder\EventListenerCacheBuilder` returns `wcf\data\event\listener\EventListener` objects instead of data arrays.
10* `wcf\system\cache\source\RedisCacheSource` added.
11* Background queue (`wcf\system\background\*`) added.
12* Rewritten email system (`wcf\system\email\*`) added.
13* CryptoUtil (`wcf\util\CryptoUtil`) added.
14* Old email system (`wcf\system\mail\*`) deprecated.
15* Abstract bulk processing system added.
16* Replaced old user bulk processing with new implementation using the abstract bulk processing system.
17* `conditionContainers` template event in template `noticeAdd.tpl` added.
18* Use condition system for user search.
19* Image proxy for images included with the image BBCode.
20* Overhauled Redactor integration
21 * Linebreaks mode instead of using paragraphs, works better with the PHP-side parser which works with linebreaks
22 * Ported the PHP-BBCode parser, massively improves accuracy and ensures validity
23* Show error message if poll options are given but not question instead of discarding poll options.
24* `parentObjectID` column added to `modification_log` and `wcf\system\log\modification\AbstractModificationLogHandler` introduced as a replacement for `wcf\system\log\modification\ModificationLogHandler`.
26#### New Traits
28* `wcf\data\TDatabaseObjectOptions` for database object-bound options validation.
29* `wcf\data\TDatabaseObjectPermissions` for database object-bound permissions validation.
30* `wcf\data\TMultiCategoryObject` provides category-related methods for objects with multiple categories.
31* `wcf\data\TUserContent` provides default implementations of the (non-inherited) methods of the IUserContent interface.
33#### Package Installation Plugin Improvements
35* instruction file name for most PIPs has default value provided by `wcf\system\package\plugin\IPackageInstallationPlugin::getDefaultFilename()`.
36* `options` support for cronjob PIP.
37* `name` attribute for cronjob PIP (`cronjobName` for cronjob objects).
38* `eventName` of event listener PIP supports multiple events.
39* `permissions` and `options` support for event listener PIP.
40* `name` attribute for event listener PIP (`listenerName` for event listener objects).
41* `permissions` and `options` support for template listener PIP.
42* file `{WCF_DIR}/acp/uninstall/{packageName}.php` is automatically executed if package is uninstalled right before the first file PIP is executed
44#### Removed Code
46* `wcf\system\clipboard\action\UserExtendedClipboardAction` removed.
47* `wcf\system\event\listener\PreParserAtUserListener` removed.
48* `wcf\action\AJAXProxyAction::getData()` removed.
49* Version system removed.
50* Support for query string based sessions in Frontend removed.